

更新: isSuicidal()が飛行機クラスに追加されました。これにより、飛行機が壁との不可逆的な衝突コースにあるかどうかを確認できます!!

更新: simulateMove()から分離されたupdateCoolDown()


UPDATE Zoveゲームが書いた素晴らしい3Dビジュアライザこのケートのために、ここでくだらないのユーチューブのビデオだ PredictAndAVoidを戦っPredictAndAVoidのは。




















package Planes;

//This is the base class players extend.
//It contains the arena size and 4 plane objects representing the planes in the arena.
public abstract class PlaneControl {

    // note that these planes are just for your information, modifying these doesn't affect the actual plane instances, 
    // which are kept by the controller
    protected Plane[] myPlanes = new Plane[2];
    protected Plane[] enemyPlanes = new Plane[2];
    protected int arenaSize;
    protected int roundsLeft;


    // Notifies you that a new fight is starting
    // FightsFought tells you how many fights will be fought.
    // the scores tell you how many fights each player has won.
    public void newFight(int fightsFought, int myScore, int enemyScore) {}

    // notifies you that you'll be fighting anew opponent.
    // Fights is the amount of fights that will be fought against this opponent
    public void newOpponent(int fights) {}

    // This will be called once every round, you must return an array of two moves.
    // The move at index 0 will be applied to your plane at index 0,
    // The move at index1 will be applied to your plane at index1.
    // Any further move will be ignored.
    // A missing or invalid move will be treated as flying forward without shooting.
    public abstract Move[] act();



package Planes;

//Objects of this class contain all relevant information about a plane
//as well as some helper functions.
public class Plane {
    private Point3D position;
    private Direction direction;
    private int arenaSize;
    private boolean alive = true;
    private int coolDown = 0;

    public Plane(int arenaSize, Direction direction, int x, int y, int z) {}

    public Plane(int arenaSize, Direction direction, Point3D position) {}    

    // Returns the x coordinate of the plane
    public int getX() {}

    // Returns the y coordinate of the plane
    public int getY() {}

    // Returns the z coordinate of the plane
    public int getZ() {}

    // Returns the position as a Point3D.
    public Point3D getPosition() {}

    // Returns the distance between the plane and the specified wall,
    // 0 means right next to it, 19 means at the opposite side.
    // Returns -1 for invalid input.
    public int getDistanceFromWall(char wall) {}

    // Returns the direction of the plane.
    public Direction getDirection() {}

    // Returns all possible turning directions for the plane.
    public Direction[] getPossibleDirections() {}

    // Returns the cool down before the plane will be able to shoot, 
    // 0 means it is ready to shoot this turn.
    public int getCoolDown() {}

    public void setCoolDown(int coolDown) {}

    // Returns true if the plane is ready to shoot
    public boolean canShoot() {}

    // Returns all positions this plane can shoot at (without first making a move).
    public Point3D[] getShootRange() {}

    // Returns all positions this plane can move to within one turn.
    public Point3D[] getRange() {}

    // Returns a plane that represents this plane after making a certain move,
    // not taking into account other planes.
    // Doesn't update cool down, see updateCoolDown() for that.
    public Plane simulateMove(Move move) {}

    // modifies this plane's cool down
    public void updateCoolDown(boolean shot) {
        coolDown = (shot && canShoot())?Controller.COOLDOWN:Math.max(0, coolDown - 1);

    // Returns true if the plane is alive.
    public boolean isAlive() {}

    // Sets alive to the specified value.
    public void setAlive(boolean alive) {}

    // returns a copy of itself.
    public Plane copy() {}

    // Returns a string representing its status.
    public String getAsString() {}

    // Returns a string suitable for passing to a wrapped plane process
    public String getDataString() {}

    // Returns true if a plane is on an irreversable colision course with the wall.
    // Use this along with simulateMove() to avoid hitting walls or prune possible emeny moves.
    public boolean isSuicidal() {}

// A helper class for working with directions. 
public class Direction {
    // The three main directions, -1 means the first letter is in the direction, 1 means the second is, 0 means neither is.
    private int NS, WE, DU;

    // Creates a direction from 3 integers.
    public Direction(int NSDir, int WEDir, int DUDir) {}

    // Creates a direction from a directionstring.
    public Direction(String direction) {}

    // Returns this direction as a String.
    public String getAsString() {}

    // Returns The direction projected onto the NS-axis.
    // -1 means heading north.
    public int getNSDir() {}

    // Returns The direction projected onto the WE-axis.
    // -1 means heading west.
    public int getWEDir() {}

    // Returns The direction projected onto the DU-axis.
    // -1 means heading down.
    public int getDUDir() {}

    // Returns a Point3D representing the direction.
    public Point3D getAsPoint3D() {}

    // Returns an array of chars representing the main directions.
    public char[] getMainDirections() {}

    // Returns all possible turning directions.
    public Direction[] getPossibleDirections() {}

    // Returns true if a direction is a valid direction to change to
    public boolean isValidDirection(Direction direction) {}

public class Point3D {
    public int x, y, z;

    public Point3D(int x, int y, int z) {}

    // Returns the sum of this Point3D and the one specified in the argument.
    public Point3D add(Point3D point3D) {}

    // Returns the product of this Point3D and a factor.
    public Point3D multiply(int factor) {}

    // Returns true if both Point3D are the same.
    public boolean equals(Point3D point3D) {}

    // Returns true if Point3D is within a 0-based arena of a specified size.
    public boolean isInArena(int size) {}

public class Move {
    public Direction direction;
    public boolean changeDirection;
    public boolean shoot;

    public Move(Direction direction, boolean changeDirection, boolean shoot) {}



package Planes;

public class DumbPlanes extends PlaneControl {

    public DumbPlanes(int arenaSize, int rounds) {
        super(arenaSize, rounds);

    public Move[] act() {
        Move[] moves = new Move[2];
        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
            if (!myPlanes[i].isAlive()) {
                moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false); // If we're dead we just return something, it doesn't matter anyway.
            Direction[] possibleDirections = myPlanes[i].getPossibleDirections(); // Let's see where we can go.

            for (int j=0; j<possibleDirections.length*3; j++) {

                int random = (int) Math.floor((Math.random()*possibleDirections.length)); // We don't want to be predictable, so we pick a random direction out of the possible ones.

                if (myPlanes[i].getPosition().add(possibleDirections[random].getAsPoint3D()).isInArena(arenaSize)) { // We'll try not to fly directly into a wall.
                    moves[i] = new Move(possibleDirections[random], Math.random()>0.5, myPlanes[i].canShoot() && Math.random()>0.2);
                    continue; // I'm happy with this move for this plane.

                // Uh oh.
                random = (int) Math.floor((Math.random()*possibleDirections.length));
                moves[i] = new Move(possibleDirections[random], Math.random()>0.5, myPlanes[i].canShoot() && Math.random()>0.2);

        return moves;

    public void newFight(int fightsFought, int myScore, int enemyScore) {
        // Using information is for schmucks.

    public void newOpponent(int fights) {
        // What did I just say about information?



KOTH wikiに記載されている制限が適用されます。

  • コントローラー、ランタイム、またはその他のサブミットをいじくり回そうとする試みはすべて失格となります。すべての提出は、与えられた入力とストレージでのみ機能します。
  • ボットは、特定の他のボットを倒したりサポートしたりするために書かれてはなりません。(これはまれなケースで望ましい場合がありますが、これがチャレンジの中心概念でない場合は、除外する方が良いでしょう。)
  • 私は、合理的な量のリソースでトライアルを実施するのに時間がかかりすぎる、またはメモリを使用する提出物を失格にする権利を留保します。
  • ボットは、意図的または偶然に既存の戦略とまったく同じ戦略を実装してはなりません。


ここからコントローラーコードをダウンロードします。提出物をSomething.javaとして追加します。Controller.javaを変更して、entries []およびnames []に飛行機のエントリを含めます。Eclipseプロジェクトとして、またはですべてをコンパイルしjavac -d . *.java、でControllerを実行しますjava Planes/Controller。コンテストのログはにありtest.txt、最後にスコアボードがあります。またmatchUp()、2つのエントリを引数として直接呼び出して、2つのプレーンを互いにテストすることもできます。









