画像処理(Photoshop)やソフトウェア開発(Eclipse)などの業務にWindows 10ワークステーションを使用しています。これは、i7-2600Kベースのコンピューター、Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H B75マザーボード、16 GB RAMです。OSはSamsung 850 pro SSDにあり、データ用に別の850 pro、データ用にWD Black、さらにストレージスペースミラー内のSATA 3ポート、フォーマット済みReFSにそれぞれ2つの4GB HGSTドライブがあります。アレイは1.63GB使用、1.99GBは無料です。
以下のようなエラーがイベントビューアに表示されます。これらはすべて1か所にあるわけではなく、「アプリケーションとサービスのログ-> microsoft-> windows」の下にNTFSと記憶域スペースのログ領域がありますが、ReFSにはありません。
16:27.05 (under event viewer -> application and services log -> microsoft -> windows -> storagespaces-driver-operationsl
Virtual disk {26bf58b3-1cb9-4b93-a945-1b89331bb565} requires a data integrity scan.
Data on the disk is out-of-sync and a data integrity scan is required. To start the scan, run the following command:
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Data Integrity Scan for Crash Recovery" | Start-ScheduledTask
Once you have resolved the condition listed above, you can online the disk by using the following commands in PowerShell:
Get-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "{26bf58b3-1cb9-4b93-a945-1b89331bb565}" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsReadOnly $false
Get-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "{26bf58b3-1cb9-4b93-a945-1b89331bb565}" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false
16:27.05 (windows system event log): The file system was unable to write metadata to the media backing volume R:. A write failed with status "A device which does not exist was specified." ReFS will take the volume offline. It may be mounted again automatically.
16:27.06 (windows system event log): The file system detected a checksum error and was not able to correct it. The name of the file or folder is "<unable to determine file name>".
18:35.50 (windows system event log): Failed to connect to the driver: (-2147024894) The system cannot find the file specified.
18:35.50 (Kernel PNP) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\_??_USBSTOR#Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_STORAGE_DEVICE&Rev_9451#7&2a9fd895&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}.
18:35.58: Virtual disk {26bf58b3-1cb9-4b93-a945-1b89331bb565} could not be repaired because there is not enough free space in the storage pool.
Replace any failed or disconnected physical disks. The virtual disk will then be repaired automatically or you can repair it by running this command in PowerShell:
Get-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "{26bf58b3-1cb9-4b93-a945-1b89331bb565}" } | Repair-VirtualDisk