私は今どうすればいい?私は、C#と他のいくつかのプログラミング言語だけのWindows Serverの経験はあまりありません。
私は今どうすればいい?私は、C#と他のいくつかのプログラミング言語だけのWindows Serverの経験はあまりありません。
Is it trying to add prerequisite features and restart first? I had a similar problem adding the WSUS role which was clashing when it also added the Windows Internal Database.
This guy mentions the error, but my solution was different. Instead of changing group policy, I had to actually provide the WID account access to the WID directory:
$Acl = Get-Acl "D:\WID\Data"
$Acl.SetAccessRule((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($WIDService,"FullControl","Allow")))
Set-Acl "D:\WID\Data" $Acl
This isn't exactly your problem, but the symptom seems the same so it may lead you in the right direction at least.
I believe that the feature in powershell is named "wireless-networking", so the command would be "add-windowsfeature wireless-networking -restart"
I have received similarly obtuse messages from Windows before, when trying to install a service that is not supported on Windows Server Core.
If you are running Core edition, then the Wireless LAN service is not supported on core.
I'm pretty sure it's a stuck pending reboot request.
Go to "C:\Windows\WinSxS" and check if there's a pending.xml file. Delete that file and try rebooting again. If you're unable to delete that file, try deleting it offline. If it's a virtual server, simply map its virtual disk somewhere and delete the file that way.