さらにもう1つのエキサイティングなトーナメントで2位を獲得した新しいエントリーがあります。Crossfire はPredictAndAvoidを除くすべての人にとって非常に難しいようです。このトーナメントは飛行機の各セット間でたった10回の戦いで行われたため、物事がどうなるかを完全に正確に表したものではないことに注意してください。

¦ 1. PredictAndAvoid:   14 ¦
¦ 2. Crossfire:         11 ¦
¦ 3. Weeeeeeeeeeee:      9 ¦
¦ 4. Whirligig:          8 ¦
¦ 4. MoveAndShootPlane:  8 ¦
¦ 6. StarFox:            4 ¦
¦ 6. EmoFockeWulf:       2 ¦
¦ 7. DumbPlanes:         0 ¦


NEW CONTEST 14 20 は、14x14x14アリーナで新しいコンテストが始まり、戦いごとに20ターンを含むことを示します。

NEW OPPONENT 10 新しい対戦相手に直面しており、この対戦相手と10回戦うことを示します

NEW FIGHT 5 3 2 現在の対戦相手との新しい戦いが始まっていること、あなたがこれまでにこの対戦相手と5回戦ったことを示します。

ROUNDS LEFT 19 現在の戦闘に19ラウンド残っていることを示します

NEW TURN このラウンドの戦闘で4機すべてのデータを受信しようとしていることを示します

alive 13 8 13 N 0
alive 13 5 13 N 0
dead 0 0 0 N 0
alive 0 8 0 S 0



NW 0 1
SU 1 0


これがROUNDS LEFT 18続きますNEW TURN。これは、誰かが勝つかラウンドがタイムアウトするまで続きます。その時点NEW FIGHTで、更新されたファイトカウントとスコアを備えた別の行を取得しますNEW OPPONENT


pseudonym117 14


便利だと思う人のために、この正規表現はログを検索して、飛行機がどこを撃ったかを見つけます^ Move(。*?)shoot:true $(「Move」を自分の名前に置き換え、。ライン)

これは、ダムパイソンプレーンと共に、プレーンラッパーのコミットです。誰かがperl / python / lua / bash / whateverでよりスマートな飛行機を書いて、あなたのためにif /どのように機能するかについてのフィードバックをくれたら、私はそれが大好きです。github.com/sparr/Dogfight-KOTH/commit / ...これを使用できる/使用する予定がある場合は、@ overactorのレポジトリに入れて、任意の言語で送信できるようにします。






package Planes;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

public class Crossfire extends PlaneControl {
    final List<Point3D> dangerList = new ArrayList<>(); //danger per point
    final List<Plane> targets = new ArrayList<>(); //targets being shot
    Plane[] futurePlanes = null; //future friendly planes

    public Crossfire(int arenaSize, int rounds) {
        super(arenaSize, rounds);

    public Move[] act() {
        dangerList.clear();     //initialize
        final int PLANE_COUNT = myPlanes.length;
        Move[] moves = new Move[PLANE_COUNT];
        futurePlanes = new Plane[PLANE_COUNT];

        // calculate danger per field/enemy
        for (int i = 0; i < PLANE_COUNT; i++) {

        // get best moves for each plane
        for (int i = 0; i < PLANE_COUNT; i++) {         
            moves[i] = getBestMove(myPlanes[i]);
            futurePlanes[i] = myPlanes[i].simulateMove(moves[i]);

        // try to shoot if no friendly plane is hit by this bullet
        for (int i = 0; i < myPlanes.length; i++) {
            if (myPlanes[i].canShoot() && canShootSafely(futurePlanes[i]) && possibleHits(futurePlanes[i]) > 0) {
                moves[i].shoot = true;

        return moves;

    private void updateTargets(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.canShoot() || !canShootSafely(plane)) {
        Point3D[] range = plane.getShootRange();
        for (Plane enemyPlane : enemyPlanes) {
            for (Move move : getPossibleMoves(enemyPlane)) {
                Plane simPlane = enemyPlane.simulateMove(move);
                for (Point3D dest : range) {
                    if (dest.equals(simPlane.getPosition())) {

    private void updateDanger(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.isAlive()) {
        for (Move move : getPossibleMoves(plane)) {
            Plane futurePlane = plane.simulateMove(move);
            // add position (avoid collision)
            if (!isOutside(futurePlane)) {
                // avoid getting shot
                if (plane.canShoot()) {
                    for (Point3D dest : futurePlane.getShootRange()) {

    private Move getBestMove(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.isAlive()) {
            return new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false);

        int leastDanger = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Move bestMove = new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false);
        for (Move move : getPossibleMoves(plane)) {
            Plane futurePlane = plane.simulateMove(move);
            int danger = getDanger(futurePlane) - (possibleHits(futurePlane) *2);
            if (danger < leastDanger) {
                leastDanger = danger;
                bestMove = move;
        return bestMove;

    private int getDanger(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.isAlive() || hugsWall(plane) || collidesWithFriend(plane) || isOutside(plane)) {
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
        int danger = 0;
        Point3D pos = plane.getPosition();
        for (Point3D dangerPoint : dangerList) {
            if (pos.equals(dangerPoint)) {
        // stay away from walls
        for (char direction : plane.getDirection().getMainDirections()) {
            if (plane.getDistanceFromWall(direction) <= 2) {
        return danger;

    private boolean collidesWithFriend(Plane plane) {
        for (Plane friendlyPlane : futurePlanes) {
            if (friendlyPlane != null && plane.getPosition().equals(friendlyPlane.getPosition())) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private boolean hugsWall(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.isAlive() || isOutside(plane)) {
            return true;
        char[] mainDirs = plane.getDirection().getMainDirections();
        if (mainDirs.length == 1) {
            return plane.getDistanceFromWall(mainDirs[0]) == 0;
        if (mainDirs.length == 2) {
            return plane.getDistanceFromWall(mainDirs[0]) <= 1
                    && plane.getDistanceFromWall(mainDirs[1]) <= 1;
        if (mainDirs.length == 3) {
            return plane.getDistanceFromWall(mainDirs[0]) <= 1
                    && plane.getDistanceFromWall(mainDirs[1]) <= 1
                    && plane.getDistanceFromWall(mainDirs[2]) <= 1;
        return false;

    private Set<Move> getPossibleMoves(Plane plane) {
        Set<Move> possibleMoves = new HashSet<>();
        for (Direction direction : plane.getPossibleDirections()) {
            possibleMoves.add(new Move(direction, false, false));
            possibleMoves.add(new Move(direction, true, false));
        return possibleMoves;

    private boolean canShootSafely(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.canShoot() || isOutside(plane)) {
            return false;
        for (Point3D destPoint : plane.getShootRange()) {
            for (Plane friendlyPlane : futurePlanes) {
                if (friendlyPlane == null) {
                if (friendlyPlane.isAlive() && friendlyPlane.getPosition().equals(destPoint)) {
                    return false;
        return true;

    private int possibleHits(Plane plane) {
        if (!plane.canShoot() || !canShootSafely(plane)) {
            return 0;
        int possibleHits = 0;
        Point3D[] range = plane.getShootRange();
        for (Plane enemyPlane : enemyPlanes) {
            for (Move move : getPossibleMoves(enemyPlane)) {
                Plane simPlane = enemyPlane.simulateMove(move);
                for (Point3D dest : range) {
                    if (dest.equals(simPlane.getPosition())) {
        return possibleHits;

    private boolean isOutside(Plane plane) {
        return !plane.getPosition().isInArena(arenaSize);



さらにテストを行ったところ、Whirligigの方がPredictAndAvoidよりも損失が少なく、PredictAndAvoidはより多くの勝利を管理しているようです。PredictAndAvoid:1564 Crossfire:125 | かざぐるま:25クロスファイア:600

CommonGuy 14



    Rules of behavior:
    - Avoid hitting walls
    - Move, safely, to shoot at spaces our enemy might fly to
    - (contingent) Move to a safe space that aims closer to the enemy
    - Move to a safe space
    - Move, unsafely, to shoot at spaces our enemy might fly to
    - Move to any space (remember to avoid walls)

    Chooses randomly between equally prioritized moves

    contingent strategy is evaluated during early fights

package Planes;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;

public class PredictAndAvoid extends PlaneControl {

    public PredictAndAvoid(int arenaSize, int rounds) {
        super(arenaSize, rounds);

    private int fightsPerMatch = 0;
    private int fightNum = 0;
    private int roundNum = 0;
    private boolean useHoming = true;
    private int homingScore = 0;
    private int[][][] enemyHistory = new int[arenaSize][arenaSize][arenaSize];

