a) na.omit
and na.exclude
both do casewise deletion with respect to both predictors and criterions. They only differ in that extractor functions like residuals()
or fitted()
will pad their output with NA
s for the omitted cases with na.exclude
, thus having an output of the same length as the input variables.
> N <- 20 # generate some data
> y1 <- rnorm(N, 175, 7) # criterion 1
> y2 <- rnorm(N, 30, 8) # criterion 2
> x <- 0.5*y1 - 0.3*y2 + rnorm(N, 0, 3) # predictor
> y1[c(1, 3, 5)] <- NA # some NA values
> y2[c(7, 9, 11)] <- NA # some other NA values
> Y <- cbind(y1, y2) # matrix for multivariate regression
> fitO <- lm(Y ~ x, na.action=na.omit) # fit with na.omit
> dim(residuals(fitO)) # use extractor function
[1] 14 2
> fitE <- lm(Y ~ x, na.action=na.exclude) # fit with na.exclude
> dim(residuals(fitE)) # use extractor function -> = N
[1] 20 2
> dim(fitE$residuals) # access residuals directly
[1] 14 2
b) The real issue is not with this difference between na.omit
and na.exclude
, you don't seem to want casewise deletion that takes criterion variables into account, which both do.
> X <- model.matrix(fitE) # design matrix
> dim(X) # casewise deletion -> only 14 complete cases
[1] 14 2
The regression results depend on the matrices X+=(X′X)−1X′ (pseudoinverse of design matrix X, coefficients β^=X+Y) and the hat matrix H=XX+, fitted values Y^=HY). If you don't want casewise deletion, you need a different design matrix X for each column of Y, so there's no way around fitting separate regressions for each criterion. You can try to avoid the overhead of lm()
by doing something along the lines of the following:
> Xf <- model.matrix(~ x) # full design matrix (all cases)
# function: manually calculate coefficients and fitted values for single criterion y
> getFit <- function(y) {
+ idx <- !is.na(y) # throw away NAs
+ Xsvd <- svd(Xf[idx , ]) # SVD decomposition of X
+ # get X+ but note: there might be better ways
+ Xplus <- tcrossprod(Xsvd$v %*% diag(Xsvd$d^(-2)) %*% t(Xsvd$v), Xf[idx, ])
+ list(coefs=(Xplus %*% y[idx]), yhat=(Xf[idx, ] %*% Xplus %*% y[idx]))
+ }
> res <- apply(Y, 2, getFit) # get fits for each column of Y
> res$y1$coefs
(Intercept) 113.9398761
x 0.7601234
> res$y2$coefs
(Intercept) 91.580505
x -0.805897
> coefficients(lm(y1 ~ x)) # compare with separate results from lm()
(Intercept) x
113.9398761 0.7601234
> coefficients(lm(y2 ~ x))
(Intercept) x
91.580505 -0.805897
Note that there might be numerically better ways to caculate X+ and H, you could check a QR-decomposition instead. The SVD-approach is explained here on SE. I have not timed the above approach with big matrices Y against actually using lm()