

初めて正規分布モンテカルロシミュレーションを行ったときにショックを受けたのは、サンプルサイズがのみであるサンプルからの標準偏差の平均がはるかに小さいことが判明したことです。つまり、回の平均よりも、母集団の生成に使用される\ sigmaです。ただし、これはあまり覚えていない場合はよく知られていますが、私はそれを知っていました。これがシミュレーションです。100100n=22πσ

100、n = 2\ text {SD}の推定値、および\ text {E}(s_ {n = 2})= \ sqrt \を使用してN(0,1)の 95%信頼区間を予測する例を次に示します。 frac {\ pi} {2} \ text {SD}N(0,1)n=2SDE(sn=2)=π2SD

 RAND()   RAND()    Calc    Calc    
 N(0,1)   N(0,1)    SD      E(s)    
-1.1171  -0.0627    0.7455  0.9344  
 1.7278  -0.8016    1.7886  2.2417  
 1.3705  -1.3710    1.9385  2.4295  
 1.5648  -0.7156    1.6125  2.0209  
 1.2379   0.4896    0.5291  0.6632  
-1.8354   1.0531    2.0425  2.5599  
 1.0320  -0.3531    0.9794  1.2275  
 1.2021  -0.3631    1.1067  1.3871  
 1.3201  -1.1058    1.7154  2.1499  
-0.4946  -1.1428    0.4583  0.5744  
 0.9504  -1.0300    1.4003  1.7551  
-1.6001   0.5811    1.5423  1.9330  
-0.5153   0.8008    0.9306  1.1663  
-0.7106  -0.5577    0.1081  0.1354  
 0.1864   0.2581    0.0507  0.0635  
-0.8702  -0.1520    0.5078  0.6365  
-0.3862   0.4528    0.5933  0.7436  
-0.8531   0.1371    0.7002  0.8775  
-0.8786   0.2086    0.7687  0.9635  
 0.6431   0.7323    0.0631  0.0791  
 1.0368   0.3354    0.4959  0.6216  
-1.0619  -1.2663    0.1445  0.1811  
 0.0600  -0.2569    0.2241  0.2808  
-0.6840  -0.4787    0.1452  0.1820  
 0.2507   0.6593    0.2889  0.3620  
 0.1328  -0.1339    0.1886  0.2364  
-0.2118  -0.0100    0.1427  0.1788  
-0.7496  -1.1437    0.2786  0.3492  
 0.9017   0.0022    0.6361  0.7972  
 0.5560   0.8943    0.2393  0.2999  
-0.1483  -1.1324    0.6959  0.8721  
-1.3194  -0.3915    0.6562  0.8224  
-0.8098  -2.0478    0.8754  1.0971  
-0.3052  -1.1937    0.6282  0.7873  
 0.5170  -0.6323    0.8127  1.0186  
 0.6333  -1.3720    1.4180  1.7772  
-1.5503   0.7194    1.6049  2.0115  
 1.8986  -0.7427    1.8677  2.3408  
 2.3656  -0.3820    1.9428  2.4350  
-1.4987   0.4368    1.3686  1.7153  
-0.5064   1.3950    1.3444  1.6850  
 1.2508   0.6081    0.4545  0.5696  
-0.1696  -0.5459    0.2661  0.3335  
-0.3834  -0.8872    0.3562  0.4465  
 0.0300  -0.8531    0.6244  0.7826  
 0.4210   0.3356    0.0604  0.0757  
 0.0165   2.0690    1.4514  1.8190  
-0.2689   1.5595    1.2929  1.6204  
 1.3385   0.5087    0.5868  0.7354  
 1.1067   0.3987    0.5006  0.6275  
 2.0015  -0.6360    1.8650  2.3374  
-0.4504   0.6166    0.7545  0.9456  
 0.3197  -0.6227    0.6664  0.8352  
-1.2794  -0.9927    0.2027  0.2541  
 1.6603  -0.0543    1.2124  1.5195  
 0.9649  -1.2625    1.5750  1.9739  
-0.3380  -0.2459    0.0652  0.0817  
-0.8612   2.1456    2.1261  2.6647  
 0.4976  -1.0538    1.0970  1.3749  
-0.2007  -1.3870    0.8388  1.0513  
-0.9597   0.6327    1.1260  1.4112  
-2.6118  -0.1505    1.7404  2.1813  
 0.7155  -0.1909    0.6409  0.8033  
 0.0548  -0.2159    0.1914  0.2399  
-0.2775   0.4864    0.5402  0.6770  
-1.2364  -0.0736    0.8222  1.0305  
-0.8868  -0.6960    0.1349  0.1691  
 1.2804  -0.2276    1.0664  1.3365  
 0.5560  -0.9552    1.0686  1.3393  
 0.4643  -0.6173    0.7648  0.9585  
 0.4884  -0.6474    0.8031  1.0066  
 1.3860   0.5479    0.5926  0.7427  
-0.9313   0.5375    1.0386  1.3018  
-0.3466  -0.3809    0.0243  0.0304  
 0.7211  -0.1546    0.6192  0.7760  
-1.4551  -0.1350    0.9334  1.1699  
 0.0673   0.4291    0.2559  0.3207  
 0.3190  -0.1510    0.3323  0.4165  
-1.6514  -0.3824    0.8973  1.1246  
-1.0128  -1.5745    0.3972  0.4978  
-1.2337  -0.7164    0.3658  0.4585  
-1.7677  -1.9776    0.1484  0.1860  
-0.9519  -0.1155    0.5914  0.7412  
 1.1165  -0.6071    1.2188  1.5275  
-1.7772   0.7592    1.7935  2.2478  
 0.1343  -0.0458    0.1273  0.1596  
 0.2270   0.9698    0.5253  0.6583  
-0.1697  -0.5589    0.2752  0.3450  
 2.1011   0.2483    1.3101  1.6420  
-0.0374   0.2988    0.2377  0.2980  
-0.4209   0.5742    0.7037  0.8819  
 1.6728  -0.2046    1.3275  1.6638  
 1.4985  -1.6225    2.2069  2.7659  
 0.5342  -0.5074    0.7365  0.9231  
 0.7119   0.8128    0.0713  0.0894  
 1.0165  -1.2300    1.5885  1.9909  
-0.2646  -0.5301    0.1878  0.2353  
-1.1488  -0.2888    0.6081  0.7621  
-0.4225   0.8703    0.9141  1.1457  
 0.7990  -1.1515    1.3792  1.7286  