    // don't need to take roots here, waste of cpu cycles
    int distanceCubed(Point3D a, Point3D b) {
        return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y) + (a.z-b.z)*(a.z-b.z);

    // is this plane guaranteed to hit a wall, now or soon?
    boolean dangerZone(Plane icarus) {
        // outside the arena?
        // already dead
        // this should never happen for my planes
        if (!icarus.getPosition().isInArena(arenaSize)) {
            return true;
        // adjacent to a wall?
        // directly facing the wall?
        // death next turn
        if (
            icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections().length==1 &&
            icarus.getDistanceFromWall(icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections()[0]) == 0
        ) {
                return true;
        // on an edge?
        // 2d diagonal facing into that edge?
        // death next turn
        if (
            icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections().length==2 &&
            icarus.getDistanceFromWall(icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections()[0]) == 0 &&
            icarus.getDistanceFromWall(icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections()[1]) == 0
        ) {
                return true;
        // near a corner?
        // 3d diagonal facing into that corner?
        // death in 1-2 turns
        if (
            icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections().length==3 &&
            icarus.getDistanceFromWall(icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections()[0]) < 2 &&
            icarus.getDistanceFromWall(icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections()[1]) < 2 &&
            icarus.getDistanceFromWall(icarus.getDirection().getMainDirections()[2]) < 2
        ) {
                return true;
        // there's at least one way out of this position
        return false;

    public Move[] act() {
        Move[] moves = new Move[2];

        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
            Plane p = myPlanes[i];
            if (!p.isAlive()) {
                moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false); // If we're dead we just return something, it doesn't matter anyway.

            // a list of every move that doesn't commit us to running into a wall
            // or a collision with the previously moved friendly plane
            ArrayList<Move> potentialMoves = new ArrayList<Move>();
            for (Direction candidateDirection : p.getPossibleDirections()) {
                if (i==1 && myPlanes[0].simulateMove(moves[0]).getPosition().equals(myPlanes[1].simulateMove(new Move(candidateDirection,false,false)).getPosition())) {

                } else {                
                    Plane future = new Plane(arenaSize, 0, p.getDirection(), p.getPosition().add(candidateDirection.getAsPoint3D())); 
                    if (!dangerZone(future)) {
                                potentialMoves.add(new Move(candidateDirection, false, false));
                    future = new Plane(arenaSize, 0, candidateDirection, p.getPosition().add(candidateDirection.getAsPoint3D())); 
                    if (!dangerZone(future)) {
                            potentialMoves.add(new Move(candidateDirection, true, false));

            // everywhere our enemies might end up
            // including both directions they could be facing for each location
            ArrayList<Plane> futureEnemies = new ArrayList<Plane>();
            for (Plane e : enemyPlanes) {
                if (e.isAlive()) {
                    for (Direction candidateDirection : e.getPossibleDirections()) {
                        futureEnemies.add(new Plane(
                        // don't make a duplicate entry for forward moves
                        if (!candidateDirection.getAsPoint3D().equals(e.getDirection().getAsPoint3D())) {
                            futureEnemies.add(new Plane(

            // a list of moves that are out of enemies' potential line of fire
            // also skipping potential collisions unless we are ahead on planes
            ArrayList<Move> safeMoves = new ArrayList<Move>();
            for (Move candidateMove : potentialMoves) {
                boolean safe = true;
                Point3D future = p.simulateMove(candidateMove).getPosition();
                for (Plane ec : futureEnemies) {
                    if (ec.getPosition().equals(future)) {
                        if (
                            (myPlanes[0].isAlive()?1:0) + (myPlanes[1].isAlive()?1:0)
                            (enemyPlanes[0].isAlive()?1:0) + (enemyPlanes[1].isAlive()?1:0)
                        ) {
                            safe = false;
                    if (ec.isAlive() && ec.canShoot()) {
                        Point3D[] range = ec.getShootRange();
                        for (Point3D t : range) {
                            if (future.equals(t)) {
                                safe = false;
                        if (safe == false) {
                if (safe == true) {

            // a list of moves that let us attack a space an enemy might be in
            // ignore enemies committed to suicide vs a wall
            // TODO: don't shoot at friendly planes
            ArrayList<Move> attackMoves = new ArrayList<Move>();
            for (Move candidateMove : potentialMoves) {
                int attackCount = 0;
                Plane future = p.simulateMove(candidateMove);
                Point3D[] range = future.getShootRange();
                for (Plane ec : futureEnemies) {
                    for (Point3D t : range) {
                        if (ec.getPosition().equals(t)) {
                            if (!dangerZone(ec)) {
                                    attackMoves.add(new Move(candidateMove.direction, candidateMove.changeDirection, true));
                if (attackCount > 0) {


            // find all attack moves that are also safe moves
            ArrayList<Move> safeAttackMoves = new ArrayList<Move>();
            for (Move safeCandidate : safeMoves) {
                for (Move attackCandidate : attackMoves) {
                    if (safeCandidate.direction == attackCandidate.direction) {

            // choose the safe move that aims closest potential enemy positions
            int maxDistanceCubed = arenaSize*arenaSize*arenaSize*8;
            Move homingMove = null;
            int bestHomingMoveTotalDistancesCubed = maxDistanceCubed*1000;
            for (Move candidateMove : safeMoves) {
                int totalCandidateDistancesCubed = 0;
                for (Plane ec : futureEnemies) {
                    if (ec.isAlive()) {
                        int distThisEnemyCubed = maxDistanceCubed;
                        Point3D[] range = p.simulateMove(candidateMove).getShootRange();
                        for (Point3D t : range) {
                            int d1 = distanceCubed(t, ec.getPosition());
                            if (d1 < distThisEnemyCubed) {
                                distThisEnemyCubed = d1;
                        totalCandidateDistancesCubed += distThisEnemyCubed;
                if (totalCandidateDistancesCubed < bestHomingMoveTotalDistancesCubed) {
                    bestHomingMoveTotalDistancesCubed = totalCandidateDistancesCubed;
                    homingMove = candidateMove;

            Random rng = new Random();
            // move to attack safely if possible
            // even if we can't shoot, this is good for chasing enemies
            if (safeAttackMoves.size() > 0) {
                moves[i] = safeAttackMoves.get(rng.nextInt(safeAttackMoves.size()));
            // turn towards enemies if it's possible and safe
            // tests indicate value of this strategy varies significantly by opponent
            // useHoming changes based on outcome of early fights with[out] it
            // TODO: track enemy movement, aim for neighborhood
            else if (useHoming == true && homingMove != null) {
                moves[i] = homingMove;
            // make random move, safe from attack
            else if (safeMoves.size() > 0) {
                moves[i] = safeMoves.get(rng.nextInt(safeMoves.size()));
            // move to attack unsafely only if there are no safe moves
            else if (attackMoves.size() > 0 && p.canShoot()) {
                moves[i] = attackMoves.get(rng.nextInt(attackMoves.size()));
            // make random move, safe from walls
            else if (potentialMoves.size() > 0) {
                moves[i] = potentialMoves.get(rng.nextInt(potentialMoves.size()));
            // keep moving forward
            // this should never happen
            else {
                moves[i] = new Move(p.getDirection(), false, true);
        return moves;

    public void newFight(int fightsFought, int myScore, int enemyScore) {
        // try the homing strategy for 1/8 of the match
        // skip it for 1/8, then choose the winning option
        if (fightsFought == fightsPerMatch/8) {
            homingScore = myScore-enemyScore;
            useHoming = false;
        } else if (fightsFought == (fightsPerMatch/8)*2) {
            if (homingScore*2 > myScore-enemyScore) {
                useHoming = true;
        fightNum = fightsFought;
        roundNum = 0;

    public void newOpponent(int fights) {
        fightsPerMatch = fights;








この挑戦のために、小さくて速いビジュアライザーを書きました。コードとjarファイルはgithubリポジトリにあります:https : //github.com/Hungary-Dude/DogfightVisualizer



ソースからビルドするには、Gradle(http://gradle.org)とIDEのGradle統合(必要な場合)が必要です。次に、レポのクローンを作成して実行しgradlew desktop:runます。Gradleが必要なすべてのライブラリをインポートすることを願っています。メインクラスはzove.koth.dogfight.desktop.DesktopLauncherです。



java -cp your-class-folder/;desktop-1.0.jar;Planes.jar zove.koth.dogfight.desktop.DesktopLauncher package.YourPlaneController1 package.YourPlaneController2 ...


