Apple MIDI Audio MIDI設定のネットワークウィンドウを開く方法


Audio MIDI Setup/ Applications / Utilities / Audio MIDIを使用してネットワークオーディオ接続を作成するApplescriptを作成しようとしていますネットワーク設定ウィンドウを開くことができません。ネットワークウィンドウを開くためにクリックする必要がある画像があるようです。


    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Audio MIDI Setup"
            set {xPos, yPos} to position of image 1 of group 1 of scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"
        end tell
    end tell

    tell me to do shell script "/usr/bin/cliclick c:" & xPos & "," & yPos
    click at {xPos, yPos} --image "Network" of group 1 of scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"
    delay 0.1
    --click image "Network" of group 1 of scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"





    tell application "Audio MIDI Setup" to activate

    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Audio MIDI Setup" 
        (******************Variable declarations for GUI objects*******************)
        set _W to a reference to (every window whose ¬
            description contains "floating window" and ¬
            name is not "MIDI Network Setup")
        set select_all_menu_item to ¬
            a reference to menu item "Select All" of ¬
                menu 1 of ¬
                menu bar item "Edit" of ¬
                menu bar 1
        set show_midi_studio_menu_item to ¬
            a reference to menu item "Show MIDI Studio" of ¬
                menu 1 of ¬
                menu bar item "Window" of ¬
                menu bar 1
        set midi_studio_window to a reference to window "MIDI Studio"
        set midi_studio_toolbar to a reference to toolbar 1 of midi_studio_window
        set midi_studio_images to a reference to images of ¬
            group 1 of ¬
            scroll area 1 of ¬
        set show_info_button to a reference to (the first button of ¬
            midi_studio_toolbar whose description is "Show Info")
        (**********************End of variable declarations************************)

        if not (midi_studio_window exists) then click show_midi_studio_menu_item
        tell midi_studio_window to perform action "AXRaise" -- bring window to front

        if the front window is midi_studio_window then
            tell select_all_menu_item to if it exists then click it
            --OR: keystroke "a" using command down

            if the show_info_button is enabled then
                click the show_info_button
                click (every button of _W whose subrole is "AXCloseButton")

                tell window "MIDI Network Setup" to perform action "AXRaise"
            end if
        end if
    end tell






このスクリプトは、アプリケーションに通知する「Audio MIDI Setup」というジョブを実行して、アプリケーション「System Events」に通知するプロセスを実行します「Audio MIDI Setup」に通知する

        if name is "Show MIDI Studio" then click

    end tell
end tell
tell process "Audio MIDI Setup"
    set {xPos, yPos} to position of image "Network (Online)" of group 1 of  scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"
    do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick  dc:" & xPos & "," & yPos & ""
end tell

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