イントロ: 私はC#で高性能コードを書きます。はい、C ++を使用すると最適化が向上することはわかっていますが、それでもC#を使用することにしました。私はその選択について議論したくありません。むしろ、私のように、.NETFrameworkで高性能のコードを書き込もうとしている人たちから話を聞きたいと思います。
- 以下のコードの演算子が同等のメソッド呼び出しよりも遅いのはなぜですか?
- 以下のコードで2つのdoubleを渡すメソッドが、内部に2つのdoubleを持つ構造体を渡す同等のメソッドよりも速いのはなぜですか?(A:古いJITは構造体の最適化が不十分です)
- .NET JITコンパイラに単純な構造体を構造体のメンバーと同じくらい効率的に処理させる方法はありますか?(A:新しいJITを入手してください)
私が知っていると思うこと: 元の.NET JITコンパイラは、構造体を含むものをインライン化しませんでした。奇妙な与えられた構造体は、組み込みのように最適化されるべきであるが本当である小さな値型が必要な場合にのみ使用されるべきです。幸い、.NET3.5SP1と.NET2.0SP2では、特に構造体のインライン化の改善など、JITオプティマイザーにいくつかの改善が加えられました。(そうでなければ、彼らが導入した新しいComplex構造体がひどく実行されたので、彼らはそれをしたと思います...したがって、ComplexチームはおそらくJIT Optimizerチームをドキドキしていました。)したがって、.NET 3.5SP1より前のドキュメントはおそらくこの問題にはあまり関係ありません。
私のテストが示すこと: C:\ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ mscorwks.dllファイルのバージョンが3053以上であることを確認することで、新しいJITオプティマイザーがあることを確認しました。 JITオプティマイザに。しかし、それでも、私のタイミングと分解の両方が示すものは次のとおりです。
タイミング: 実際、逆アセンブルを見ると、ループ内のほとんどの時間はリストからテストデータにアクセスしているだけであることがわかります。ループのオーバーヘッドコードとデータへのアクセスを考慮に入れると、同じ呼び出しを行う4つの方法の違いは劇的に異なります。PlusEqual(Element)の代わりにPlusEqual(double、double)を実行すると、5倍から20倍のスピードアップが得られます。また、演算子+ =の代わりにPlusEqual(double、double)を実行する場合は10倍から40倍になります。ワオ。悲しい。
Populating List<Element> took 320ms.
The PlusEqual() method took 105ms.
The 'same' += operator took 131ms.
The 'same' -= operator took 139ms.
The PlusEqual(double, double) method took 68ms.
The do nothing loop took 66ms.
The ratio of operator with constructor to method is 124%.
The ratio of operator without constructor to method is 132%.
The ratio of PlusEqual(double,double) to PlusEqual(Element) is 64%.
If we remove the overhead time for the loop accessing the elements from the List...
The ratio of operator with constructor to method is 166%.
The ratio of operator without constructor to method is 187%.
The ratio of PlusEqual(double,double) to PlusEqual(Element) is 5%.
namespace OperatorVsMethod
public struct Element
public double Left;
public double Right;
public Element(double left, double right)
this.Left = left;
this.Right = right;
public static Element operator +(Element x, Element y)
return new Element(x.Left + y.Left, x.Right + y.Right);
public static Element operator -(Element x, Element y)
x.Left += y.Left;
x.Right += y.Right;
return x;
/// <summary>
/// Like the += operator; but faster.
/// </summary>
public void PlusEqual(Element that)
this.Left += that.Left;
this.Right += that.Right;
/// <summary>
/// Like the += operator; but faster.