スクリーンショットは次のとおりです。 スクリーンショット



平面位置を表すPoint3Dを取得し、各座標から6.5を減算して、ビューに移動しました。plane.transform.setToTranslation(new Vector3(point3d.x-6.5f,point3d.y-6.5f,point3d.z-6.5f))飛行機はありませんのようなものが範囲外になるようだので、私は何かが間違っていることを疑う
DankMemes 14


わかった。申し訳ありませんが、実際にはコードをあまり見ていません。Point3Dをlibgdx Vector3に直接変換しました。ちなみに、私は明日から1週間ほど離れています。あなたが何かを必要とするならば、私がここにいないならばすみません。留守中にチェックインしてみます。
DankMemes 14




package Planes;public class EmoFockeWulf extends PlaneControl{public EmoFockeWulf(int s, int r){super(s,r);}public Move[] act(){Move[] m=new Move[2];m[0]=new Move(myPlanes[0].getDirection(),false,false);m[1]=m[0];return m;}}

user80551 14

@ user80551関係なく、有効なプレイスタイルだと思います。それを追放する理由はありません。



cjfaure 14


Weeeeeeeeeeee - 空白を除去した後344のバイト


package Planes;
public class W extends PlaneControl{
    int i,c;
    int[] s={1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0};
    public W(int a,int r){
    public void newFight(int a,int b,int c){
    public Move[] act(){
        Plane p=myPlanes[0];
        Move n=new Move(i<8?p.getDirection():new Direction(c*s[(i+2)%8],0,c*s[i%8]),0<1,i%2<1);
        Move[] m={n,n};
        return m;


返品明細書は違法です。Javaでは、すべてのコンテンツを1行で指定するオブジェクトの配列を作成するnew Type[]{item1, item2, ...}ために使用する必要があるため、この場合は次のようになりますreturn new Move[]{new Move(d,z,a),new Move(d,z,a^=z)};


pseudonym117 14


pseudonym117 14




    package Planes;

public class MoveAndShootPlane extends PlaneControl {

    public MoveAndShootPlane(int arenaSize, int rounds) {
        super(arenaSize, rounds);

    public Move[] act() {
        Move[] moves = new Move[2];

        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
            if (!myPlanes[i].isAlive()) {
                moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false); // If we're dead we just return something, it doesn't matter anyway.
            // What direction am I going again?
            Direction currentDirection = myPlanes[i].getDirection();

            // Is my plane able to shoot?
            boolean canIShoot = myPlanes[i].canShoot();

            // if a wall is near me, turn around, otherwise continue along
            if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("N") && myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('N') <= 2) {
                if (myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('U') > myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('D')) {
                    moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("NU"), true, canIShoot);
                } else {
                    moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("ND"), true, canIShoot);
            } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("S") && myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('S') <= 2) {
                if (myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('U') > myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('D')) {
                    moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("SU"), true, canIShoot);
                } else {
                    moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("SD"), true, canIShoot);
            } else {
                if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("N") || myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("S")) {             
                    moves[i] = new Move(currentDirection, false, canIShoot);
                } else if (myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('N') < myPlanes[i].getDistanceFromWall('S')) {
                    if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("NU")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("U"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("U")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("SU"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("SU")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("S"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("ND")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("D"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("D")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("SD"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("SD")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("S"), true, canIShoot);
                } else {
                    if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("SU")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("U"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("U")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("NU"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("NU")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("N"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("SD")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("D"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("D")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("ND"), true, canIShoot);
                    } else if (myPlanes[i].getDirection().getAsString().equals("ND")) {
                        moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("N"), true, canIShoot);
        return moves;

    public void newFight(int fightsFought, int myScore, int enemyScore) {
        // Using information is for schmucks.

    public void newOpponent(int fights) {
        // What did I just say about information?


まだテストしていませんが、これは機能しません。一度に180度回転させようとしています。ヒントとして、N-> Sの代わりにN-> NU-> U-> SU-> Sを試すか、屋根が床より近い場合はUをDに置き換えます。

@overactor:少し見逃しましたyou may only change your angle by 45 degrees


おそらくHashtableではなくHashMap <String>を使用する必要があります。それ以外の場合は、new Direction(wayToGo.get(currentDirection))Stringにキャストするのを忘れて機能しません。フィールドも有効ではない後のwayToGo.putは、ブロック{wayToGo.put(blah); blah;}またはコンストラクターに配置します。





package Planes;

public class Whirligig extends PlaneControl{

    public Whirligig(int arenaSize, int rounds) {
        super(arenaSize, rounds);
        cycle = -1;

    int cycle;
    String[][] cycles = {

    private Move act(int idx){
        Plane plane = myPlanes[idx];
        Move move = new Move(plane.getDirection(), true, plane.canShoot());
            return new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false);

        if(cycle < 0){
            if(idx == 0 && (myPlanes[1].getZ() == 0 || myPlanes[1].getZ() == 13)){
                return move;
            if(distanceToCenter(plane.getPosition()) > 2){
                move.direction = initialMove(plane);
            } else {
                cycle = (int)(Math.random()*3);
        } else {
            move.direction = continueCycle(plane, cycle + (idx*3));
        return move;

    private Direction initialMove(Plane plane){
        if(plane.getDirection().getNSDir() > 0)
            return new Direction("SU");
            return new Direction("ND");

    private Direction continueCycle(Plane plane, int pathIndex){
        Direction current = plane.getDirection();
        String[] path = cycles[pathIndex];
        for(int i=0;i<path.length;i++)
                return new Direction(path[(i+1)%path.length]);

        Direction[] possible = plane.getPossibleDirections();
        int step = (int)(Math.random()*path.length);
        for(int i=0;i<path.length;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<possible.length;j++){
                    return new Direction(path[(i+step)%path.length]);
        return plane.getDirection();

    private int distanceToCenter(Point3D pos){
        int x = (int)Math.abs(pos.x - 6.5); 
        int y = (int)Math.abs(pos.y - 6.5); 
        int z = (int)Math.abs(pos.z - 6.5);
        return Math.max(x, Math.max(y,z));

    public Move[] act() {
        Move[] moves = new Move[2];
        for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
            moves[i] = act(i);
        return moves;

    public void newFight(int fought, int wins, int losses){
        cycle = -1;

    public void newOpponent(int fights){
        cycle = -1;





package Planes;

public class DumbPlanes extends PlaneControl {

    public DumbPlanes(int arenaSize, int rounds) {
        super(arenaSize, rounds);

    public Move[] act() {
        Move[] moves = new Move[2];
        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
            if (!myPlanes[i].isAlive()) {
                moves[i] = new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false); // If we're dead we just return something, it doesn't matter anyway.
            Direction[] possibleDirections = myPlanes[i].getPossibleDirections(); // Let's see where we can go.

            for (int j=0; j<possibleDirections.length*3; j++) {

                int random = (int) Math.floor((Math.random()*possibleDirections.length)); // We don't want to be predictable, so we pick a random direction out of the possible ones.

                if (myPlanes[i].getPosition().add(possibleDirections[random].getAsPoint3D()).isInArena(arenaSize)) { // We'll try not to fly directly into a wall.
                    moves[i] = new Move(possibleDirections[random], Math.random()>0.5, myPlanes[i].canShoot() && Math.random()>0.2);
                    continue; // I'm happy with this move for this plane.

