会社でLync 2013に切り替えたところ、この問題に遭遇しました。AutoHotKeyで非常に迅速で基本的な回避策をコーディングしました。チャットウィンドウのサイズが変更されます(移動はされません)。Lync 2013のこの特定のバグは、ウィンドウサイズではなく、ウィンドウの位置を記憶することを思い出してください。
SetTimer, FixLyncWindow, 500
IfWinExist, ahk_class LyncConversationWindowClass
; First, get the HWND of the window.
; Exit the loop if we have already resized it.
WinGet, currID, ID
IfNotExist, c:\temp\%currID%.txt
; If we're here, we haven't acted on the window,
; or no HWND file list exists,
; which also means we haven't acted on the window.
; So, it's finally time to act on the window.
WinMove, ahk_id %currID%,,,, 850, 600
; Now, we add the HWND to the file so we know we've
; already resized that window and we don't continue
; resizing the window every half-second.
IfNotExist, c:\temp
FileCreateDir, c:\temp
FileAppend,, c:\temp\%currID%.txt
; Now, let's check the file directory to see if any of these
; windows don't exist. If they do not, we can delete the file.
FileList =
test1 =
Loop, c:\temp\*.*
SplitPath, A_LoopFileName,,,, myName
FileList = %FileList%`,%myName%
Loop, parse, FileList, `,
If ( "%A_LoopField%" = "" )
IfWinNotExist, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
FileDelete, c:\temp\%A_LoopField%.txt