このGeoNetスレッドでは、凸包/ 凹包と多くの写真、リンク、添付ファイルについて長い議論がありました。残念ながら、Esriの古いフォーラムとギャラリーがGeonetに置き換えられたり、削除されたりすると、すべての画像、リンク、添付ファイルが壊れました。
これが、EsriのBruce Haroldが作成したConcave Hull Estimatorスクリプトのバリエーションです。私のバージョンはいくつかの改良を加えたと思います。


# Author: ESRI
# Date: August 2010
# Purpose: This script creates a concave hull polygon FC using a k-nearest neighbours approach
# modified from that of A. Moreira and M. Y. Santos, University of Minho, Portugal.
# It identifies a polygon which is the region occupied by an arbitrary set of points
# by considering at least "k" nearest neighbouring points (30 >= k >= 3) amongst the set.
# If input points have uneven spatial density then any value of k may not connect the
# point "clusters" and outliers will be excluded from the polygon. Pre-processing into
# selection sets identifying clusters will allow finding hulls one at a time. If the
# found polygon does not enclose the input point features, higher values of k are tried
# up to a maximum of 30.
# Author: Richard Fairhurst
# Date: February 2012
# Update: The script was enhanced by Richard Fairhurst to include an optional case field parameter.
# The case field can be any numeric, string, or date field in the point input and is
# used to sort the points and generate separate polygons for each case value in the output.
# If the Case field is left blank the script will work on all input points as it did
# in the original script.
# A field named "POINT_CNT" is added to the output feature(s) to indicate the number of
# unique point locations used to create the output polygon(s).
# A field named "ENCLOSED" is added to the output feature(s) to indicates if all of the
# input points were enclosed by the output polygon(s). An ENCLOSED value of 1 means all
# points were enclosed. When the ENCLOSED value is 0 and Area and Perimeter are greater
# than 0, either all points are touching the hull boundary or one or more outlier points
# have been excluded from the output hull. Use selection sets or preprocess input data
# to find enclosing hulls. When a feature with an ENCLOSED value of 0 and Empty or Null
# geometry is created (Area and Perimeter are either 0 or Null) insufficient input points
# were provided to create an actual polygon.
import arcpy
import itertools
import math
import os
import sys
import traceback
import string
arcpy.overwriteOutput = True
#Functions that consolidate reuable actions
#Function to return an OID list for k nearest eligible neighbours of a feature
def kNeighbours(k,oid,pDict,excludeList=[]):
hypotList = [math.hypot(pDict[oid][0]-pDict[id][0],pDict[oid][5]-pDict[id][6]) for id in pDict.keys() if id <> oid and id not in excludeList]
hypotList = hypotList[0:k]
oidList = [id for id in pDict.keys() if math.hypot(pDict[oid][0]-pDict[id][0],pDict[oid][7]-pDict[id][8]) in hypotList and id <> oid and id not in excludeList]
return oidList
#Function to rotate a point about another point, returning a list [X,Y]
def RotateXY(x,y,xc=0,yc=0,angle=0):
x = x - xc
y = y - yc
xr = (x * math.cos(angle)) - (y * math.sin(angle)) + xc
yr = (x * math.sin(angle)) + (y * math.cos(angle)) + yc
return [xr,yr]
#Function finding the feature OID at the rightmost angle from an origin OID, with respect to an input angle
def Rightmost(oid,angle,pDict,oidList):
origxyList = [pDict[id] for id in pDict.keys() if id in oidList]
rotxyList = []
for p in range(len(origxyList)):
minATAN = min([math.atan2((xy[1]-pDict[oid][11]),(xy[0]-pDict[oid][0])) for xy in rotxyList])
rightmostIndex = rotxyList.index([xy for xy in rotxyList if math.atan2((xy[1]-pDict[oid][1]),(xy[0]-pDict[oid][0])) == minATAN][0])
return oidList[rightmostIndex]
#Function to detect single-part polyline self-intersection
