<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript" src="..\tccore\jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cellWidth = 30;
var cellHeight = 30;
var context;
function getCellBoundaries(theCellX, theCellY) {
var aOffset = { "offsetX": (cellWidth * -1) / 2, "offsetY": (cellHeight * -1) / 2 };
var aCell = { "x": theCellX, "y": theCellY };
var p1 = getScreenCoords(aCell, aOffset);
aOffset = { "offsetX": (cellWidth) / 2, "offsetY": (cellHeight * -1) / 2 };
var p2 = getScreenCoords(aCell, aOffset);
aOffset = { "offsetX": (cellWidth) / 2, "offsetY": (cellHeight) / 2 };
var p3 = getScreenCoords(aCell, aOffset);
aOffset = { "offsetX": (cellWidth * -1) / 2, "offsetY": (cellHeight) / 2 };
var p4 = getScreenCoords(aCell, aOffset);
return { "point1": p1, "point2": p2, "point3": p3, "point4": p4 };
function getScreenCoords(Cell, offset) {
var posX = Cell.x * cellWidth + offset.offsetX;
var posZ = Cell.y * cellHeight - offset.offsetY;
var xCart = (posX - posZ)
var yCart = (posX + posZ) / 2;
var rX = -xCart + 400;
var rY = +yCart + 300;
return { "x": Math.floor(rX), "y": Math.floor(rY) };
function drawIsoCellBorders (cellX, cellY) {
var cellPoints = getCellBoundaries(cellX, cellY);
context.strokeStyle = "red";
context.moveTo(cellPoints.point1.x, cellPoints.point1.y);
context.lineTo(cellPoints.point2.x, cellPoints.point2.y);
context.lineTo(cellPoints.point3.x, cellPoints.point3.y);
context.lineTo(cellPoints.point4.x, cellPoints.point4.y);
context.lineTo(cellPoints.point1.x, cellPoints.point1.y);
console.log("Bottom: " + cellPoints.point2.x+","+ cellPoints.point2.y);
console.log("Right:" + cellPoints.point1.x +","+ cellPoints.point1.y);
console.log("Top:" + cellPoints.point4.x+","+ cellPoints.point4.y);
console.log("Left: " + cellPoints.point3.x+","+ cellPoints.point3.y);
$(document).ready(function () {
context = $("#gamescreen")[0].getContext('2d');
/*let's saw we want to draw an isometric square in the center of the page.
Before we do that though, let;s draw a normal square in the center of the page
so you know where some of these wild assumptions come from. To do that, we need to know
where the square should go. We know our canvas is 800 wide and our cells are 30 wide so
we can assume that our canvas can fit around 800/30 cells.*/
var cells_wide = 800/cellWidth;
var cells_high = 600/cellHeight;
//half are our centers positions for 2d
var xCenter = cells_wide/2 * cellWidth;
var yCenter = cells_high/2 * cellWidth;
var centerCellNumberX = cells_wide/2;
var centerCellNumberY = cells_high/2;
//to draw a square in the center of the canvas, we just draw the points.
context.strokeStyle = "blue";
context.moveTo(xCenter-cellWidth/2,yCenter-cellHeight/2); //move to top left corner
context.lineTo(xCenter+cellWidth/2, yCenter-cellHeight/2); //move to top right corner
context.lineTo(xCenter+cellWidth/2, yCenter+cellHeight/2); //move to bottom right corner
context.lineTo(xCenter-cellWidth/2, yCenter+cellHeight/2); //move to bottom left corner
context.lineTo(xCenter-cellWidth/2,yCenter-cellHeight/2); //move back to top left corner
context.stroke(); //draw and yay - we've got a little gray square in the center of our canvas
//now, give this an isometric perspective is pretty easy, we essentially tilt the square.
//a sort of simplified way to do this is as follows -
//It means that we essentially draw a diamond instead of a square, and then halve the height
//and double the width.
//the first point, (the top of the diamond) is 1/2 the width of the square from where the top left
//corner of a normal square would be, to the right
//to Draw: first clear our other rect
//context.clearRect(0, 0, 800, 600);
context.strokeStyle = "gray";
context.moveTo(xCenter, yCenter+cellHeight/2); //bottom of diamond
console.log("Bottom: " + xCenter + "," + (yCenter+cellHeight/2)); //bottom of diamond
context.lineTo(xCenter+cellWidth, yCenter); //right of diamond
console.log("Right:" + (xCenter+cellWidth) + "," + yCenter); //right of diamond
context.lineTo(xCenter,yCenter-cellHeight/2); //top of diamond
console.log("Top:" + xCenter + "," + (yCenter-cellHeight/2)); //top of diamond
context.lineTo(xCenter-cellWidth, yCenter); //left of diamond
console.log("Left: " + (xCenter-cellWidth) + "," +yCenter); //left of diamond
context.lineTo(xCenter, yCenter+cellHeight/2); //back to bottom of diamond
context.stroke(); //boom, we have an isotile and isopositioning based on some 2s cell-grid coord
//now let's draw the same exact iso polygon but use our transform
<canvas id="gamescreen" width="800" height="600" style="border-style: dotted; float: left;">
このコードがどのように機能するかについての説明は、こちら(今日見つけたところ)にあります:http : //。これは、使用したものと同様の座標系について少し説明しています。残念ながら、それは実際には数学を説明していません。これについてはすぐに説明します(実行する必要があります)。