                // Uh oh.
                random = (int) Math.floor((Math.random()*possibleDirections.length));
                moves[i] = new Move(possibleDirections[random], Math.random()>0.5, myPlanes[i].canShoot() && Math.random()>0.2);

        return moves;

    public void newFight(int fightsFought, int myScore, int enemyScore) {
        // Using information is for schmucks.

    public void newOpponent(int fights) {
        // What did I just say about information?




package Planes;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class Starfox extends PlaneControl

    public Starfox(int arenaSize, int rounds)
        super(arenaSize, rounds);

    private ArrayList<Point3D> dangerousPositions;
    private ArrayList<Point3D> riskyPositions;

    public Move[] act()
        dangerousPositions = new ArrayList<>();
        riskyPositions = new ArrayList<>();

        // add corners as places to be avoided
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(0,0,0));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(0,0,arenaSize-1));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(0,arenaSize-1,0));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(0,arenaSize-1,arenaSize-1));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(arenaSize-1,0,0));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(arenaSize-1,0,arenaSize-1));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(arenaSize-1,arenaSize-1,0));
        dangerousPositions.add(new Point3D(arenaSize-1,arenaSize-1,arenaSize-1));

        for (Plane p : super.enemyPlanes)
            for (Direction d : p.getPossibleDirections())
                Point3D potentialPosition = new Point3D(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ()).add(d.getAsPoint3D());
                if (potentialPosition.isInArena(arenaSize))
                    if (p.canShoot())
                        for (Point3D range : p.getShootRange())

        ArrayList<Move> moves = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Plane p : myPlanes)
            if (p.isAlive())
                ArrayList<Direction> potentialDirections = new ArrayList<>();

                for (Direction d : p.getPossibleDirections())
                    Point3D potentialPosition = new Point3D(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ()).add(d.getAsPoint3D());
                    if (potentialPosition.isInArena(arenaSize))

                // remove dangerous positions from flight plan
                potentialDirections.removeIf(new Predicate<Direction>()
                    public boolean test(Direction test)
                        boolean result = false;
                        for (Point3D compare : dangerousPositions)
                            if (p.getPosition().add(test.getAsPoint3D()).equals(compare))
                                result = true;
                        return result && potentialDirections.size() > 0;

                // remove positions with no future from flight plan

                potentialDirections.removeIf(new Predicate<Direction>()
                    public boolean test(Direction test)
                        boolean hasFuture = false;
                        for (Direction compare : p.getPossibleDirections())
                            Plane future = new Plane(arenaSize, 0, compare, p.getPosition().add(compare.getAsPoint3D()));
                            if (future!=null && future.getDirection()!=null) {
                                for (Direction d : future.getPossibleDirections())
                                    if (future.getPosition().add(d.getAsPoint3D()).isInArena(arenaSize))
                                        hasFuture = true;
                        return !hasFuture;

                // remove risky positions from flight plan
                potentialDirections.removeIf(new Predicate<Direction>()
                    public boolean test(Direction test)
                        boolean result = false;
                        for (Point3D compare : riskyPositions)
                            if (p.getPosition().add(test.getAsPoint3D()).equals(compare))
                                result = true;
                        return result && potentialDirections.size() > 0;

                // check for targets
                Direction best = null;
                if (p.canShoot())
                    int potentialHits = 0;
                    for (Direction d : potentialDirections)
                        Plane future = new Plane(arenaSize, 0, d, p.getPosition().add(d.getAsPoint3D()));
                        for (Point3D t : future.getShootRange())
                            int targets = 0;
                            for (Plane e : super.enemyPlanes)
                                for (Direction s : e.getPossibleDirections())
                                    Plane target = new Plane(arenaSize, 0, s, e.getPosition().add(s.getAsPoint3D()));
                                    if (target.getPosition().equals(t))

                            if (targets > potentialHits)
                                best = d;
                                potentialHits = targets;

                if (best == null)
                    if (potentialDirections.size() > 0) {
                        best = potentialDirections.get((int) Math.floor(Math.random() * potentialDirections.size()));
                    } else {
                        best = new Direction("N");

                moves.add(new Move(best, true, false));

                // this plane is dead, not much to do but go hide in corner
                moves.add(new Move(new Direction("N"), false, false));


        Move[] movesArr = {moves.get(0), moves.get(1)};
        return movesArr;

    public void newFight(int fightsFought, int myScore, int enemyScore)
        // Using information is for schmucks.

    public void newOpponent(int fights)
        // What did I just say about information?


私は例外を取得しています、スタックトレースは次のとおりです。Planes.Starfox $ 2.test(Starfox.java:1のPlanes.Starfox $ 2.test(Starfox.java:99)でのスレッド「メイン」java.lang.NullPointerExceptionの例外)Planes.Controller.matchUp(Controller.java:のPlanes.Controller.fight(Controller.java:141)のPlanes.Starfox.act(Starfox.java:90)のjava.util.ArrayList.removeIf(Unknown Source)で85)Planes.Controller.main(Controller.java:35)で、Package Planesを追加する必要がありました。そうしないと、コンパイルできず、おそらくそれと何か関係がありました。





  • Pythonで書かれており、Sparrによって記述された非Javaコードラッパーとのインターフェースです。

  • すべての計算を純粋なPythonで行い、完全に最適化されていません。少し遅い。

  • 高度な設定と拡張が可能です。

  • 過去の提出に対して非常にうまくいきます。勝利2:1つの敗れた一人一人のための戦いCrossfirePredictAndAvoid、そして勝利98 +% 、他の候補に対するすべての戦いのを。


戦闘Crossfire/ PredictAndAvoid、周囲のボリュームで視覚化された同名の危険ゾーンの評価:


  • nipy_spectralカラーマップを使用して視覚化matplotlib。より危険な座標は、電磁スペクトルの赤/白に近い色を使用してレンダリングされ、大きなドットで描画されます。

  • 危険:青<緑<黄色<赤<ライトグレー



SCORE: DumbPlanes: 0 Dangerzoner: 1000
SCORE: Crossfire: 132 Dangerzoner: 367
SCORE: PredictAndAvoid: 165 Dangerzoner: 465
SCORE: Wee: 0 Dangerzoner: 1000
SCORE: Whirligig: 0 Dangerzoner: 989
SCORE: MoveAndShootPlane: 0 Dangerzoner: 1000
SCORE: Starfox: 4 Dangerzoner: 984
SCORE: DumbPy: 0 Dangerzoner: 1000

DumbPlanes: 2 points.
Crossfire: 12 points.
PredictAndAvoid: 14 points.
Wee: 10 points.
Whirligig: 8 points.
MoveAndShootPlane: 6 points.
Starfox: 4 points.
DumbPy: 0 points.
Dangerzoner: 16 points.

With 16 points.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

Each turn:
    1) Make a list of all possible locations to move to, explicitly excluding suicidal positions that will collide with the walls, an ally, or an ally's bullet.
    2) Rate each possible location using heuristics that estimate the approximate danger in that zone, accounting for the following factors:
        -Proximity to walls. (Manoeuvring constrictions and risk of collision.)
        -Proximity to fronts of planes. (Risk of mid-air collisions.)
        -High distance from enemy planes. (Risk of enemies easily turning to shoot.)
        -Intersection with all enemy attack vectors. (Explicit safety on the next round.)
        -Proximity to enemy forward vectors. (Approximate probability of being targeted in upcoming rounds.)
    3) If certain respective thresholds are met in the possible moves' danger ratings, then do the following if possible:
        -Take a potshot at a random position that an enemy might move to next turn (but never shoot an ally).
        -Take a potshot at an extrapolated position that an enemy will likely move to next turn if they keep up their current rate of turn (but never shoot an ally).
        -Turn to pursue the closest enemy.
        -Move randomly to confound enemy predictive mechanisms. (Disabled since implementing explicit enemy attack vectors in danger zone calculation.)
    4) If none of those thresholds are met, then choose the move rated as least dangerous.

