# Arrays of sites to open; one for each day of the week.
$mondaySites = @("http://www.google.com", "http://www.yahoo.com", "http://www.bing.com")
$tuesdaySites = @("http://www.intel.com","http://www.apple.com","http://www.ubuntu.com/","http://www.android.com/", "http://www.microsoft.com")
$fridaySites = @("http://www.superuser.com", "http://www.cnn.com","http://www.bbc.com/news/world/","http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/")
$sitesToOpen = @()
# Get the day of the week
$today = (get-date).DayOfWeek
# Depending on the day of the week discovered, assign the right day's array into the sitesToOpen array.
switch ($today) {
"Monday" {$sitesToOpen = $mondaySites}
"Tuesday" {$sitesToOpen = $tuesdaySites}
"Friday" {$sitesToOpen = $fridaySites}
# Use COM to create a new IE instance.
$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$isFirstSite = $true
# Loop through the array of sites, and navigate our IE instance to them.
foreach ($site in $sitesToOpen) {
If ($isFirstSite) {
$isFirstSite = $false
} else {
# If it's not the first site, then include the flag to open the site in a new tab.
$ie.Navigate2($site, 0x10000)
# Show the IE window.
$ie.Visible = $true