


分圧器回路では、入力電圧を使用してポテンショメータを供給していることを常に理解しています。なぜ出力電圧の正の端を使用してポットに電力を供給するのですか?R2は間違って配線されていませんか?誰かが私の調整ピンへの電圧を変えるように言われたら、ポットで分圧器を作成し、その出力をピンに送ります。しかし、ここでのポットへのV +入力は、調整ピンに向かうワイヤと同じワイヤであり、317からのVからの同じワイヤです。異なる量の電圧をICに送信しようとする場合、どのように安定したVを同じ場所に突っ込んでいるときに機能するはずですか?








LM317 operation


Vout=1.25 V×(1+R2R1)+IADJR2






コンデンサのDCインピーダンスは非常に高い(理想的には無限)ため、短絡は発生しません。このコンデンサVinで高周波信号(すなわちノイズ)を短絡します。これは、V inがDC電圧源あると想定されているため望ましいものです。Vin

小さな変更。R1は最小負荷電流用ではなく、電圧調整に使用されます。LM317はR1で1.25の電圧降下を維持しようとするため、R1がない場合、式はR2 / 0 =無限...または基本的にVout = Vinになります。


@ArgusBrown が出力電圧の決定に役立つことを知っています。私のポイントは、ということであるR 1(とR 2)できる、また最小負荷電流要件を満たすために負荷として作用することが必要です。OPは、R 2に「必要なほぼすべての値」を選択できる(R 1を削除した)印象を受けますが、R 1R 2の値は、必要な出力に加えて最小負荷電流要件によって制約されます電圧。R1R1R2R2R1R1R2









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したがって、これはポテンショメータと値の最大値に到達することを意味します R1 約束、あなたは約の入力供給電圧を持っている必要があります 32V


これで十分理解できたので、LM317についてもう1つ考えてみてください。また、充電式バッテリーの充電などの電流源としても使用できます。交換する場合R2 たとえば、充電式バッテリーの場合、次の値を選択できます R1それはそれを充電するための適切な電流を生成します。LM317は調整を続け、電圧がR1 は一定であり、これは R1. Since all of that current must reach ground via a path you provide, using a battery in that path means it will get a constant current for recharging it. (There are other problems, of course. You'd need to monitor the charging process and stop it when the battery is charged or no longer requires a constant current. But the point remains -- the LM317 can also be used as a constant current source instead of a constant voltage source.)


enter image description here

Figure 1. As suggested by the datasheet.

  • The LM317 works by adjusting its output to be 1.25 V above the voltage at the ADJ pin.
  • With R1 = 240 Ω there is a current of 1.25240=5.2 mA running through it and R2.
  • The constant current through R2 means that the voltage drop across it changes linearly with the resistance of R2. This is super-handy if you want the voltage to change in proportion to the angular rotation of R2.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 2. OP's plan.

Now let's try doing it your way.

  • Let's say our 5k pot is rated at 1/8 W (fairly typical). Using P=I2R we can work out that the maximum current it can handle is I=PR=5 mA.
  • This in turn means that once you reduce the pot resistance below 1.255m=0.25 kΩ (250 Ω) that the pot will tend to burn out. (The pot's rated power is for dissipation over the whole track - not just the part in use. If you reduce the track length then you reduce the maximum power dissipation proportionally.)

Now let's look at linearity - assuming we haven't turned the wiper all the way up and burnt out the pot:

  • At 20% down from the top you have 1k & 4k. The output voltage will be Vout=1+41(1.25)=6.25 V.
  • At 40% down from the top you have 2k & 3k. The output voltage will be Vout=2+32(1.25)=3.125 V.
  • At 60% down from the top you have 3k & 2k. The output voltage will be Vout=3+23(1.25)=2.08 V.
  • At 80% down from the top you have 4k & 1k. The output voltage will be Vout=4+14(1.25)=1.56 V.
  • At 100% down from the top you have 5k & 0k. The output voltage will be Vout=5+05(1.25)=1.25 V.

Clearly the adjustment pot will be non-linear. The output falls by half in the adjustment from 20% to 40%.

Lastly, forgive my ignorance of caps but if a capacitor isn't a load, isn't C1 creating a short circuit?

Capacitors, as the symbol suggests, are parallel plates separated by a non-conducting gap. DC current cannot flow through a capacitor once it is charged up.


How to calculate the resistor values already received a detailed answer. Let me try clarify your confusion about voltage divider: as you said, it provides a fraction of the input voltage, according to the ratio of the resistors. The only confusion here is: it is being used to sample the output voltage of your controller, to serve as a reference for voltage control.

Even if you understand the LM317 only as a black box, try to view it as a device that will try to keep the voltage between the Vout and Adj pins as 1.25V. If this difference is lower than 1.25V, Vout will be increased, if it is higher, Vout decreases. The ratio of the output voltage is given by the voltage divider.

That way the LM317 tries to compensate for variations on the current demanded by the load and also for variations in the input voltage. The formulas in the datasheet allow the calculation of the resistor values to obtain 1.25V between the mentioned pins for a given output voltage.


There is always a fixed 1.25V between the output and adjust pins. Therefore connecting R1 between these two pins forces a constant current to flow through R1. This current must flow through R2 (it can't go anywhere else!) causing a constant volts drop across R2. Therefore the regulator output voltage equals the dropped voltage across R2 + 1.25V.