 0.0344  -0.1892    0.8188  1.0263  mean E(.)
                    SD pred E(s) pred   
-1.9600  -1.9600   -1.6049 -2.0114    2.5%  theor, est
 1.9600   1.9600    1.6049  2.0114   97.5%  theor, est
                    0.3551 -0.0515    2.5% err
                   -0.3551  0.0515   97.5% err



wlog let、その後は、最も可能性の低い結果。x2x1=dΣi=1n(xix¯)22(d2)2=d22



母標準偏差()のバイアス付き推定量です。その式では、の自由度を1減らし、で除算することに注意してください。つまり、何らかの修正を行いますが、漸近的には正しいだけで、がより良い経験則です。私達のための例式たちを与える、統計学的に妥当でない最小値として、より良い期待値()はnはσnのn - 3 / 2 X 2 - X 1 = D SD S D = Dn1n3/2x2x1=dSDμˉXSES=SD=d20.707dμx¯sN<10のSDσN25、N<25N=1000年E(s)=π2d2=π2d0.886d。通常の計算では、場合、少数バイアスと呼ばれる非常に大きな過小評価に悩まされます。これは、が約ときに過小評価に1%しか近づきません。多くの生物学的実験には、これは確かに問題です。以下のために、エラー100,000約25重量部です。一般に、少数のバイアス補正は、正規分布の母集団標準偏差の不偏推定量がn<10SDσn25n<25n=1000


