




YT+1eT+1YT+1f^(XT+1h),YT+2, and so forth. At the end of this exercise, one would have a sample of forecast errors {eT+l}l=1L which would be truly out-of-sample and would give a very realistic picture of the model's performance.

Since this procedure is very time-consuming, people often resort to "pseudo", or "simulated", out-of-sample analysis, which means to mimic the procedure described in the last paragraph, using some historical date T0<T, rather than today's date T, as a starting point. The resulting forecasting errors {et}t=T0+1T are then used to get an estimate of the model's out-of-sample forecasting ability.

Note that pseudo-out-of-sample analysis is not the only way to estimate a model's out-of-sample performance. Alternatives include cross-validation and information criteria.

A very good discussion of all these issues is provided in Chapter 7 of


The PDF link doesn't work, but seems to be the Tibshirani's free online book "The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction"
Oleg Melnikov
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