The above is a good approximation but is not precisely true. A very small current flows out of the adjust pin through R2 to ground slightly increasing the voltage dropped across R2 and therefore slightly increasing the output voltage.

Vout = ((1.25/R1)*R2 + 1.25V) + (R2 * Iadj)

Capacitors are open circuit to DC.


Let's look at how LM317 works!

Internals of LM317 (not embedded due to possible copyright reasons)

LM317 adjusts the VOUT terminal voltage until ADJ terminal voltage is 1.25 volts below VOUT. It is using a voltage comparator (an operational amplifier), where one of the inputs is the output pin, the other of the inputs is connected to the adjustment pin, but not directly but via a circuit that effectively works like a stable 1.25 volt voltage source (constant voltage drop). Operational amplifiers are known for their high input impedance, so the ADJ current will be minimal. Then the operational amplifier output is used to adjust transistor base voltage, so that the emitter voltage at output will be the base voltage minus transistor voltage drop which in this case is a Darlington pair. (Ok, this explanation simplifies things a bit but that would be how you create the simplest possible adjustable voltage regulator.)

So, if the VOUT - ADJ voltage difference is less than 1.25 volts, the VOUT is very quickly cranked up, to the max if needs be.

If, on the other hand, the VOUT - ADJ voltage difference is more than 1.25 volts, the VOUT is very quickly cranked down, to the minimum if needs be.

The idea is that the VOUT - ADJ voltage difference is some fraction of the output terminal voltage, determined by a voltage divider.

If you have only R2, without R1, then the ADJ terminal voltage would be zero, and it would have variable resistance to ground (which doesn't have any useful effect, because the current in the ADJ terminal is minimal).

If you have both R1 and R2, then the ADJ terminal voltage is determined by a voltage divider between VOUT and ground.

Note R2 is a variable resistor, not a potentiometer (although you can make a potentiometer into a variable resistor by connecting the center pin to one of the extreme pins and using the two connected-together pins with the other extreme pin, or just using the center pin and one of the extreme pins).

You could have the same effect by connecting one potentiometer extreme pin to ground, the other extreme pin to VOUT and the center pin to ADJ.

Note this simple explanation ignored the adjustment terminal current. For a more complete explanation, see the upvoted answer.

"... until ADJ terminal voltage is 1.25 volts." This should read "... until ADJ terminal voltage is 1.25 volts below VOUT". "... one of the inputs is a stable 1.25 volt voltage source, and the other of the inputs if the ADJ terminal voltage." This isn't correct. See the internal diagram. "Operational amplifiers are known for their high output impedance ..." Nope. You mean high input impedance. ".... base voltage minus 0.7 volts or so." Nope. It's a Darlington output so 2 x diode drop. A few more tidy-up edits are required.

Your edit has improved a few points. Add in the image from ti.com/ds_dgm/images/fbd_slvs044x.gif and refer to it as you write. You'll see that "one of the inputs is a stable 1.25 volt voltage source between the regulator output and op-amp input" isn't correct. I have found that writing a good answer forces me to learn a bit more. Keep going.

Ok, the first time I just described how I would create a hand-crafted linear regulator that is adjustable. The second edit I tried to be a bit more accurate to LM317 workings, but apparently the internals of LM317 differed from what I assumed them to be. Hopefully the description this time is accurate enough!

You're actually correct about the Texas Instruments copyright: "This also means you may not, without our permission, "mirror" this information on your own server, or modify or re-use this information on another system." I can't imagine there is any real problem where you are promoting understanding of their product and provide a link to source. +1 for the fixes.


R1 and R2 are the adjustment. They form a variable voltage divider that generates an input voltage to the Adj pin. If you read the data sheet you will see that the output voltage is regulated to be 1.25V greater than the voltage at the Adj pin.
The output voltage is used to supply the voltage divider because it is stable and regulated, if you used the input supply any noise, ripple or change with load would be passed on to the Adj pin and then appear at the output.
You need to look at the circuit again, the voltage applied to Adj will vary as R2 is varied. It is a conventional way of drawing a variable resistor. Pin Adj, one end of R1 and the wiper of R2 are joined together, not the other end of R2.
Neither C1 nor C2 are short circuits. At DC a good capacitor looks like an open circuit. Their purpose is to bypass any AC component or noise to earth thereby reducing their effect. The data sheet even says you can bypass Adj "to achieve very high ripple-rejection ratios".
There is a lot more useful information in the data sheet with many examples of how to use the LM317 for various tasks.

You say "neither C2 nor C2". As for C1 and C2 being short circuits, a quality cap may behave briefly as a near-short-circuit in some cases. Normally, that won't pose a problem, but it's good to be aware of situations where it might, most notably when a large cap is downstream of a switch.


Just to add a detail that experienced users might not even notice any more:

R2 a variable resistor - not a potentiometer. In practice, the same physical device can be used, but the variable resistor is a two-terminal device while the potentiometer has three terminals.

Variable Resistor vs. Potentiometer

If you read R2 as a potentiomenter, then it is apparently drawn with the ends of the resistor connected and the wiper not connected (floating), which clearly does not make any sense. One of the terminals of R2 is connected to the wiper.

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