LEEMIS、ローレンスM。ジャクリンT. MCQUESTON(2008年2月)。「単変量分布関係」(PDF)。アメリカの統計学者。62(1):45–53。doi:10.1198 / 000313008x270448 引用
GD形状パラメーターとして、GD形状はより対称的かつ正常になりますが、aの増加とともに平均が増加するにつれて、GDを(a − 1 )√だけ左にシフトする必要がありますa→∞aで固定し、最後に、シフトしたGDで同じ標準偏差を維持したい場合は、スケールパラメーター(b)を√に比例して減少させる必要があります(a−1)1a−−√kb。1a−−√
つまり、GDを極限ケースNDに変換するにはすることで標準偏差を定数(に設定しますkb=1a−−√kz=(a−1)1a−−√k+x .
GD((a−1)1a−−√k+x; a, 1a−−√k)=⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪(ka−−√)−ae−a−−√xk−a+1((a−1)ka−−√+x)a−1Γ(a)0x>k(1−a)a−−√other.
Graphically for k=2 and a=1,2,4,8,16,32,64 the GD is in blue and the limiting ND(x;0, 22) is in orange, below

Second Let us make the point that due to the similarity of form between these distributions, one can pretty much develop relationships between the gamma and normal distributions by pulling them out of thin air. To wit, we next develop an "unfolded" gamma distribution generalization of a normal distribution.
Note first that it is the semi-infinite support of the gamma distribution that impedes a more direct relationship with the normal distribution. However, that impediment can be removed when considering the half-normal distribution, which also has a semi-infinite support. Thus, one can generalize the normal distribution (ND) by first folding it to be half-normal (HND), relating that to the generalized gamma distribution (GD), then for our tour de force, we "unfold" both (HND and GD) to make a generalized ND (a GND), thusly.
The generalized gamma distribution
Can be reparameterized to be the half-normal distribution,
Note that θ=π√σ2√. Thus,
which implies that
is a generalization of the normal distribution, where μ is the location, α>0 is the scale, and β>0 is the shape and where β=2 yields a normal distribution. It includes the Laplace distribution when β=1. As β→∞, the density converges pointwise to a uniform density on (μ−α,μ+α). Below is the generalized normal distribution plotted for α=π√2,β=1/2,1,4 in blue with the normal case α=π√2,β=2 in orange.

The above can be seen as the generalized normal distribution Version 1 and in different parameterizations is known as the exponential power distribution, and the generalized error distribution, which are in turn one of several other generalized normal distributions.