Notce that sometimes, people say that when they are doing logistic regression they do not maximize a likelihood (as we/you did above) but rather they minimize a loss function
but notice that .
This is a general pattern in Machine Learning: The practical side (minimizing loss functions that measure how 'wrong' a heuristic model is) is in fact equal to the 'theoretical side' (modelling explicitly with the -symbol, maximizing statistical quantities like likelihoods) and in fact, many models that do not look like probabilistic ones (SVMs for example) can be reunderstood in a probabilistic context and are in fact maximizations of likelihoods.
Your likelihood function (4) consists of two parts: the product of the probability of success for only those people in your sample who experienced a success, and the product of the probability of failure for only those people in your sample who experienced a failure. Given that each individual experiences either a success or a failure, but not both, the probability will appear for each individual only once. That is what the and mean at the bottom of the product signs.
The coefficients are included in the likelihood function by substituting (1) into (4). That way the likelihood function becomes a function of . The point of maximum likelihood is to find the that will maximize the likelihood.