import math, random, functools, sys

#import NGrids
NGrids = lambda: None
class NSpace(object):
    """Object for representing an n-dimensional space parameterized by a list of extents in each dimension."""
    def __init__(self, dimensions):
        self.dimensions = tuple(dimensions)
    def check_coordshape(self, coord):
        return len(coord) == len(self.dimensions)
    def enforce_coordshape(self, coord):
        if not self.check_coordshape(coord):
            raise ValueError(f"Attempted to access {len(coord)}-coordinate point from {len(self.dimensions)}-coordinate space: {coord}")
    def check_coordrange(self, coord):
        return all((0 <= c <= b) for c, b in zip(coord, self.dimensions))
    def enforce_coordrange(self, coord):
        if not self.check_coordrange(coord):
            raise ValueError(f"Attempted to access coordinate point out of range of {'x'.join(str(d) for d in self.dimensions)} space: {coord}")
    def check_coordtype(self, coord):
        return True
    def enforce_coordtype(self, coord):
        if not self.check_coordtype(coord):
            raise TypeError(f"Attempted to access grid point with invalid coordinates for {type(self).__name__}(): {coord}")
    def enforce_coord(self, coord):
        for f in (self.enforce_coordshape, self.enforce_coordrange, self.enforce_coordtype):
    def coords_grid(self, step=None):
        if step is None:
            step = tuple(1 for i in self.dimensions)
        counts = [math.ceil(d/s) for d, s in zip(self.dimensions, step)]
        intervals = [1]
        for c in counts:
        for i in range(intervals[-1]):
            yield tuple((i//l)*s % (c*s) for s, l, c in zip(step, intervals, counts))
NGrids.NSpace = NSpace

def Pythagorean(*coords):
    return math.sqrt(sum(c**2 for c in coords))

class Plane(object):
    """Object for representing a single dogfighting plane."""
    def __init__(self, alive, coord, vec, cooldown=None, name=None):
        self.alive = alive
        self.coord = coord
        self.vec = vec
        self.cooldown = cooldown
        self.name = name
    def set_alive(self, alive):
        self.lastalive = self.alive
        self.alive = alive
    def set_coord(self, coord):
        self.lastcoord = self.coord
        self.coord = coord
    def set_vec(self, vec):
        self.lastvec = self.vec
        self.vec = vec
    def set_cooldown(self, cooldown):
        self.lastcooldown = self.cooldown
        self.cooldown = cooldown
    def update(self, alive=None, coord=None, vec=None, cooldown=None):
        if alive is not None:
        if coord is not None:
        if vec is not None:
        if cooldown is not None:
    def get_legalvecs(self):
        return getNeighbouringVecs(self.vec)
    def get_legalcoords(self):
        return {tuple(self.coord[i]+v for i, v in enumerate(vec)) for vec in self.get_legalvecs()}
    def get_legalfutures(self):
        return (lambda r: r.union((c, self.vec) for c, v in r))({(vecAdd(self.coord, vec),vec) for vec in self.get_legalvecs()})

class DangerZones(NGrids.NSpace):
    """Arena object for representing an n-dimensional volume with both enemy and allied planes in it and estimating the approximate safety/danger of positions within it. """
    def __init__(self, dimensions=(13,13,13), walldanger=18.0, walldistance=3.5, wallexpo=2.0, walluniformity=5.0, planedanger=8.5, planeexpo=8.0, planeoffset=1.5, planedistance=15.0, planedistancedanger=2.0, planedistanceexpo=1.5, firedanger=9.0, collisiondanger=10.0, collisiondirectionality=0.6, collisiondistance=2.5, collisionexpo=0.2):
        NGrids.NSpace.__init__(self, dimensions)
        self.walldanger = walldanger
        self.walldistance = walldistance
        self.wallexpo = wallexpo
        self.walluniformity = walluniformity
        self.planedanger = planedanger
        self.planeexpo = planeexpo
        self.planeoffset = planeoffset
        self.planedistance = planedistance
        self.planedistancedanger = planedistancedanger
        self.planedistanceexpo = planedistanceexpo
        self.firedanger = firedanger
        self.collisiondanger = collisiondanger
        self.collisiondirectionality = collisiondirectionality
        self.collisiondistance = collisiondistance
        self.collisionexpo = collisionexpo
    def filteractiveplanes(self, planes=None):
        if planes is None:
            planes = self.planes
        return (p for p in planes if all((p.alive, p.coord, p.vec)))
    def rate_walldanger(self, coord):
        return (lambda d: (max(d)*self.walluniformity+sum(d))/(self.walluniformity+1))((1-min(1, (self.dimensions[i]/2-abs(v-self.dimensions[i]/2))/self.walldistance)) ** self.wallexpo * self.walldanger for i, v in enumerate(coord))
    def rate_planedanger(self, coord, planecoord, planevec):
        for v in (planecoord, planevec, coord):
        return max(0, (1 - vecAngle(planevec, vecSub(coord, vecSub(planecoord, vecMult(planevec, (self.planeoffset,)*len(self.dimensions)))) ) / math.pi)) ** self.planeexpo * self.planedanger
        offsetvec = convertVecTrinary(planevec, length=self.planeoffset)
        relcoord = [v-(planecoord[i]-offsetvec[i]) for i, v in enumerate(coord)]
        nrelcoord = (lambda m: [(v/m if m else 0) for v in relcoord])(Pythagorean(*relcoord))
        planevec = (lambda m: [(v/m if m else 0) for v in planevec])(Pythagorean(*planevec))
        return max(0, sum(d*p for d, p in zip(planevec, nrelcoord))+2)/2 ** self.planeexpo * self.planedanger + min(1, Pythagorean(*relcoord)/self.planedistance) ** self.planedistanceexpo * self.planedistancedanger
    def rate_planedistancedanger(self, coord, planecoord, planevec):
        return Pythagorean(*vecSub(planecoord, coord))/self.planedistance ** self.planedistanceexpo * self.planedistancedanger
    def rate_firedanger(self, coord, plane):
        return (min(vecAngle(vecSub(coord, c), v) for c, v in plane.get_legalfutures()) < 0.05) * self.firedanger
    def rate_collisiondanger(self, coord, planecoord, planevec):
        if coord == planecoord:
            return self.collisiondanger
        offsetvec = tuple(p-c for p,c in zip(planecoord, coord))
        return max(0, vecAngle(planevec, offsetvec)/math.pi)**self.collisiondirectionality * max(0, 1-Pythagorean(*offsetvec)/self.collisiondistance)**self.collisionexpo*self.collisiondanger
    def set_planes(self, *planes):
        self.planes = planes
    def set_allies(self, *allies):
        self.allies = allies
    def rate_planesdanger(self, coord, planes=None):
        if planes is None:
            planes = {*self.planes}
        return max((0, *(self.rate_planedanger(coord, planecoord=p.coord, planevec=p.vec) for p in self.filteractiveplanes(planes))))
    def rate_planedistancesdanger(self, coord, planes=None):
        if planes is None:
            planes = {*self.planes}
        return max((0, *(self.rate_planedistancedanger(coord, planecoord=p.coord, planevec=p.vec) for p in self.filteractiveplanes(planes))))
    def rate_firesdanger(self, coord, planes=None):
        if planes is None:
            planes = {*self.planes}
        return sum(self.rate_firedanger(coord, p) for p in self.filteractiveplanes(planes))
    def rate_collisionsdanger(self, coord, pself=None, planes=None):
        if planes is None:
            planes = {*self.planes, *self.allies}
        return max((0, *(self.rate_collisiondanger(coord , planecoord=p.coord, planevec=p.vec) for p in self.filteractiveplanes(planes) if p is not pself)))
    def rate_sumdanger(self, coord, pself=None, planes=None):
        return max((self.rate_walldanger(coord), self.rate_planesdanger(coord, planes=planes), self.rate_planedistancesdanger(coord, planes=planes), self.rate_firesdanger(coord, planes=planes), self.rate_collisionsdanger(coord, pself=pself, planes=planes)))
    def get_expectedallies(self):
        return {*self.expectedallies}
    def clear_expectedallies(self):
        self.expectedallies = set()
    def add_expectedallies(self, *coords):
    def get_expectedshots(self):
        return {*self.expectedshots}
    def clear_expectedshots(self):
        self.expectedshots = set()
    def add_expectedshots(self, *rays):
    def tickturn(self):

def stringException(exception):
    import traceback
    return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(exception), exception, exception.__traceback__))