def selfIntersects(polyline):
lList = []
selfIntersects = False
for n in range(0, len(line.getPart(0))-1):
for pair in itertools.product(lList, repeat=2):
if pair[0].crosses(pair[1]):
selfIntersects = True
return selfIntersects
#Function to construct the Hull
def createHull(pDict, outCaseField, lastValue, kStart, dictCount, includeNull):
#Value of k must result in enclosing all data points; create condition flag
enclosesPoints = False
notNullGeometry = False
k = kStart
if dictCount > 1:
pList = [arcpy.Point(xy[0],xy[1]) for xy in pDict.values()]
mPoint = arcpy.Multipoint(arcpy.Array(pList),sR)
minY = min([xy[1] for xy in pDict.values()])
while not enclosesPoints and k <= 30:
arcpy.AddMessage("Finding hull for k = " + str(k))
#Find start point (lowest Y value)
startOID = [id for id in pDict.keys() if pDict[id][1] == minY][0]
#Select the next point (rightmost turn from horizontal, from start point)
kOIDList = kNeighbours(k,startOID,pDict,[])
minATAN = min([math.atan2(pDict[id][14]-pDict[startOID][15],pDict[id][0]-pDict[startOID][0]) for id in kOIDList])
nextOID = [id for id in kOIDList if math.atan2(pDict[id][1]-pDict[startOID][1],pDict[id][0]-pDict[startOID][0]) == minATAN][0]
#Initialise the boundary array
bArray = arcpy.Array(arcpy.Point(pDict[startOID][0],pDict[startOID][18]))
#Initialise current segment lists
currentOID = nextOID
prevOID = startOID
#Initialise list to be excluded from candidate consideration (start point handled additionally later)
excludeList = [startOID,nextOID]
#Build the boundary array - taking the closest rightmost point that does not cause a self-intersection.
steps = 2
while currentOID <> startOID and len(pDict) <> len(excludeList):
angle = math.atan2((pDict[currentOID][20]- pDict[prevOID][21]),(pDict[currentOID][0]- pDict[prevOID][0]))
oidList = kNeighbours(k,currentOID,pDict,excludeList)
nextOID = Rightmost(currentOID,0-angle,pDict,oidList)
pcArray = arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(pDict[currentOID][0],pDict[currentOID][22]),\
while arcpy.Polyline(bArray,sR).crosses(arcpy.Polyline(pcArray,sR)) and len(oidList) > 0:
#arcpy.AddMessage("Rightmost point from " + str(currentOID) + " : " + str(nextOID) + " causes self intersection - selecting again")
oidList = kNeighbours(k,currentOID,pDict,excludeList)
if len(oidList) > 0:
nextOID = Rightmost(currentOID,0-angle,pDict,oidList)
#arcpy.AddMessage("nextOID candidate: " + str(nextOID))
pcArray = arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(pDict[currentOID][0],pDict[currentOID][24]),\
prevOID = currentOID
currentOID = nextOID
#arcpy.AddMessage("CurrentOID = " + str(currentOID))
if steps == 4:
except ValueError:
arcpy.AddMessage("Zero reachable nearest neighbours at " + str(pDict[currentOID]) + " , expanding search")
#Close the boundary and test for enclosure
pPoly = arcpy.Polygon(bArray,sR)
if pPoly.length == 0:
notNullGeometry = True
if mPoint.within(arcpy.Polygon(bArray,sR)):
enclosesPoints = True
arcpy.AddMessage("Hull does not enclose data, incrementing k")
if not mPoint.within(arcpy.Polygon(bArray,sR)):
arcpy.AddWarning("Hull does not enclose data - probable cause is outlier points")
#Insert the Polygons
if (notNullGeometry and includeNull == False) or includeNull:
rows = arcpy.InsertCursor(outFC)
row = rows.newRow()
if outCaseField > " " :
row.setValue(outCaseField, lastValue)
row.setValue("POINT_CNT", dictCount)
if notNullGeometry:
row.shape = arcpy.Polygon(bArray,sR)
row.setValue("ENCLOSED", enclosesPoints)
row.setValue("ENCLOSED", -1)
del row
del rows
elif outCaseField > " ":
arcpy.AddMessage("\nExcluded Null Geometry for case value " + str(lastValue) + "!")
arcpy.AddMessage("\nExcluded Null Geometry!")