ウィキペディア、クリエイティブ・コモンズの下で1がのSDの過小評価のプロットがあるライセンスσ <a title = "Rb88guyによる(所有作品)[CC BY-SA 3.0(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)またはGFDL(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl) .html)]、ウィキメディアコモンズ経由:href = "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AStddevc4factor.jpg"> <img width = "512" alt = "Stddevc4factor" src = "https:// upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ee/Stddevc4factor.jpg/512px-Stddevc4factor.jpg "/> </a>




それが証明できること上記MVUEのためのものであるサンプルサイズの正規分布の、ここで 1より大きい正の整数大きいですか?E(s)σnn




結局のところ、部分的な答えは、上記のシミュレーションのバイアスを回避するために、SD値ではなく分散を平均化することができたということです。この効果を確認するために、上記のSD列を2乗し、それらの値を平均すると0.9994が得られます。 95%テールの場合-0.0006。これは、分散が加法的であるため、それらを平均化することはエラーの少ない手順であることに注意してください。ただし、標準偏差には偏りがあり、分散を媒介として使用する余裕がない場合は、少数の修正が必要です。分散を仲介として使用できる場合でも、この場合はn=100、小さなサンプルの修正は、不偏分散0.9996915の平方根に1.002528401を掛けて、標準偏差の不偏推定値として1.002219148を与えることを示唆しています。それで、はい、小さな数の修正を使用して遅延させることができますが、それを完全に無視する必要がありますか?






@Carl 多くの用語は、アプリケーション領域ごとに異なる方法で使用されます。統計グループに投稿し、「バイアス」のような専門用語を使用する場合、当然、統計に固有の用語の特定の意味を使用しているとみなされます。あなたは平均であれば何でも他に、それは別の用語を使用するか、またはあなたが最初の使用での長期権による平均何をすべきか明確に定義することが不可欠です。










まず、サンプルの分散は、ガウス確率変数に偏っていないだけです。それはのために公平である任意の有限の分散の分布σ 2(私の元の答えに、以下に説明するように)。質問は、sσに対して不偏ではないことに注意し、ガウス確率変数に対して不偏である代替案を提案します。ただし、分散とは異なり、標準偏差については、「分布のない」不偏推定量を使用できないことに注意することが重要です(*下の注を参照)。s2σ2sσ

第二に、whuberのコメントで述べたように、がバイアスされているという事実は標準の「t検定」に影響を与えませ。ガウス分布変数については、その最初の音符のx、我々は、サンプルからのzスコアを推定する場合、{ X I }のように 、Z iは = X I - μsx{xi} これらはバイアスされます。


ただしt統計は、通常の文脈で使用されるサンプリング分布。この場合、Zスコアは以下のようになり 、Z ˉ X = ˉ X - μx¯ ただし、μも分からないため、ztも計算できません。あればそれにもかかわらず、Z ˉ X統計が正常になり、その後のt統計はスチューデントのt分布に従います。これは大きなnの近似ではありません。唯一の仮定は、x個のサンプルがiid Gaussianであるということです。


(一般t検定はおそらく非ガウスのために、より広く適用されている。これはない大に依存して、N、その中心極限定理によって確実ˉ X依然としてガウスであろう。)xnx¯


「分布なし」とは、推定器が標本{ x 1x n }以外の母集団に関する情報に依存できないことを意味します。「公正」でIは、予想されるエラーことを意味E [ θ N ] - θは、サンプルサイズとは無関係に、一様にゼロであるN。(単に漸近的に不偏の、別名「一貫性のある」推定器とは対照的に、バイアスはn として消失します。)x{x1,,xn}E[θ^n]θnn

