次の極限分布(として)を見つけるのを手伝ってください: XがIをIIDれるN(0、1)。
次の極限分布(として)を見つけるのを手伝ってください: XがIをIIDれるN(0、1)。
公式がどこXI〜N(0、1)とYI〜Nは(0、1)独立している、それだけで古典的な教科書の練習になります。Fn d → Fという事実を使用します。
But in your formulation, we can't apply the theorem due to dependence. My Monte-Carlo suggests that the limit distribution of is non-degenerate and it has no first moment and is not symmetric. I'd be interested in whether there is a explicit solution to this problem. I feel like the solution can only be written in terms of Wiener process.
[EDIT] Following whuber's hint, note that
Some comments, not a full solution. This is to long for a comment, but really only a comment. Some properties of the solution. Since the are iid standard normal, which is a symmetric (about zero) distribution, will also have symmetric distributions, and sums of (independent) symmetric rv's will be symmetric. So this is a ratio with the numerator and denominator both symmetric, so will be symmetric. The denominator will have a continuous density which is positive at zero, so we will expect the ratio to lack expectation (It is a general result that if is a random variable with continuous density positive at zero, then the will lack expectation. See I've heard that ratios or inverses of random variables often are problematic, in not having expectations. Why is that?). But here, there is dependence between numerator and denominator which complicates the matter ... (Clearly needs more thought here).
The interesting paper https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.aop/1176991795 shows that above, the cube of standard normal variables, has an indeterminate distribution "in the hamburger sense", that is, it is not determined by its moments! So the comment above about using transforms, might indicate a difficult way to proceed!