ω = モーター速度(rad / s)
V S = 電源電圧R = モーターの電気抵抗
τ = トルク
100V / 10Aを提供すると、高速に到達することができますが、勾配を大きく上げることはできません。
10V / 100Aを供給すると、非常にゆっくり動きますが、高勾配の坂を登ることができます(モーターが100Aに耐えることができると仮定)。
Electric motors can be designed over a fairly wide range of voltage and current for the same speed and torque out. Just comparing the intended operating voltage of two motors doesn't tell you much about what those motors can ultimately do. Motors designed for high power do tend to work at higher voltages, but that is mostly so that the current can be within a reasonable limit.
To compare two motors for a particular job, you have to look at the output parameters. These will be the torque, speed range, and power.
The mechanical performance of a motor will of course depend mainly on it's physical build, not necessarily its nominal voltage. High power motors will operate on higher voltages, but that does not tell you much.
I won't elaborate on the specifics, but there is a good rule of thumb to use when you want to estimate the parameters of a motor by look. A long motor will achieve higher rpms, and a wide motor will be able to deliver more torque. You can perhaps imagine how this works - a wide motor will have a wide rotor, so the forces of the magnetic fields inside will create a larger torque.
So, if you have two motors of identical length, but one of them is wider, you can expect the wider one to be able to generate higher torque.
In very basic terms (helloworld's answer has the science bit covered):
Power is voltage * current (P=IV). For a given power, say 1000 watts / 1 kW, you can design a 10 V motor that uses 100 A or a 100 V motor that uses 10 A for the same nominal power:
10 V * 100 A = 1000 watts
100 V * 10 A = 1000 watts
Your next consideration is how the various efficiencies stack up - for each part of the power train there will be some optimum way of building each part that gives best efficiency for the price. For example, if you went for the 10 V option you need a lot of big heavy wires (or bus bars) to handle 100 A, whereas 10 A will flow happily down quite skinny little wires.
However, maybe it's harder to build a control unit / charger that works at 100 V than at 10 V (it's certainly safer for the average user if there's no high voltages kicking around for them to stick their fingers in).
So, there's a juggling act to be done to work out how the system stacks up - for each watt of power you put in, how much useful energy can you get out the other end?
It's a bit like the difference between a big lazy V8 and a screaming turbo motor, both can make the same power, but each is a very different answer to the problem.
Voltage and current are the essential components of power a.k.a. the ability to perform work. To do work by means of spinning machinery requires a rotary-acting force - a torque. The rate at which the work proceeds (introduce time) and the measurement becomes of power. More power - increase either current or voltage or both.
All you have to think about is the power rating and nominal voltage. If the voltage you apply is high (must be within the voltage range) then it can take less current and less torque which indeed can be found out from the speed-torque curve for a fixed voltage.
Voltage is proportional to speed, and torque is proportional to the current. The maximum current it could take is rated current and the corresponding torque can be found out from speed torque curve (as you know the speed from voltage (rpm=k*v)) where k is the speed constant of the motor).