Linux用のgitのGUI SourceTreeに似たソフトウェアがありますか?Giggleやgit colaなどを知っています。美しく使いやすいgit用のGUIを探しています。
git gui
Linux用のgitのGUI SourceTreeに似たソフトウェアがありますか?Giggleやgit colaなどを知っています。美しく使いやすいgit用のGUIを探しています。
git gui
tl; dr:GitEye =最も直感的なUI、最速のワークフロー、高度にカスタマイズ可能
私は長い間TortoiseHg Workbenchのパワーユーザーであり、私はそれが大好きなので、当然のことながら、私の完全に意見を述べた基準は主にそれに基づいていました:
* full history visible in main window
* beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
* current branch clearly visible in history
* superclear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail)
* each changed/added file can be committed separately (or in groups)
* current branch clearly visible while committing
* clear push/pull etc buttons
* shelve = stash {not to be confused with patches}
* revert
* graft = cherry pick
* max git features
* HiDPI support
* all changes become visible on refresh
* refresh shortcut
テスト済みのgit GUIクライアントのほとんどは完全な****であり、以下は最高の2つで、他の1つは****ではありません。
- = feature missing or so **** it doesn't count
~ = feature somewhat matches my requirements
+ = feature works like I want :)
~ full history visible in main window [in a separate tab, same UI pattern facilitates looking at the history of separate files]
+ beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
+ current branch clearly visible in history
+ super clear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail)
+ each changed/added file can be committed separately
+ current branch clearly visible while commiting
+ clear push/pull etc buttons
+ shelve = stash [Stashes clearly visible in sidepane]
+ revert
+ graft = cherry pick
+ max git features
~ HiDPI support
+ all changes become visible on refresh
- refresh shortcut [you can set one, but it won't work. bug?]
~ full history visible in main window [separate window, I found myself constantly confusing both windows]
- beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
- current branch clearly visible in history
+ super clear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail)
~ each changed/added file can be commited separately [UI not clear enough]
- current branch clearly visible while commiting
+ clear push/pull etc buttons
+ shelve = stash
+ revert
+ graft = cherry pick
+ max git features
+ HiDPI support
+ all changes become visible on refresh [refreshes automatically]
+ refresh shortcut [refreshes automatically]
+ full history visible in main window
+ beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
+ current branch clearly visible in history
~ super clear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail) [doesn't show new files in main window]
- each changed/added file can be committed separately
- current branch clearly visible while committing
~ clear push/pull etc buttons [could be added via custom commands]
- shelve = stash
- revert
- graft = cherry pick
- max git features
+ HiDPI support
~ all changes become visible on refresh [except for new files]
+ refresh shortcut
インターフェースがそれほど怖くないオープンソースのGIT GUIの1つがですgitg
gitgは、gitリポジトリを表示するGNOME GUIクライアントです。
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
JetBrains IDE(を使用できる場合は、使用することをお勧めします。git(および他のVCS)用の非常に優れた組み込みGUIがあります。ここに記載されている他のソフトウェアほど機能が詰め込まれていないかもしれませんが、うまくいきます。
selected lines of the code
Linux用の最新のVisual Studio Code Editorには、非常にスムーズなgit統合があります。
GitHub Desktop for Linuxを確認します:https : //