コメントでは、これは「分布のない不偏推定量」の可能な例として与えられました。ビットを引き抜く、この推定器の形式はσ = F [ S N κ X ]κ xは、過剰尖度であるX。この推定量はないとして、「配布フリー」κ xは、の分布に依存するのx。推定器は満足すると言われているE [ σ ] - σ X = O [ 1σ^=f[s,n,κx]κxxκxx、ここで、σ 2 xはの分散であるX。よって推定は、として一貫性が、(絶対的に)「公正」ではないO[1E[σ^]σx=O[1n]σx2xは、小さなnに対して任意に大きくすることができます。O[1n]n



ランダムサンプル所与、限り変数は、共通の平均値を有するように、推定ˉ X = 1{x1,,xn}不偏、つまり E[xi]=μx¯=1nixi


変数にも共通の有限分散があり、それらが無相関の場合、推定量であろう、また、公正であること、すなわち E[XI、XJ]-μ2={ σ 2 iが= J 0 、I Js2=1n1i(xix¯)2 注これらの推定量の不偏は依存していることのみ上記仮定に(及び直線期待;証拠はわずか代数です)。結果は、ガウス分布などの特定の分布に依存しませ。変数 x iは共通の分布を持つ必要はなく独立している必要さえありません(つまり、サンプルがiidである必要はありません)。



IIDガウス試料の場合には、最尤推定パラメータ(MLE)であるμ M L E = ˉ Xおよびσ 2 M L E = N - 1μ^MLE=x¯、つまり分散はn2ではなくnで除算されます。さらに、iidガウスの場合、標準偏差MLEはMLE分散の平方根にすぎません。ただし、これらの式は、質問で示唆された式と同様に、Gaussian iidの仮定に依存しています。(σ^2)MLE=n1ns2nn2


検討前記と-elementサンプルを、X = { X 1... XがN }和平方偏差、 δ 2 、N = Σ IX I - ˉ X2 最初の部分上に概説した仮定が与えられると、我々は必ずしも有するE [ δ 2 N ] = N - 1 σ 2 (ガウス)MLE推定器が付勢されているように、 ^ σ 2nX={x1,,xn}

while the "sample variance" estimator is unbiased

Now it is true that σn2^ becomes less biased as the sample size n increases. However sn2 has zero bias no matter the sample size (so long as n>1). For both estimators, the variance of their sampling distribution will be non-zero, and depend on n.

As an example, the below Matlab code considers an experiment with n=2 samples from a standard-normal population z. To estimate the sampling distributions for x¯,σ2^,s2, the experiment is repeated N=106 times. (You can cut & paste the code here to try it out yourself.)

% n=sample size, N=number of samples
n=2; N=1e6;
% generate standard-normal random #'s
z=randn(n,N); % i.e. mu=0, sigma=1
% compute sample stats (Gaussian MLE)
zbar=sum(z)/n; zvar_mle=sum((z-zbar).^2)/n;
% compute ensemble stats (sampling-pdf means)
zbar_avg=sum(zbar)/N, zvar_mle_avg=sum(zvar_mle)/N
% compute unbiased variance

Typical output is like

zbar_avg     =  1.4442e-04
zvar_mle_avg =  0.49988
zvar_avg     =  0.99977

confirming that


Update 2: Note on fundamentally "algebraic" nature of unbiased-ness.

In the above numerical demonstration, the code approximates the true expectation E[] using an ensemble average with N=106 replications of the experiment (i.e. each is a sample of size n=2). Even with this large number, the typical results quoted above are far from exact.

To numerically demonstrate that the estimators are really unbiased, we can use a simple trick to approximate the N case: simply add the following line to the code

% optional: "whiten" data (ensure exact ensemble stats)
[U,S,V]=svd(z-mean(z,2),'econ'); z=sqrt(N)*U*V';

(placing after "generate standard-normal random #'s" and before "compute sample stats")

With this simple change, even running the code with N=10 gives results like

zbar_avg     =  1.1102e-17
zvar_mle_avg =  0.50000
zvar_avg     =  1.00000

@amoeba Well, I'll eat my hat. I squared the SD-values in each line then averaged them and they come out unbiased (0.9994), whereas the SD-values themselves do not. Meaning that you and GeoMatt22 are correct, and I am wrong.

