1) Train leaves from Prague hl.n station at 10:39 AM
2) I get on train "EC 77" headed towards Viener Neustadt Hbf
3) At 11:37, we stop at Pardubice hl.n
4) At 11:39, we head towards Ceska Trebova
5) At 12:17 we arrive at Ceska Trebova
1) Only `TWO` minutes in Pardubice hl.n.
Does that mean people have two minutes to get off or board at that station?
2) At 14:58 we arrive Wien Simmering.
Is that Vienna? Why do we have yet another hour before the destination?
3) Do the "Platf. 2" mean "Platform 2", etc?
4) Is "Wiener Neustadt Hbf" central Vienna or some major train station there?