# Main Body of the program.
#Get the input feature class or layer
inPoints = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
inDesc = arcpy.Describe(inPoints)
inPath = os.path.dirname(inDesc.CatalogPath)
sR = inDesc.spatialReference
#Get k
k = arcpy.GetParameter(1)
kStart = k
#Get output Feature Class
outFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
outPath = os.path.dirname(outFC)
outName = os.path.basename(outFC)
#Get case field and ensure it is valid
caseField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
if caseField > " ":
fields = inDesc.fields
for field in fields:
# Check the case field type
if field.name == caseField:
caseFieldType = field.type
if caseFieldType not in ["SmallInteger", "Integer", "Single", "Double", "String", "Date"]:
arcpy.AddMessage("\nThe Case Field named " + caseField + " is not a valid case field type! The Case Field will be ignored!\n")
caseField = " "
if caseFieldType in ["SmallInteger", "Integer", "Single", "Double"]:
caseFieldLength = 0
caseFieldScale = field.scale
caseFieldPrecision = field.precision
elif caseFieldType == "String":
caseFieldLength = field.length
caseFieldScale = 0
caseFieldPrecision = 0
caseFieldLength = 0
caseFieldScale = 0
caseFieldPrecision = 0
#Define an output case field name that is compliant with the output feature class
outCaseField = str.upper(str(caseField))
if outCaseField == "ENCLOSED":
outCaseField = "ENCLOSED1"
if outCaseField == "POINT_CNT":
outCaseField = "POINT_CNT1"
if outFC.split(".")[-1] in ("shp","dbf"):
outCaseField = outCaseField[0,10] #field names in the output are limited to 10 charaters!
#Get Include Null Geometry Feature flag
if arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) == "true":
includeNull = True
includeNull = False
#Some housekeeping
inDesc = arcpy.Describe(inPoints)
sR = inDesc.spatialReference
arcpy.env.OutputCoordinateSystem = sR
oidName = str(inDesc.OIDFieldName)
if inDesc.dataType == "FeatureClass":
inPoints = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inPoints)
#Create the output
arcpy.AddMessage("\nCreating Feature Class...")
outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outPath,outName,"POLYGON","#","#","#",sR).getOutput(0)
if caseField > " ":
if caseFieldType in ["SmallInteger", "Integer", "Single", "Double"]:
arcpy.AddField_management(outFC, outCaseField, caseFieldType, str(caseFieldScale), str(caseFieldPrecision))
elif caseFieldType == "String":
arcpy.AddField_management(outFC, outCaseField, caseFieldType, "", "", str(caseFieldLength))
arcpy.AddField_management(outFC, outCaseField, caseFieldType)
arcpy.AddField_management(outFC, "POINT_CNT", "Long")
arcpy.AddField_management(outFC, "ENCLOSED", "SmallInteger")
#Build required data structures
arcpy.AddMessage("\nCreating data structures...")
rowCount = 0
caseCount = 0
dictCount = 0
pDict = {} #dictionary keyed on oid with [X,Y] list values, no duplicate points
if caseField > " ":
for p in arcpy.SearchCursor(inPoints, "", "", "", caseField + " ASCENDING"):
rowCount += 1
if rowCount == 1:
#Initialize lastValue variable when processing the first record.
lastValue = p.getValue(caseField)
if lastValue == p.getValue(caseField):
#Continue processing the current point subset.
if [p.shape.firstPoint.X,p.shape.firstPoint.Y] not in pDict.values():
pDict[p.getValue(inDesc.OIDFieldName)] = [p.shape.firstPoint.X,p.shape.firstPoint.Y]
dictCount += 1
#Create a hull prior to processing the next case field subset.
createHull(pDict, outCaseField, lastValue, kStart, dictCount, includeNull)
if outCaseField > " ":
caseCount += 1
#Reset variables for processing the next point subset.
pDict = {}
pDict[p.getValue(inDesc.OIDFieldName)] = [p.shape.firstPoint.X,p.shape.firstPoint.Y]
lastValue = p.getValue(caseField)
dictCount = 1
for p in arcpy.SearchCursor(inPoints):
rowCount += 1
if [p.shape.firstPoint.X,p.shape.firstPoint.Y] not in pDict.values():
pDict[p.getValue(inDesc.OIDFieldName)] = [p.shape.firstPoint.X,p.shape.firstPoint.Y]
dictCount += 1
lastValue = 0
#Final create hull call and wrap up of the program's massaging
createHull(pDict, outCaseField, lastValue, kStart, dictCount, includeNull)
if outCaseField > " ":
caseCount += 1
arcpy.AddMessage("\n" + str(rowCount) + " points processed. " + str(caseCount) + " case value(s) processed.")
if caseField == " " and arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) > " ":
arcpy.AddMessage("\nThe Case Field named " + arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) + " was not a valid field type and was ignored!")
#Error handling
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n " + \
str(sys.exc_type)+ ": " + str(sys.exc_value) + "\n"
msgs = "GP ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n"