@Carl: It's generally true that transforming an unbiased estimator of a parameter doesn't give an unbiased estimate of the transformed parameter except when the transformation is affine, following from the linearity of expectation. So on what scale is unbiasedness important to you?
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica

Carl: I apologize if you feel my answer was orthogonal to your question. It was intended to provide a plausible explanation of Q:"why a biased standard deviation formula is typically used?" A:"simply because the associated variance estimator is unbiased, vs. any real mathematical/statistical justification". As for your comment, typically "unbiased" describes an estimator whose expected value is correct independent of sample size. If it is unbiased only in the limit of infinite sample size, typically it would be called "consistent".

(+1) Nice answer. Small caveat: That Wikipedia passage on consistency quoted in this answer is a bit of a mess and the parenthetical statement made related to it is potentially misleading. "Consistency" and "asymptotic unbiasedness" are in some sense orthogonal properties of an estimator. For a little more on that point, see the comment thread to this answer.

+1 but I think @Scortchi makes a really important point in his answer that is not mentioned in yours: namely, that even for Gaussian population, the unbiased estimate of σ has higher expected error than the standard biased estimate of σ (due to the high variance of the former). This is a strong argument in favour of not using an unbiased estimator even if one knows that the underlying distribution is Gaussian.
amoeba says Reinstate Monica


The sample standard deviation S=(XX¯)2n1 is complete and sufficient for σ so the set of unbiased estimators of σk given by


(See Why is sample standard deviation a biased estimator of σ?) are, by the Lehmann–Scheffé theorem, UMVUE. Consistent, though biased, estimators of σk can also be formed as


(the unbiased estimators being specified when j=k). The bias of each is given by


& its variance by


For the two estimators of σ you've considered, σ~11=Sc1 & σ~21=S, the lack of bias of σ~1 is more than offset by its larger variance when compared to σ~2:

(Note that c2=1, as S2 is already an unbiased estimator of σ2.)

Plot showing contributions of bias & variance to MSE at sample sizes from one to 20 for the two estimators

The mean square error of akSk as an estimator of σ2 is given by


& therefore minimized when


, allowing the definition of another set of estimators of potential interest:


Curiously, σ^11=c1S, so the same constant that divides S to remove bias multiplies S to reduce MSE. Anyway, these are the uniformly minimum variance location-invariant & scale-equivariant estimators of σk (you don't want your estimate to change at all if you measure in kelvins rather than degrees Celsius, & you want it to change by a factor of (95)k if you measure in Fahrenheit).

None of the above has any bearing on the construction of hypothesis tests or confidence intervals (see e.g. Why does this excerpt say that unbiased estimation of standard deviation usually isn't relevant?). And σ~jk & σ^jk exhaust neither estimators nor parameter scales of potential interest—consider the maximum-likelihood estimator n1nS, or the median-unbiased estimator n1χn12(0.5)S; or the geometric standard deviation of a lognormal distribution eσ. It may be worth showing a few more-or-less popular estimates made from a small sample (n=2) together with the upper & lower bounds, (n1)s2χn12(α) & (n1)s2χn12(1α), of the equal-tailed confidence interval having coverage 1α:

confidence distribution for $\sigma$ showing estimates

The span between the most divergent estimates is negligible in comparison with the width of any confidence interval having decent coverage. (The 95% C.I., for instance, is (0.45s,31.9s).) There's no sense in being finicky about the properties of a point estimator unless you're prepared to be fairly explicit about what you want you want to use it for—most explicitly you can define a custom loss function for a particular application. A reason you might prefer an exactly (or almost) unbiased estimator is that you're going to use it in subsequent calculations during which you don't want bias to accumulate: your illustration of averaging biased estimates of standard deviation is a simple example of such (a more complex example might be using them as a response in a linear regression). In principle an all-encompassing model should obviate the need for unbiased estimates as an intermediate step, but might be considerably more tricky to specify & fit.

