nginxが最初にロードされたときに正常に機能するnginxプロキシパススルーを設定しましたが、最終的に(おそらく1日後かどうか?この時点では不明確)、プロキシパススルーである場所は504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
server {
listen 80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
root /srv/www/frontend/current/;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
# Block all svn access
if ($request_uri ~* ^.*\.svn.*$) {
return 404;
# Block all git access
if ($request_uri ~* ^.*\.git.*$) {
return 404;
location /nginx_status {
stub_status on;
access_log off;
deny all;
location /api/karma/ {
proxy_pass <server A>;
location /api/auth/ {
proxy_pass <server B>;
location /api/search/ {
proxy_pass <server C>;
location /api/history/ {
proxy_pass <server D>;
curl -i
(health_checkは既知のエンドポイントです)と200の応答を取得しますが、しばらくすると、まったく同じコマンドが504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUTを返します。
すべてがAWS t2_micro Ubuntu 14.04 Linuxインスタンスでホストされ、nginx自体はv1.4.6です。基盤となるサーバー/アプリケーションは再起動されておらず、AWSインスタンス自体もずっと稼働しています。基礎となるhttpサーバーはGoアプリケーションですが、これらのGATEWAY_TIMEOUTの取得を開始すると、アプリケーション自体は完全に動作しています。
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 00000000022542A0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 00000000022542A0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http wait request handler
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 000000000222F6A0:256 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 malloc: 0000000002225CA0:1024
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 recv: fd:23 1018 of 1024
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 reusable connection: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 00000000022260B0:4096 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http process request line
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http request line: "POST <url> HTTP/1.1"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http uri: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http args: ""
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http exten: ""
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http process request header line
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "host: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Authorization: <auth token>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Origin: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Referer: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "X-Forwarded-For: <ip address>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "X-Forwarded-Port: 443"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Content-Length: 209"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 00000000022270C0:4096 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Connection: keep-alive"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header done
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer del: 23: 1436817428740
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 rewrite phase: 1
** snip ( bunch of logs about trying to match the url to a route )
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http cl:209 max:4194304
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 rewrite phase: 3
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post rewrite phase: 4
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 5
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 6
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 7
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 access phase: 8
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 access phase: 9
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post access phase: 10
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 try files phase: 11
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http client request body preread 209
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http request body content length filter
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http body new buf t:1 f:0 0000000002225FC9, pos 0000000002225FC9, size: 209 file: 0, size: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 epoll add event: fd:23 op:3 ev:80000005
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "Host: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script var: "<aws url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "Connection: close
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "Content-Length: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script var: "209"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Authorization: <auth>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Origin: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Referer: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-For:"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-Port: 443"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header:
"POST /v1/trip HTTP/1.0
Host: <url>
Connection: close
Content-Length: 209
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Authorization: <auth>
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Origin: <url>
Referer: <url>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http cleanup add: 0000000002227C40
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 get rr peer, try: 2
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 get rr peer, current: 1 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 socket 24
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 epoll add connection: fd:24 ev:80000005
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 connect to, fd:24 #12097
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream connect: -2
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 000000000222F7B0:128 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer add: 24: 60000:1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http finalize request: -4, "<url>" a:1, c:2
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http request count:2 blk:0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 000000000226E2B0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 000000000226E2B0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http run request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream check client, write event:1, "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: post event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: delete posted event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: accept on, ready: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: posix_memalign: 000000000222F840:256 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 accept: fd:25
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 event timer add: 25: 60000:1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 reusable connection: 1
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 epoll add event: fd:25 op:1 ev:80000001
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: post event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: delete posted event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: accept on, ready: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: posix_memalign: 000000000222F950:256 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 accept: fd:26
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 event timer add: 26: 60000:1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 reusable connection: 1
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 epoll add event: fd:26 op:1 ev:80000001
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream send request handler
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream send request
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer buf fl:0 s:830
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer buf fl:1 s:209
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer in: 0000000002227C98
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 writev: 1039
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer del: 24: 1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer add: 24: 60000:1436817451904
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 0000000002254030
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream dummy handler
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 0000000002254030
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream process header
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 malloc: 00000000022280D0:4096
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 recv: fd:24 141 of 4096
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/plain"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 19:56:31 GMT"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Server: nginx/1.6.2"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 0"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Connection: Close"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header done
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 xslt filter header
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 19:56:31 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)