namespace gordian\reefknot\util;
* The following function will take the place of mt_rand for the duration of
* the test. It always returns the number exactly half way between the min
* and the max.
function mt_rand ($min = 42, $max = NULL)
$min = intval ($min);
$max = intval ($max);
$max = $max < $min? $min: $max;
$ret = round (($max - $min) / 2) + $min;
//fwrite (STDOUT, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $ret . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
return ($ret);
* Override the password character pool for the test
class PasswordSubclass extends Password
* Test class for Password.
* Generated by PHPUnit on 2011-12-17 at 18:10:33.
class PasswordTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var gordian\reefknot\util\Password
protected $object;
const PWMIN = 15;
const PWMAX = 20;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp ()
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown ()
public function testGetPassword ()
$this -> object = new PasswordSubclass (self::PWMIN, self::PWMAX);
$pw = $this -> object -> getPassword ();
$this -> assertTrue ((bool) preg_match ('/^A{' . self::PWMIN . ',' . self::PWMAX . '}$/', $pw));
$this -> assertTrue (strlen ($pw) >= self::PWMIN);
$this -> assertTrue (strlen ($pw) <= self::PWMAX);
$this -> assertTrue ($pw === $this -> object -> getPassword ());
public function testGetPasswordFixedLen ()
$this -> object = new PasswordSubclass (self::PWMIN, self::PWMIN);
$pw = $this -> object -> getPassword ();
$this -> assertTrue ($pw === 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA');
$this -> assertTrue ($pw === $this -> object -> getPassword ());
public function testGetPasswordFixedLen2 ()
$this -> object = new PasswordSubclass (self::PWMAX, self::PWMAX);
$pw = $this -> object -> getPassword ();
$this -> assertTrue ($pw === 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA');
$this -> assertTrue ($pw === $this -> object -> getPassword ());
public function testInvalidLenThrowsException ()
$exception = NULL;
$this -> object = new PasswordSubclass (self::PWMAX, self::PWMIN);
catch (\Exception $e)
$exception = $e;
$this -> assertTrue ($exception instanceof \InvalidArgumentException);