† The value of σ that makes the observed data most probable has an appeal as an estimate independent of consideration of its sampling distribution.


Q2: Would someone please explain to me why we are using SD anyway as it is clearly biased and misleading?

This came up as an aside in comments, but I think it bears repeating because it's the crux of the answer:

The sample variance formula is unbiased, and variances are additive. So if you expect to do any (affine) transformations, this is a serious statistical reason why you should insist on a "nice" variance estimator over a "nice" SD estimator.

In an ideal world, they'd be equivalent. But that's not true in this universe. You have to choose one, so you might as well choose the one that lets you combine information down the road.

Comparing two sample means? The variance of their difference is sum of their variances.
Doing a linear contrast with several terms? Get its variance by taking a linear combination of their variances.
Looking at regression line fits? Get their variance using the variance-covariance matrix of your estimated beta coefficients.
Using F-tests, or t-tests, or t-based confidence intervals? The F-test calls for variances directly; and the t-test is exactly equivalent to the square root of an F-test.

In each of these common scenarios, if you start with unbiased variances, you'll remain unbiased all the way (unless your final step converts to SDs for reporting).
Meanwhile, if you'd started with unbiased SDs, neither your intermediate steps nor the final outcome would be unbiased anyway.

Variance is not a distance measurement, and standard deviation is. Yes, vector distances add by squares, but the primary measurement is distance. The question was what would you use corrected distance for, and not why should we ignore distance as if it did not exist.

Well, I guess I'm arguing that "the primary measurement is distance" isn't necessarily true. 1) Do you have a method to work with unbiased variances; combine them; take the final resulting variance; and rescale its sqrt to get an unbiased SD? Great, then do that. If not... 2) What are you going to do with a SD from a tiny sample? Report it on its own? Better to just plot the datapoints directly, not summarize their spread. And how will people interpret it, other than as an input to SEs and thus CIs? It's meaningful as an input to CIs, but then I'd prefer the t-based CI (with usual SD).

I do no think that many clinical studies or commercial software programs with n<25 would use standard error of the mean calculated from small sample corrected standard deviation leading to a false impression of how small those errors are. I think even that one issue, even if that is the only one, should be ignored.

"so you might as well choose the one that lets you combine information down the road" and "the primary measurement is distance" isn't necessarily true. Farmer Jo's house is 640 acres down the road? One uses the appropriate measurement correctly for each and every situation, or one has a higher tolerance for false witness than I. My only question here is when to use what, and the answer to it is not "never."


This post is in outline form.

(1) Taking a square root is not an affine transformation (Credit @Scortchi.)

(2) var(s)=E(s2)E(s)2, thus E(s)=E(s2)var(s)var(s)

(3) var(s)=Σi=1n(xix¯)2n1, whereas E(s)=Γ(n12)Γ(n2)Σi=1n(xix¯)22Σi=1n(xix¯)2n1=var(s)

(4) Thus, we cannot substitute var(s) for E(s), for n small, as square root is not affine.

(5) var(s) and E(s) are unbiased (Credit @GeoMatt22 and @Macro, respectively).

(6) For non-normal distributions x¯ is sometimes (a) undefined (e.g., Cauchy, Pareto with small α) and (b) not UMVUE (e.g., Cauchy ( Student's-t with df=1), Pareto, Uniform, beta). Even more commonly, variance may be undefined, e.g. Student's-t with 1df2. Then one can state that var(s) is not UMVUE for the general case distribution. Thus, there is then no special onus to introducing an approximate small number correction for standard deviation, which likely has similar limitations to var(s), but is additionally less biased, σ^=1n1.514γ2i=1n(xix¯)2 ,

where γ2 is excess kurtosis. In a similar vein, when examining a normal squared distribution (a Chi-squared with df=1 transform), we might be tempted to take its square root and use the resulting normal distribution properties. That is, in general, the normal distribution can result from transformations of other distributions and it may be expedient to examine the properties of that normal distribution such that the limitation of small number correction to the normal case is not so severe a restriction as one might at first assume.

