




LET。いくつかの有限について、ゲートを要素として定義しましょう。有限、を定義し、を定義します。2つのゲートのは、 for定義される順列、ここで、は単語の連結です。ゲートのセットのための書き込みB={0,1}Alt(Bn)nNGN=nNAlt(Bn)G=nAlt(Bn)π1Alt(Bm),π2Alt(Bn)π=π1|π2Bm+nπ(uv)=π1(u)π2(v)uBm,vBnGG for the smallest subset of nAlt(Bn) containing the identity maps and closed under well-defined function compositions (π1,π2)π1π2, and under the operation |.

It's known that GN=G for all N4, let's fix N=4 for concreteness. Concretely this means that any πAlt(Bn) for any nN can be written as π=ϕkϕ2ϕ1 for some k, where for each ϕi there exists i and πiAlt(B4) such that ϕi(uvw)=uπi(v)w for all |u|=i,|v|=4.

For πAlt(Bn) an even permutation. If n4, define its reversible gate complexity as the minimal k such that π can be written as a composition like the one above. If n<4, define the gate complexity of π to be 1. (One may wish to allow conjugation of gates by the permutations by uabvubav. This changes gate complexity only by a linear factor, so for the present purpose it does not matter.)

Suppose that both πAlt(Bn) and its inverse are efficiently computable in some sense, e.g. polynomial time, NCd, logspace... Is the reversible gate complexity of π then necessarily polynomial in n?

I'm interested in an answer or references.

Some observations:

  • The proof of Barrington's theorem shows that for a fixed m3, if π is of the special form π(uw)=ψ(u,w)w for some function ψ:Bm×BnBm, such that the permutations in the w-fibers {uw|uBm} are even for each wBn, then the reversible gate complexity of π is polynomial in n whenever π is in NC1. Namely if there is an NC1 circuit for ψ, then there is an NC1 circuit (larger by a constant factor) with 2m!/2 special output nodes that record whether a particular permutation was performed in the first m coordinates. We can then show (as in Barrington's theorem's proof) that for each node in this network, every even permutation conditioned on any value of that node, has a polynomial size circuit complexity in n. Now combine the ones corresponding to the new special nodes to get a polynomial gate complexity for π.

  • Bennett's trick shows (among other things) that if πAlt(Bn) and π1 have gate complexity m (computable by an acyclic network of m two-input classical gates), then there is permutation πAlts(Bn+m) with reversible gate complexity polynomial in n+m such that π(u0n+m)=(π(u)0n+m) for all uBn. Namely, let f compute the values of the network in the last m bits, w.r.t. some topological sorting of the network (assuming they are 0; otherwise we do not care). Let g be the map that sums the n answer bits to the n bits after u. Let h exchange the first and second word of length n. Then hf1gf proves the claim.

  • One-way bijections in cryptography are permutations of Bn, which have the property that they can be computed in polynomial time, but cannot be inverted in polynomial time. (Their defining property is much stronger, but I don't think it's relevant here.) I don't know if this particular definition directly has anything to do with the present problem, as we're dealing with a non-uniform computation model.

Have you considered the bijections L where L(x,y)=(x,xf(y)) where f is any desired function? From a reversible circuit computing L, you can easily construct a conventional circuit for computing f with very small width.
Joseph Van Name



Let f:2m2n be a function. Then define a bijection Lf:2m×2n2m×2n by letting Lf(x,y)=(x,f(x)y). Then if Lf has reversible gate complexity k, then f can be computed by a O(k) gate Boolean circuit of width m+n. In other words, Lf has low reversible gate complexity only when f is computable by a circuit of very low width.

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