Vector2[] uv = BlockUtil.UVMappings[(byte)side]; // uv[0] = top left
float height;
float nextHeight;
float min;
float tex_len = 1f / EngineGlobals.TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIDE;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
height = (float)b.Heights[4, i] / 255f;
nextHeight = (float)b.Heights[4, i + 1] / 255f;
min = Math.Min(height, nextHeight);
//create the triangles at the top
if (nextHeight > height)
int offset = ch.vertexMap.Count;
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (i / 4f), (1-height)*tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1f, height, i / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * ((i + 1) / 4f), 0), blockPos, new Vector3(1f, height, (i + 1) / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * ((i + 1) / 4f), 0), blockPos, new Vector3(1f, nextHeight, (i + 1) / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddTriIndices(offset, 0, 1, 2);
else if (nextHeight < height)
int offset = ch.vertexMap.Count;
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (i / 4f), (1-height)*tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1f, height, i / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (i / 4f), (1-nextHeight)*tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1f, nextHeight, i / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * ((i + 1) / 4f), (1 - nextHeight) * tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1f, nextHeight, (i + 1) / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddTriIndices(offset, 0, 1, 2);
// else: heights are equal; ignore
// create the base rectangle
AddVertex(ch, 0, 0, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (float)i / 4f + tex_len / 4f, (1 - min) * tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1, min, (float)(i + 1) / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 1, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (float)i/4f, (1 - min) * tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1, min, (float)i / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 2, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (float)i / 4f + tex_len / 4f, tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1, 0, (float)(i + 1) / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddVertex(ch, 0, 3, uv[0] + new Vector2(tex_len * (float)i / 4f, tex_len), blockPos, new Vector3(1, 0, (float)i / 4f), tr, isliquid);
AddIndices(ch, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, isliquid);
コードで(i + 1)/ 4を(i + 1.01f)/ 4に拡張するのが簡単な小さなハックでしたが、私はそのようなものより具体的な解決策を得たいと思います。
Texture TextureAtlas;
sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state
texture = <TextureAtlas>;
magfilter = POINT;
minfilter = POINT;
mipfilter = POINT;
AddressU = WRAP;
AddressV = WRAP;