最初はLiar Montyと呼び、2番目はUnreliable Montyと呼びます。どちらのバージョンでも、問題は次のように進行します。
Unreliable Montyでは、ステップ(2)のドアMontyのピックに車が含まれる事前定義の確率があります。ベンの答えに対するあなたのコメントから、これはあなたが興味のあるシナリオであり、私のバージョンはどちらもルーベン・ファン・ベルゲンのものとは異なります。Unreliable MontyはLiar Montyと同じではないことに注意してください。後でこれら2つのケースを厳密に区別します。しかし、これを考慮してください。このシナリオでは、Montyのドアには台以上の車を入れることはできません2313
SS¯MM¯CC¯=The car is behind the door the contestant can switch to.=The car is not behind the door the contestant can switch to.=The car is behind the door Monty chose.=The car is not behind the door Monty chose.=The car is behind the door the contestant chose in step (1).=The car is not behind the door the contestant chose in step (1).
Pr(S|M¯)|Pr(S|M¯)Pr(S|M¯)=23, which is larger than Pr(S)=13, which corresponds to the case when Monty has not given you any information.
I will now demonstrate that Unreliable Monty is equivalent to Liar Monty. In Liar Monty, we are given the quantity Pr(M|C¯), the probability that Monty will lie about his door, knowing that the contestant has not chosen the car. In Unreliable Monty, we are given the quantity Pr(M), the probability that Monty lies about his door. Using the definition of conditional probability Pr(M and C¯)=Pr(C¯|M)Pr(M)=Pr(M|C¯)Pr(C¯), and rearranging, we obtain:
since Pr(C¯), the probability that the car is not behind the contestant's chosen door is 23 and Pr(C¯|M), the probability that the car is not behind the contestant's chosen door, if we know that it is behind Monty's door, is one.
Thus, we have shown the connection between Unreliable Monty (represented by LHS of the above equation) and Liar Monty (represented by the RHS). In the extreme case of Unreliable Monty, where Monty chooses a door that hides the car 23 of the time, this is equivalent to Monty lying all the time in Liar Monty, if the contestant has picked a goat originally.
Having shown this, I will now provide enough information to answer the Liar version of the Monty Hall Problem. We want to calculate Pr(S). Using the law of total probability:
Pr(S)=Pr(S|C)Pr(C)+Pr(S|C¯ and M)Pr(C¯ and M)+Pr(S|C¯ and M¯)Pr(C¯ and M¯)=Pr(C¯ and M¯)
since Pr(S|C)=Pr(S|C¯ and M)=0 and Pr(S|C¯ and M¯)=1 (convince yourself of this!).
Pr(S)=Pr(C¯ and M¯)=Pr(M¯|C¯)Pr(C¯)=23−23Pr(M|C¯))
So you see, when Monty always lies (aka Pr(M|C¯))=1) then you have a zero chance of winning if you always switch, and if he never lies then the probability the car is behind the door you can switch to, Pr(S), is 23.
From this you can work out the optimal strategies for both Liar, and Unreliable Monty.
Addendum 1
In response to comment (emphasis mine):
"I added more details in my comment to @alex - Monty is never hostile
nor devious, just FALLIBLE, as sometimes he can be wrong for whatever
reasons, and never actually opens the door. Research shows that Monty
is wrong roughly 33.3% of the time, and the car actually turns out to
be there. That is a Posterior Probability of being correct 66.6% of
the time, correct? Monty never chooses YOUR door, and you will never
choose his. Do these assumptions change anything?"
This is as I understand, the Unreliable Monty Hall Problem introduced at the start of my answer.
Therefore, if Monty's door contains the car 13 of the time, we have the probability of winning when you switch to the last unpicked door as:
Thus, there is no difference between switching, remaining with the original door or if allowed, switching to Monty's chosen door (in line with your intuition.)