newtype Slot = Slot Int
newtype Schedule a = Schedule [(Slot, [a])]
findSchedule :: Ord a => Schedule a -> Schedule (a, Bool)
leftOverItems :: Schedule a -> [Int]
leftOverItems (Schedule sch) = scanr op 0 sch where
op (Slot s, items) itemsCarried = max 0 (length items - s + itemsCarried)
feasible schedule = head (leftOverItems schedule) == 0
carry1 :: Ord a => Schedule a -> [Bound a]
carry1 (Schedule sch) = map (maybe Top Val . listToMaybe) . scanr op [] $ sch where
op (Slot s, items) acc = remNonMinN s (foldr insertMin acc items)
-- We only care about the number of items, and the minimum item.
-- insertMin inserts an item into a list, keeping the smallest item at the front.
insertMin :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insertMin a [] = [a]
insertMin a (b:bs) = min a b : max a b : bs
-- remNonMin removes an item from the list,
-- only picking the minimum at the front, if it's the only element.
remNonMin :: [a] -> [a]
remNonMin [] = []
remNonMin [x] = []
remNonMin (x:y:xs) = x : xs
remNonMinN :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
remNonMinN n l = iterate remNonMin l !! n
data Bound a = Bot | Val a | Top
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
-- The curve of minimum reward needed for each deadline to make the cut:
curve :: Ord a => Schedule a -> [Bound a]
curve = zipWith min <$> runMin <*> carry1
-- Same curve extended to infinity (in case the Schedules have a different length)
curve' :: Ord a => Schedule a -> [Bound a]
curve' = ((++) <*> repeat . last) . curve
-- running minimum of items on left:
runMin :: Ord a => Schedule a -> [Bound a]
runMin = scanl1 min . map minWithBound . items . fmap Val
minWithBound :: Ord a => [Bound a] -> Bound a
minWithBound = minimum . (Top:)
-- The pay-off for our efforts, this function uses
-- the candidate solution to classify the left-out items
-- into whether they are definitely _not_ in
-- the optimal schedule (heavy items), or might be in it (light items).
heavyLight :: Ord a => Schedule a -> Schedule a -> ([[a]],[[a]])
heavyLight candidate leftOut =
unzip . zipWith light1 (curve' candidate) . items $ leftOut
light1 pivot = partition (\item -> pivot < Val item)