sudo fdisk -l
その場合は... 83
Linuxの「としてそれを報告し, **gpart** as mentioned by Luke Maurer) reports it as **ext2** ,, same thing.. The drives I tested are Ext4 (but were reported as 'ext2' and 'Linux' by the two apps), but it seems that this identity is a higher abstraction. Whether you really need to go further is up to you... but the **Id** certainly gives you a pretty closes idea. (if you need to know specifically, perhaps 'gpart
sudo fdisk -l
ですか?,,,ドライブが搭載されていない場合でも、フィスクはあなたのファイルシステムタイプを与え、そしてそれは私が私のドライブ(USB、および内部)と、この加工された上質の2をアンマウント....コマンドラインツールであります:sudo fdisk -l|grep "^/dev"