Jon Kelnerは、2004年に「有界属のグラフのスペクトル分割、固有値境界、および円パッキング」でSTOC Best Student Paper Awardを受賞しました。
主な技術的補題として、このようなグラフのラプラシアンの2番目に小さい固有値のO(g / n)境界を証明し、これが厳密であることを示し、それによってスピルマンとテンの推測を解決します。この補題は本質的に本質的に組み合わせですが、その証明は、円パッキングの理論とコンパクトなリーマン面の幾何学に基づいた連続数学から来ています。
損失の多い人口回復のための多項式時間アルゴリズム By:Ankur Moitra、Michael Saks
論文からの引用:「ここで、複雑な解析のツールを使用して、前のセクションで述べた不確実性の原理を証明します。 ..」
このペーパーのセクションA.4では、複雑な分析を使用して、Indykのアルゴリズムのランダム化を解除します。 データストリームの推定()最適なスペース保証を提供します:
Daniel M. Kane, Jelani Nelson, David P. Woodruff. On the Exact Space Complexity of Sketching and Streaming Small Norms. SODA 2010.
You can get away with writing a proof that doesn't mention complex analysis explicitly (see the first bullet in the "notes" section for that paper on my webpage), but even that proof has complex analysis lurking under the covers.
There is use of complex numbers and analysis in a recent paper by Naor, Regev and Vidick, yielding results in approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.7656
Recently Vishnoi gave an algorithm which finds TSP tours of length at most in a -regular simple graphs (talk & blog). The analysis crucially uses the van der Waerden conjecture (aka the Egorychev-Falikman theorem): the permanent of any doubly stochastic matrix is at least . Egorychev and Falikman's proofs used deep results in convex geometry (in particular the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality). On the other hand, a recent proof by Gurvits uses only elementary complex analysis and is quite a gem (nice presentation by Laurent and Schrijver in the MAA Monthly). Leaving the real line for the complex plane seems essential to Gurvits's proof and simplifies matters a lot.
there is some research showing undecidability associated with various aspects of computation of the Mandelbrot set, a famous, prototype fractal which is computed using complex numbers and counting the number of iterations associated with the equation to reach an unbounded increasing sequence. a detailed account and survey can be found in [1], which appeared in a physics journal but with heavy use of TCS concepts eg Turing Machines etc. an early ref [2] by Blum concludes that the Mandelbrot set is not decidable.
[1] Inaccessibility and undecidability in computation, geometry, and dynamical systems Asaki Saito, Kunihiko Kaneko
[2] A theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers Lenore Blum, 1990
Nister, Hartley, and Stewenius used Galois theory to prove the optimality of certain algorithms in computer vision. While not specifically an instance of Complex Analysis, this work is intimately associated with because of the fundamental theorem of algebra.