    import matplotlib.pyplot, matplotlib.cm, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d, time
    class PlottingDangerZones(DangerZones):
        """Arena object for calculating danger ratings and rendering 3D visualizations of the arena state and contents to both files and an interactive display on each turn."""
        plotparams = {'dangersize': 80, 'dangersizebase': 0.2, 'dangersizeexpo': 2.0, 'dangeralpha': 0.2, 'dangerres': 1, 'dangervrange': (0, 10), 'dangercmap': matplotlib.cm.nipy_spectral, 'dangermarker': 'o', 'allymarker': 's', 'enemymarker': 'D', 'vectormarker': 'x', 'planesize': 60, 'vectorsize': 50, 'planecolour': 'black', 'deathmarker': '*', 'deathsize': 700, 'deathcolours': ('darkorange', 'red'), 'deathalpha': 0.65, 'shotlength': 4, 'shotcolour': 'darkviolet', 'shotstyle': 'dashed'}
        enabledplots = ('enemies', 'allies', 'vectors', 'danger', 'deaths', 'shots', 'names')
        def __init__(self, dimensions=(13,13,13), plotparams=None, plotautoturn=0, plotsavedir=None, enabledplots=None, disabledplots=None, tickwait=0.0, plotcycle=0.001, **kwargs):
            DangerZones.__init__(self, dimensions, **kwargs)
            self.figure = None
            self.axes = None
            self.frame = None
            self.plotobjs = {}
            self.plotshown = False
            if plotparams:
            self.plotautoturn = plotautoturn
            self.plotsavedir = plotsavedir
            if enabledplots:
                self.enabledplots = tuple(enabledplots)
            if disabledplots:
                self.enabledplots = tuple(m for m in self.enabledplots if m not in disabledplots)
            self.tickwait = tickwait
            self.plotcycle = plotcycle
            self.lasttick = time.time()
        def set_plotparams(self, plotparams):
            self.plotparams = {**self.plotparams, **plotparams}
        def prepare_plotaxes(self, figure=None, clear=True):
            if self.figure is None and figure is None:
                self.figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
                self.frame = 0
            if self.axes is None:
                self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(projection='3d')
            elif clear:
            for d, h in zip((self.axes.set_xlim, self.axes.set_ylim, self.axes.set_zlim), self.dimensions):
                d(0, h)
            return (self.figure, self.axes)
        def plotter(kind):
            def plotterd(funct):
                def plott(self):
                    kws = dict(getattr(self, funct.__name__.replace('plot_', 'plotparams_'))())
                    if '*args' in kws:
                        args = tuple(kws.pop('*args'))
                        args = tuple()
                    if False and funct.__name__ in self.plotobjs:
                        self.plotobjs[funct.__name__] = getattr(self.axes, kind)(*args, **kws)
                return plott
            return plotterd
        def plotparams_enemies(self):
            r = {'xs': tuple(), 'ys': tuple(), 'zs': tuple(), 'marker': self.plotparams['enemymarker'], 's': self.plotparams['planesize'], 'c': self.plotparams['planecolour']}
            planes = tuple(self.filteractiveplanes(self.planes))
            if planes:
                r['xs'], r['ys'], r['zs'] = zip(*(p.coord for p in planes))
            return r
        def plotparams_allies(self):
            r = {'xs': tuple(), 'ys': tuple(), 'zs': tuple(), 'marker': self.plotparams['allymarker'], 's': self.plotparams['planesize'], 'c': self.plotparams['planecolour']}
            planes = tuple(self.filteractiveplanes(self.allies))
            if planes:
                r['xs'], r['ys'], r['zs'] = zip(*(p.coord for p in planes))
            return r
        def plotparams_vectors(self):
            r = {'xs': tuple(), 'ys': tuple(), 'zs': tuple(), 'marker': self.plotparams['vectormarker'], 's': self.plotparams['vectorsize'], 'c': self.plotparams['planecolour']}
            planes = tuple(self.filteractiveplanes(self.allies+self.planes))
            if planes:
                r['xs'], r['ys'], r['zs'] = zip(*(vecAdd(p.coord, p.vec) for p in planes))
            return r
        def plotparams_danger(self):
            r = {'xs': tuple(), 'ys': tuple(), 'zs': tuple(), 'marker': self.plotparams['dangermarker'], 'cmap': self.plotparams['dangercmap'], 'alpha': self.plotparams['dangeralpha']}
            coords = tuple(self.coords_grid((self.plotparams['dangerres'],)*len(self.dimensions)))
            r['xs'], r['ys'], r['zs'] = zip(*coords)
            r['c'] = tuple(self.rate_sumdanger(c) for c in coords)
            m = max(r['c'])
            r['s'] = tuple((d/m)**self.plotparams['dangersizeexpo']*self.plotparams['dangersize']+self.plotparams['dangersizebase'] for d in r['c'])
            if self.plotparams['dangervrange']:
                r['vmin'], r['vmax'] = self.plotparams['dangervrange']
            return r
        def plotparams_deaths(self):
            r = {'xs': tuple(), 'ys': tuple(), 'zs': tuple(), 'marker': self.plotparams['deathmarker'], 's': self.plotparams['deathsize'], 'c': self.plotparams['deathcolours'][0], 'linewidths': self.plotparams['deathsize']/180, 'edgecolors': self.plotparams['deathcolours'][1], 'alpha': self.plotparams['deathalpha']}
            deaths = tuple(p.lastcoord for p in self.planes+self.allies if p.lastalive and not p.alive)
            if deaths:
                r['xs'], r['ys'], r['zs'] = zip(*deaths)
            return r
        def plotparams_shots(self):
            r = {'length': self.plotparams['shotlength'], 'linestyles': self.plotparams['shotstyle'], 'color': self.plotparams['shotcolour'], 'arrow_length_ratio': 0.0, '*args': []}
            planes = tuple(p for p in self.filteractiveplanes(self.allies+self.planes) if not (p.lastcooldown is None or p.cooldown is None) and (p.cooldown > p.lastcooldown))
            if planes:
                for s in zip(*(p.coord for p in planes)):
                for s in zip(*(p.vec for p in planes)):
                for i in range(6):
            return r
        def plot_enemies(self):
        def plot_allies(self):
        def plot_vectors(self):
        def plot_danger(self):
        def plot_deaths(self):
        def plot_shots(self):
        def plot_names(self):
            if 'plot_names' in self.plotobjs:
            self.plotobjs['plot_names'] = [self.axes.text(*p.coord, s=f"{p.name}") for i, p in enumerate(self.filteractiveplanes(self.allies+self.planes))]
        def plotall(self):
            for m in self.enabledplots:
                getattr(self, f'plot_{m}')()
        def updateallplots(self):
            if self.plotautoturn:
                self.axes.view_init(30, -60+self.frame*self.plotautoturn)
            if self.plotsavedir:
                import os
                os.makedirs(self.plotsavedir, exist_ok=True)
                self.figure.savefig(os.path.join(self.plotsavedir, f'{self.frame}.png'))
            self.frame += 1
            if not self.plotshown:
                self.plotshown = True
        def tickturn(self):
            matplotlib.pyplot.pause(max(self.plotcycle, self.lasttick+self.tickwait-time.time()))
            self.lasttick = time.time()
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Could not define matplotlib rendering dangerzone handler:\n{stringException(e)}", file=sys.stderr)

def vecEquals(vec1, vec2):
    return tuple(vec1) == tuple(vec2)

def vecAdd(*vecs):
    return tuple(sum(p) for p in zip(*vecs))

def vecSub(vec1, vec2):
    return tuple(a-b for a, b in zip(vec1, vec2))

def vecMult(*vecs):
    return tuple(functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, p) for p in zip(*vecs))

def vecDiv(vec1, vec2):
    return tuple(a-b for a, b in zip(vec1, vec2))

def vecDotProduct(*vecs):
    return sum(vecMult(*vecs))
    #return sum(d*p for d, p in zip(vec1, vec2))

def vecAngle(vec1, vec2):
        if all(c == 0 for c in vec1) or all(c == 0 for c in vec2):
            return math.nan
        return math.acos(max(-1, min(1, vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)/Pythagorean(*vec1)/Pythagorean(*vec2))))
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError(f"{e!s}: {vec1} {vec2}")

def convertVecTrinary(vec, length=1):
    return tuple((max(-length, min(length, v*math.inf)) if v else v) for v in vec)

def getNeighbouringVecs(vec):
    vec = convertVecTrinary(vec, length=1)
    return {ve for ve in (tuple(v+(i//3**n%3-1) for n, v in enumerate(vec)) for i in range(3**len(vec))) if all(v in (-1,0,1) for v in ve) and any(v and v==vec[i] for i, v in enumerate(ve))}

def getVecRotation(vec1, vec2):
    #Just do a cross product/perpendicular to tangential plane/normal?

