R = 1000回で(詳細)の下で不確実な人口をシミュレートし、そのような不確実なシミュレートされた人口の下で51.9 %以上の休暇票を観測する確率を測定しました。これにより、不確実な母集団が51.9 %以上の休暇票に到達できるというシミュレートされた確率が得られました。R=1000≥51.9%51.9%
シミュレータコードをここにアップロードしました:https : //
- :H0国民は不確かです。
- :H1国民は自信を持って去りたいと思っています。
- 確率わからない人口が達成でき休暇投票を。≥51.9%
- または、ある確率が不明人口は達成することができ残って投票。≤1−51.9%
この確率が十分に低い場合、大衆が自信を持って去りたいと考えていると結論付けることができます(すなわち、)。ただし、この確率が十分に大きければ、国民はBrexit(すなわち、H 0)を決定することに自信がないと結論付けることができます。H1H0
- 仮定2:不確かな個人で構成されている集団は、ランダムなチャンス投票を持ちます。つまり、考えられるすべての答えには、選択される機会が平等にあります。
- 出力O leave = [ l 1、l 2、… 、l n ] を使用したプロセス。PleaveOleave=[l1,l2,…,ln]
- プロセス出力とO 残る = [ R 1、R 2、... 、R N ]。PremainOremain=[r1,r2,…,rn]
- は、英国の総人口(投票者を含まない)です。n
- For any i∈{1,2,…,n}, li,ri∈{0,1}. An output value of 0 signifies that a voter has voted no for the subject process, and 1 significances that a voter has voted yes for the same process.
subject to the following constraint:
- いずれかのために、L Iおよびrは、私は同時にすることができない1同時に。すなわち、l i = 1は必ずr i = 0を意味し、r i = 1は必然的にl i = 0を意味します。これは有権者ことに起因している私の人口の中で{ 1 、2 、...i∈{1,2,…,n}liri1li=1ri=0ri=1li=0i{1,2,…,n} cannot vote to both leave and remain at the same time.
For example, if Oleave=[1,0,0], it means that out of a population of 3, one has voted yes to leave and two have voted no to leave.
Likewise, if Oremain=[0,1,0], it means that out of a population of 3, one has voted yes to remain and two have voted no to remain.
Note that in both of the examples above, there is one member of the population that has not voted for any of the processes (or campaigns). Specifically, the third voter (i.e. Oleave[3]=Oremain[3]=0).
What we know from here is that out of 33,568,184 ballot papers, 51.9% have voted to leave EU (i.e. 100−51.9=48.1% voted to remain). This means:
- n=33,568,184.
- 33,568,184×0.519=17,421,887.496 have voted yes to the leave campaign. I.e.
- 33,568,184×(1−0.519)=16,146,296.504 have voted yes to the remain campaign. I.e.
Therefore, we define the output arrays as follows:
- For all i∈{1,2,…,17421887}, Oleave[i]=1.
- For all i∈{17421887+1,17421887+2,…,33568184}, Oleave[i]=0.
- For all i∈{1,2,…,17421887}, Oremain[i]=0.
- For all i∈{17421887+1,17421887+2,…,33568184}, Oremain[i]=1.
- By Assumption 2, for all i∈{1,2,…,33568184}, Ounsure,m[i]=C, where C is a uniformly distributed random variable that takes values in {0,1} (e.g. a fair coin toss), and m is a number that identifies a particular random instantiation of Ounsure,m. In other words, the probability that two distinct random instantiations of Ounsure,m equal each other, i.e. Ounsure,1=Ounsure,2, is 0.533,568,184.
Finally, we define the pleave value of the leave process as follows:
pleave=1R∑m=1R{10if (∑33,568,184i=1Oleave[i])≤(∑33,568,184i=1Ounsure,m[i])else
R is total number of simulation rounds by which at each time a random instance of
Ounsure,m is defined.
Likewise, we define the premain value of the remain process as follows:
premain=1R∑m=1R{10if (∑33,568,184i=1Oremain[i])≥(∑33,568,184i=1Ounsure,m[i])else
To answer that, I simulated the above in C using R=1,000 and the output is:
total leave votes: 17421887
total remain votes: 16146297
simulating p values............ ok
p value for leave: 0.000000
p value for remain: 0.000000
In other words:
- pleave=0.
- premain=0.