For the normal distribution case:

A1: By Lehmann-Scheffe theorem var(s) and E(s) are UMVUE (Credit @Scortchi).

A2: (Edited to adjust for comments below.) For n25, we should use E(s) for standard deviation, standard error, confidence intervals of the mean and of the distribution, and optionally for z-statistics. For t-testing we would not use the unbiased estimator as X¯μvar(n)/n itself is Student's-t distributed with n1 degrees of freedom (Credit @whuber and @GeoMatt22). For z-statistics, σ is usually approximated using n large for which E(s)var(n) is small, but for which E(s) appears to be more mathematically appropriate (Credit @whuber and @GeoMatt22).

A2 is incorrect: following that prescription would produce demonstrably invalid tests. As I commented to the question, perhaps too subtly: consult any theoretical account of a classical test, such as the t-test, to see why a bias correction is irrelevant.

There's a strong meta-argument showing why bias correction for statistical tests is a red herring: if it were incorrect not to include a bias-correction factor, then that factor would already be included in standard tables of the Student t distribution, F distribution, etc. To put it another way: if I'm wrong about this, then everybody has been wrong about statistical testing for the last century.

Am I the only one who's baffled by the notation here? Why use E(s) to stand for Γ(n12)Γ(n2)Σi=1n(xix¯)22, the unbiased estimate of standard deviation? What's s?
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica

@Scortchi the notation apparently came about as an attempt to inherit that used in the linked post. There s is the sample variance, and E(s) is the expected value of s for a Gaussian sample. In this question, "E(s)" was co-opted to be a new estimator derived from the original post (i.e. something like σ^s/α where αE[s]/σ). If we arrive at a satisfactory answer for this question, probably a cleanup of the question & answer notation would be warranted :)

The z-test assumes the denominator is an accurate estimate of σ. It's known to be an approximation that is only asymptotically correct. If you want to correct it, don't use the bias of the SD estimator--just use a t-test. That's what the t-test was invented for.


I want to add the Bayesian answer to this discussion. Just because your assumption is that the data is generated according to some normal with unknown mean and variance, that doesn't mean that you should summarize your data using a mean and a variance. This whole problem can be avoided if you draw the model, which will have a posterior predictive that is a three parameter noncentral scaled student's T distribution. The three parameters are the total of the samples, total of the squared samples, and the number of samples. (Or any bijective map of these.)

Incidentally, I like civilstat's answer because it highlights our desire to combine information. The three sufficient statistics above are even better than the two given in the question (or by civilstat's answer). Two sets of these statistics can easily be combined, and they give the best posterior predictive given the assumption of normality.

How then does one calculate an unbiased standard error of the mean from those three sufficient statistics?

@carl You can easily calculate it since you have the number of samples n, you can multiply the uncorrected sample variance by nn1. However, you really don't want to do that. That's tantamount to turning your three parameters into a best fit normal distribution to your limited data. It's a lot better to use your three parameters to fit the true posterior predictive: the noncentral scaled T distribution. All questions you might have (percentiles, etc.) are better answered by this T distribution. In fact, T tests are just common sense questions asked of this distribution.
Neil G

How can one then generate a true normal distribution RV from Monte Carlo simulations(s) and recover that true distribution using only Student's-t distribution parameters? Am I missing something here?

@Carl The sufficient statistics I described were the mean, second moment, and number of samples. Your MLE of the original normal are the mean and variance (which is equal to the second moment minus the squared mean). The number of samples is useful when you want to make predictions about future observations (for which you need the posterior predictive distribution).
Neil G

Though a Bayesian perspective is a welcome addition, I find this a little hard to follow: I'd have expected a discussion of constructing a point estimate from the posterior density of σ. It seems you're rather questioning the need for a point estimate: this is something well worth bringing up, but not uniquely Bayesian. (BTW you also need to explain the priors.)
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica
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