def applyVecRotation(vec, rotation):

class DangerZoner(Plane):
    """Dogfighting plane control object."""
    def __init__(self, arena, snipechance=0.60, snipechoices=3, firesafety=7.5, chasesafety=5.0, jinkdanger=math.inf, jink=0, name=None):
        Plane.__init__(self, True, None, None)
        self.arena = arena
        self.lookahead = 1
        self.snipechance = snipechance
        self.snipechoices = snipechoices
        self.firesafety = firesafety
        self.chasesafety = chasesafety
        self.jinkdanger = jinkdanger
        self.jink = jink
        self.vec = None
        self.name = name
    def get_enemies(self):
        return (p for p in self.arena.filteractiveplanes(self.arena.planes))
    def get_vecsuicidal(self, vec, coord=None, steps=5):
        if coord is None:
            coord = self.coord
        if all(3 < c < self.arena.dimensions[i]-3 for i, c in enumerate(coord)):
            return False
        if not all(0 < c < self.arena.dimensions[i] for i, c in enumerate(coord)):
            return True
        elif steps >= 0:
            return all(self.get_vecsuicidal(v, coord=vecAdd(coord, vec), steps=steps-1) for v in getNeighbouringVecs(vec))
        return False
    def get_sanevecs(self):
        legalvecs = self.get_legalvecs()
        s = {vec for vec in legalvecs if vecAdd(self.coord, vec) not in self.arena.get_expectedallies() and not any(vecAngle(vecSub(vecAdd(self.coord, vec), sc), sv) < 0.05 for sc, sv in self.arena.get_expectedshots()) and not self.get_vecsuicidal(vec, coord=vecAdd(self.coord, vec))}
        if not s:
            return legalvecs
            raise Exception()
        return s
    def rate_vec(self, vec, lookahead=None):
        if lookahead is None:
            lookahead = self.lookahead
        return self.arena.rate_sumdanger(tuple(c+v*lookahead for v, c in zip(vec, self.coord)), pself=self)
    def get_validshots(self, snipe=True):
        if snipe and random.random() < self.snipechance:
            enemypossibilities = set.union(*({vecAdd(p.coord, p.vec)} if not p.lastvec or vecEquals(p.vec, p.lastvec) else {vecAdd(p.coord, ve) for ve in sorted(p.get_legalvecs(), key=lambda v: -vecAngle(v, p.lastvec))[:self.snipechoices]} for p in self.get_enemies()))
            enemypossibilities = set().union(*(p.get_legalcoords() for p in self.get_enemies()))
        validshots = []
        if self.cooldown:
            return validshots
        for vec in self.get_sanevecs():
            coord = tuple(c + v for c, v in zip(self.coord, vec))
            if any(vecAngle(tuple(n-v for n, v in zip(t, self.coord)), self.vec) < 0.1 for t in enemypossibilities if t != self.coord) and not any(vecAngle(vecSub(a, coord), self.vec) < 0.05 for a in self.arena.get_expectedallies()):
                validshots.append({'vec': vec, 'turn': False, 'fire': True})
            if any(vecAngle(tuple(n-v for n, v in zip(t, self.coord)), vec) < 0.1 for t in enemypossibilities if t != self.coord) and not any(vecAngle(vecSub(a, coord), vec) < 0.05 for a in self.arena.get_expectedallies()):
                validshots.append({'vec': vec, 'turn': True, 'fire': True})
        if snipe and not validshots:
            validshots = self.get_validshots(snipe=False)
        return validshots
    def get_chase(self):
        enemydirs = {vecSub(vecAdd(p.coord, p.vec), self.coord) for p in self.get_enemies()}
        paths = sorted(self.get_sanevecs(), key=lambda vec: min([vecAngle(vec, e) for e in enemydirs if not all(v == 0 for v in e)]+[math.inf]))
        if paths:
            return paths[0]
    def get_move(self):
        if not self.alive:
            return {'vec': (1,1,1), 'turn': False, 'fire': False}
        fires = self.get_validshots()
        if fires:
            fires = sorted(fires, key=lambda d: self.rate_vec(d['vec']))
            if self.rate_vec(fires[0]['vec']) <= self.firesafety:
                return fires[0]
        vec = self.get_chase()
        if vec is None or self.rate_vec(vec) > self.chasesafety:
            vec = sorted(self.get_sanevecs(), key=self.rate_vec)
            vec = vec[min(len(vec)-1, random.randint(0,self.jink)) if self.rate_vec(vec[0]) > self.jinkdanger else 0]
        return {'vec': vec, 'turn': True, 'fire': False}
    def move(self):
        move = self.get_move()
        coord = vecAdd(self.coord, move['vec'])
        if move['fire']:
            self.arena.add_expectedshots((coord, move['vec'] if move['turn'] else self.vec))
        return move

VecsCarts = {(0,-1):'N', (0,1):'S', (1,1):'E', (1,-1):'W', (2,1):'U', (2,-1):'D'}

def translateCartVec(cartesian):
    vec = [0]*3
    for v,l in VecsCarts.items():
        if l in cartesian:
            vec[v[0]] = v[1]
    return tuple(vec)

def translateVecCart(vec):
    vec = convertVecTrinary(vec)
    return ''.join(VecsCarts[(i,v)] for i, v in enumerate(vec) if v != 0)

def parsePlaneState(text):
    return (lambda d: {'alive':{'alive': True, 'dead': False}[d[0]], 'coord':tuple(int(c) for c in d[1:4]), 'vec':translateCartVec(d[4]), 'cooldown': int(d[5])})(text.split(' '))

def encodePlaneInstruction(vec, turn, fire):
    return f"{translateVecCart(vec)} {int(bool(turn))!s} {int(bool(fire))!s}"

class CtrlReceiver:
    """Object for interacting through STDIN and STDOUT in a dogfight with an arena, controlled planes, and enemy planes."""
    def __init__(self, logname='danger_log.txt', arenatype=DangerZones, arenaconf=None, planetype=DangerZoner, planeconf=None, enemyname='Enemy', stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout):
        self.logname = logname
        self.arenatype = arenatype
        self.arenaconf = dict(arenaconf) if arenaconf else dict()
        self.planetype = planetype
        self.planeconf = dict(planeconf) if planeconf else dict()
        self.enemyname = enemyname
        self.stdin = stdin
        self.stdout = stdout
        self.log = open('danger_log.txt', 'w')
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, *exc):
    def getin(self):
        l = self.stdin.readline()
        self.log.write(f"IN: {l}")
        return l
    def putout(self, content):
        self.log.write(f"OUT: {content}\n")
        print(content, file=self.stdout, flush=True)
    def logout(self, content):
        self.log.write(f"MSG: {content}\n")
    def logerr(self, content):
        self.log.write(f"ERR: {content}\n")
    def run_setup(self, arenasize, rounds):
        self.arena = self.arenatype(dimensions=(arenasize,)*3, **self.arenaconf)
        self.planes = [self.planetype(arena=self.arena, name=f"{self.planetype.__name__} #{i}", **self.planeconf) for i in range(2)]
        self.arena.set_planes(*(Plane(True, None, None, name=f"{self.enemyname} #{i}") for i in range(2)))
    def run_move(self):
        for p in self.planes:
        for p in self.arena.planes:
        for p in self.planes:
    def run(self):
        line = ''
        while not line.startswith('NEW CONTEST '):
            line = self.getin()
        self.run_setup(arenasize=int(line.split(' ')[2])-1, rounds=None)
        while True:
            line = self.getin()
            if line.startswith('NEW TURN'):

if True and __name__ == '__main__' and not sys.flags.interactive:
    import time
    DoPlot = False
    #Use the arena object that visualizes progress every turn.
    DangerPlot = True
    #Compute and render a voxel cloud of danger ratings within the arena each turn if visualizing it.
    SparseDangerPlot = False
    #Use a lower resolution for the voxel cloud if visualizing danger ratings.
    TurntablePlot = True
    #Apply a fixed animation to the interactive visualization's rotation if visualizing the arena.
    with CtrlReceiver(logname='danger_log.txt', arenatype=PlottingDangerZones if DoPlot else DangerZones, arenaconf=dict(disabledplots=None if DangerPlot else ('danger'), plotparams=dict(dangerres=2) if SparseDangerPlot else dict(dangeralpha=0.1), plotautoturn=1 if TurntablePlot else 0, plotsavedir=f'PngFrames') if DoPlot else None, planetype=DangerZoner) as run:
        except Exception as e:
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