





これは、単純な二項検定を介して行うことができます。@ Macroには良い答えがあります。ただし、1つの問題はサンプル自体にあります。ルートAまたはルートBを選択することに影響を与える可能性のあるものはありますか?特に、道路が乾燥していて、風があなたの後ろにあり、夕食が待っているときに、ルートAを取るのが好きですか?:)いずれかのセットの外れ値に影響を与えたり、何らかの方法でサンプルにバイアスをかけたりする可能性のあるものには注意してください。たとえば、変化する必要性(安全性など)を考慮して、事前にサンプリング計画を設定してみてください。








二つの手段があるとする及びμ yのとその標準偏差もσ のx及びσ yのそれぞれ。2つのライド(の間のタイミングの差Y - Xは)従って、平均有するμのY - μ Xと標準偏差をμxμyσxσyYXμyμx。標準化された差(「zスコア」)はσx2+σy2




あなたはすでにの見積もり持っているので、あなたは、あなたの乗り物の一つに、この確率をうまくできなどを:-)。この目的のためには、いくつかのキー値を記憶するのは簡単ですΦΦ 0 = 0.5 = 1 / 2Φ - 1 0.16 1 / 6Φ - 2 0.022 1 / 40、そして、Φ - 3 0.0013μxΦΦ(0)=.5=1/2Φ(1)0.161/6Φ(2)0.0221/40。(近似は、 |Φ(3)0.00131/750よりもはるかに大きい 2が、知ら Φを- 3 。補間に役立つ)に関連して Φ Z = 1 - Φ - Z |z|2Φ(3)Φ(z)=1Φ(z)と補間のビットは、 1つの有効数字までの確率を​​すばやく推定できます。これは、問題とデータの性質を考えると十分に正確です。


Two histograms








したがって、答えは0.5と0.84の間の0.6であると推定します。0.5+ 0.6 *(0.84-0.5)=約0.70です。(正規分布の正しいが過度に正確な値は0.73です。)



if you have iid realizations from each distribution then what is the advantage of using the normal approximation rather than a monte carlo re-sampling approach (my answer) to estimating P(X>Y)?

@Macro: if the data can be reduced to summary statistics for the Q of interest, one can store less data... just a thought.


FWIW: @whuber is describing Student's t-test for the difference in means between two samples with different standard deviations.

Thanks, @whuber, this is the answer to the question I'd been trying to ask :).
Andrew Aylett


My instinctive approach may not be the most statistically sophisticated, but you may find it to be more fun :)

I would get a decent-sized sheet of graph paper, and divide up the columns into time blocks. Depending on how long your rides are - are we talking about a mean time of 5 minutes or an hour - you might use different sized blocks. Let's say each column is a block of two minutes. Pick a color for route A and a different color for route B, and after each ride, make a dot in the appropriate column. If there's already a dot of that color, move up one row. In other words, this would be a histogram in absolute numbers.

Then, you would be building a fun histogram with each ride you take, and can visually see the difference between the two routes.

My sense based on my own experience as a bike commuter (not verified through quantification) is that the times will not be normally distributed - they would have a positive skew, or in other words a long tail of upper-end times. My typical time is not that much longer than my shortest possible time, but every now and then I seem to hit all the red lights, and there's a much higher upper-end. Your experience may be different. That's why I think the histogram approach might be better, so you can observe the shape of the distribution yourself.

PS: I don't have enough rep to comment in this forum, but I love whuber's answer! He addresses my concern about skewness pretty effectively with a sample analysis. And I like the idea of calculating in your head to keep your mind off the next hill :)

+1 For creativity. Actually, your idea is on the path toward practical utility. It would be quite a bit more interesting to use one of the biking tracking sites (I forget which one now, but do add, if you know) to track segment times. If the OP were to come back to CV or StackOverflow with a question about plotting segment time and get a density associated with it, it would be a fabulous statistical exercise - GIS, statistical visualization, and density functions, oh my! :)

I have used Google MyTracks on my phone to track biking segments. I find that the phone is not great at it as it tends to be a power-suck on a device not optimized for it. Garmin (and others) make GPS devices specifically targeted at runners and bikers to track time spent on routes and provide neat charts in an online interface. I don't use a dedicated GPS device myself, but some of my friends use them to share routes on facebook.

Here is an example of what Garmin device produces. The problem with the charts is that they are already heavily pre-processed, smoothing, etc. Also there is no convenient way to import the data to R for example. But as dedicated device it does its job splendidly, I cannot imagine running or biking without it.

+1 Note that not much skew comes from hitting the red lights (unless they are timed): collectively, they usually only add some Gaussian noise to the time distribution. (Computing its variance is another mental exercise you can do on the next hill.) In practice the skew comes from non-Gaussian variation in the few important factors that control the entire ride: weather, how you're feeling, with whom you're riding, and the occasional accident/detour/traffic jam etc.

Now that I think about it some more, another very important factor is the time of day. The traffic lights act very differently at peak traffic times - much longer greens for the higher-traffic road. In off-peak times, the lights tend to cycle quickly, defaulting to green for the high-traffic road, but quickly changing when I press the crossing button or a car activates the sensor.


Suppose the two data sets are X and Y. Randomly sample one person from each population, giving you x,y. Record a '1' if x>y and 0 otherwise. Repeat this many times (say, 10000) and the mean of these indicators will give you an estimate of P(Xi>Yj) where i,j are randomly selected subjects from the two populations, respectively. In R, the code would go something like:

#X, Y are the two data sets
ii = rep(0,10000)
for(k in 1:10000)
   x1 = sample(X,1)
   y1 = sample(Y,1)
   ii[k] = (x1>y1) 

# this is an estimate of P(X>Y)

This is a good answer, but you could simplify it by removing the for loop: let x1 = sample(X, 10000, replace = TRUE) and y1 = sample(Y, 10000, replace = TRUE) and then calculate mean(x1 > y1) along with mean(x1 == y1) - to get a sense of the # of times the values are equal.

Thanks. I knew the loop was unnecessary but I wanted the logic underlying the approach to be abundantly clear. Your code would certainly produce the same results.
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