gitのマージは非常に洗練されており、理解するのは非常に難しいと思いますが、これにアプローチする1つの方法は、その前身から、懸念の中心に焦点を当てることです。つまり、共通の祖先を持たない2つのファイルがある場合、git mergeはそれらをマージする方法と、競合がどこにあるかをどのように計算しますか?
いくつかの前駆体を見つけてみましょう。差出人git help merge-file
git merge-file is designed to be a minimal clone of RCS merge; that is,
it implements all of RCS merge's functionality which is needed by
ウィキペディアから:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_%28software%29 - > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-way_merge#Three-way_merge - >のhttp://en.wikipedia .org / wiki / Diff3- > http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/diff3-short.pdf
とgit merge-file
。彼らは、同じ3つの入力ファイル取るVERSION1 oldversion VERSION2で、マークの競合方法は同じ<<<<<<< version1
、>>>>>>> version2
も持っている||||||| oldversion
結果:git merge-file
$ git merge-file -p fun1.txt fun0.txt fun2.txt
You might be best off looking for a description of a 3-way merge algorithm. A
high-level description would go something like this:
Find a suitable merge base B - a version of the file that is an ancestor of
both of the new versions (X and Y), and usually the most recent such base
(although there are cases where it will have to go back further, which is one
of the features of gits default recursive merge) Perform diffs of X with B and
Y with B. Walk through the change blocks identified in the two diffs. If both
sides introduce the same change in the same spot, accept either one; if one
introduces a change and the other leaves that region alone, introduce the
change in the final; if both introduce changes in a spot, but they don't match,
mark a conflict to be resolved manually.
<<<<<<< fun1.txt
>>>>>>> fun2.txt
The full algorithm deals with this in a lot more detail, and even has some
documentation (/usr/share/doc/git-doc/technical/trivial-merge.txt for one,
along with the git help XXX pages, where XXX is one of merge-base, merge-file,
merge, merge-one-file and possibly a few others). If that's not deep enough,
there's always source code...
$ diff3 -m fun1.txt fun0.txt fun2.txt
<<<<<<< fun1.txt
You might be best off looking for a description of a 3-way merge algorithm. A
high-level description would go something like this:
Find a suitable merge base B - a version of the file that is an ancestor of
both of the new versions (X and Y), and usually the most recent such base
(although there are cases where it will have to go back further, which is one
of the features of gits default recursive merge) Perform diffs of X with B and
Y with B. Walk through the change blocks identified in the two diffs. If both
sides introduce the same change in the same spot, accept either one; if one
introduces a change and the other leaves that region alone, introduce the
change in the final; if both introduce changes in a spot, but they don't match,
mark a conflict to be resolved manually.
The full algorithm deals with this in a lot more detail, and even has some
documentation (/usr/share/doc/git-doc/technical/trivial-merge.txt for one,
along with the git help XXX pages, where XXX is one of merge-base, merge-file,
merge, merge-one-file and possibly a few others). If that's not deep enough,
there's always source code...
||||||| fun0.txt
You might be best off looking for a description of a 3-way merge algorithm. A
high-level description would go something like this:
Find a suitable merge base B - a version of the file that is an ancestor of
both of the new versions (X and Y), and usually the most recent such base
(although there are cases where it will have to go back further, which is one
of the features of gits default recursive merge) Perform diffs of X with B and
Y with B. Walk through the change blocks identified in the two diffs. If both
sides introduce the same change in the same spot, accept either one; if one
introduces a change and the other leaves that region alone, introduce the
change in the final; if both introduce changes in a spot, but they don't match,
mark a conflict to be resolved manually.
The full algorithm deals with this in a lot more detail, and even has some
documentation (/usr/share/doc/git-doc/technical/trivial-merge.txt for one,
along with the git help XXX pages, where XXX is one of merge-base, merge-file,
merge, merge-one-file and possibly a few others). If that's not deep enough,
there's always source code...
>>>>>>> fun2.txt