我々が使用するインデックス集合である、私たちは一時的表記法を採用できるようにJ (〜Y、θを):= J (θ )の依存性を明示するために、J (θ )ランダムベクトルに〜Y。また、仕事はして要素ごともの(J (〜Y、θ ))RIN={1,2,...,N}J(Y~,θ):=J(θ)J(θ)Y~および( J N(θ))R S = Σ N iが= 1(J( Y I、θ))R S、R、S=1、。。。、k、この議論のため。関数(J(⋅、θ))r sは、集合 R n × Θで実数値になります(J(Y~,θ))rs(JN(θ))rs=∑Ni=1(J(Yi,θ))rsr,s=1,...,k(J(⋅,θ))rsRn×Θ∘, and we will suppose that it is Lebesgue measurable for every θ∈Θ∘. A uniform (strong) law of large numbers defines a set of conditions under which
The conditions that must be satisfied in order that (1) holds are (a) Θ∘ is a compact set; (b) (J(Y~,θ))rs is a continuous function on Θ∘ with probability 1; (c) for each θ∈Θ∘ (J(Y~,θ))rs is dominated by a function h(Y~), i.e. |(J(Y~,θ))rs|<h(Y~); and
(d) for each θ∈Θ∘ Eθ[h(Y~)]<∞;. These conditions come from Jennrich (1969, Theorem 2).
Now for any yi∈Rn, i∈IN and θ′∈S⊆Θ∘, the following inequality obviously holds
Suppose that {θ^N(Y)} is a strongly consistent sequence of estimators for θ0, and let ΘN1=BδN1(θ0)⊆K⊆Θ∘ be an open ball in Rk with radius δN1→0 as N1→∞, and suppose K is compact. Then since θ^N(Y)∈ΘN1 for N sufficiently large enough we have P[limN{θ^N(Y)∈ΘN1}]=1 for sufficiently large N. Together with (2) this implies
Now ΘN1⊆Θ∘ implies conditions (a)-(d) of Jennrich (1969, Theorem 2) apply to ΘN1. Thus (1) and (3) imply
Since (I(θ^N(Y)))rs⟶a.s.I(θ0) then (4) implies that N−1(JN(θ^N(Y)))rs⟶a.s.(I(θ0))rs. Note that (3) holds however small ΘN1 is, and so the result in (4) is independent of the choice of N1 other than N1 must be chosen such that
ΘN1⊆Θ∘. This result holds for all r,s=1,...,k, and so in terms of matrices we have N−1JN(θ^N(Y))⟶a.s.I(θ0).