/// </summary>
public void PlusEqual(double thatLeft, double thatRight)
this.Left += thatLeft;
this.Right += thatRight;
public class UnitTest1
public void TestMethod1()
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// Populate a List of Elements to multiply together
int seedSize = 4;
List<double> doubles = new List<double>(seedSize);
int size = 2500000 * seedSize;
List<Element> elts = new List<Element>(size);
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
int di = ii % seedSize;
double d = doubles[di];
elts.Add(new Element(d, d));
long populateMS = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// Measure speed of += operator (calls ctor)
Element operatorCtorResult = new Element(1d, 1d);
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
operatorCtorResult += elts[ii];
long operatorCtorMS = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// Measure speed of -= operator (+= without ctor)
Element operatorNoCtorResult = new Element(1d, 1d);
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
operatorNoCtorResult -= elts[ii];
long operatorNoCtorMS = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// Measure speed of PlusEqual(Element) method
Element plusEqualResult = new Element(1d, 1d);
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
long plusEqualMS = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// Measure speed of PlusEqual(double, double) method
Element plusEqualDDResult = new Element(1d, 1d);
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
Element elt = elts[ii];
plusEqualDDResult.PlusEqual(elt.Left, elt.Right);
long plusEqualDDMS = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// Measure speed of doing nothing but accessing the Element
Element doNothingResult = new Element(1d, 1d);
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
Element elt = elts[ii];
double left = elt.Left;
double right = elt.Right;
long doNothingMS = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// Report results
Assert.AreEqual(1d, operatorCtorResult.Left, "The operator += did not compute the right result!");
Assert.AreEqual(1d, operatorNoCtorResult.Left, "The operator += did not compute the right result!");
Assert.AreEqual(1d, plusEqualResult.Left, "The operator += did not compute the right result!");
Assert.AreEqual(1d, plusEqualDDResult.Left, "The operator += did not compute the right result!");
Assert.AreEqual(1d, doNothingResult.Left, "The operator += did not compute the right result!");
// Report speeds
Console.WriteLine("Populating List<Element> took {0}ms.", populateMS);
Console.WriteLine("The PlusEqual() method took {0}ms.", plusEqualMS);
Console.WriteLine("The 'same' += operator took {0}ms.", operatorCtorMS);
Console.WriteLine("The 'same' -= operator took {0}ms.", operatorNoCtorMS);
Console.WriteLine("The PlusEqual(double, double) method took {0}ms.", plusEqualDDMS);
Console.WriteLine("The do nothing loop took {0}ms.", doNothingMS);
// Compare speeds
long percentageRatio = 100L * operatorCtorMS / plusEqualMS;
Console.WriteLine("The ratio of operator with constructor to method is {0}%.", percentageRatio);
percentageRatio = 100L * operatorNoCtorMS / plusEqualMS;
Console.WriteLine("The ratio of operator without constructor to method is {0}%.", percentageRatio);
percentageRatio = 100L * plusEqualDDMS / plusEqualMS;
Console.WriteLine("The ratio of PlusEqual(double,double) to PlusEqual(Element) is {0}%.", percentageRatio);
operatorCtorMS -= doNothingMS;
operatorNoCtorMS -= doNothingMS;
plusEqualMS -= doNothingMS;
plusEqualDDMS -= doNothingMS;
Console.WriteLine("If we remove the overhead time for the loop accessing the elements from the List...");
percentageRatio = 100L * operatorCtorMS / plusEqualMS;
Console.WriteLine("The ratio of operator with constructor to method is {0}%.", percentageRatio);
percentageRatio = 100L * operatorNoCtorMS / plusEqualMS;
Console.WriteLine("The ratio of operator without constructor to method is {0}%.", percentageRatio);
percentageRatio = 100L * plusEqualDDMS / plusEqualMS;
Console.WriteLine("The ratio of PlusEqual(double,double) to PlusEqual(Element) is {0}%.", percentageRatio);
IL :(別名。上記のいくつかがコンパイルされるもの)
public void PlusEqual(Element that)
00000000 push ebp
00000001 mov ebp,esp
00000003 push edi
00000004 push esi
00000005 push ebx
00000006 sub esp,30h
00000009 xor eax,eax
0000000b mov dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax
0000000e xor eax,eax
00000010 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax
00000013 mov dword ptr [ebp-3Ch],ecx
00000016 cmp dword ptr ds:[04C87B7Ch],0
0000001d je 00000024
0000001f call 753081B1
00000024 nop
this.Left += that.Left;
00000025 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-3Ch]
00000028 fld qword ptr [ebp+8]
0000002b fadd qword ptr [eax]
0000002d fstp qword ptr [eax]
this.Right += that.Right;
0000002f mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-3Ch]
00000032 fld qword ptr [ebp+10h]
00000035 fadd qword ptr [eax+8]
00000038 fstp qword ptr [eax+8]
0000003b nop
0000003c lea esp,[ebp-0Ch]
0000003f pop ebx
00000040 pop esi
00000041 pop edi
00000042 pop ebp
00000043 ret 10h
public void PlusEqual(double thatLeft, double thatRight)
00000000 push ebp
00000001 mov ebp,esp
00000003 push edi
00000004 push esi
00000005 push ebx
00000006 sub esp,30h
00000009 xor eax,eax
0000000b mov dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax
0000000e xor eax,eax
00000010 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax
00000013 mov dword ptr [ebp-3Ch],ecx
00000016 cmp dword ptr ds:[04C87B7Ch],0
0000001d je 00000024
0000001f call 75308159
00000024 nop
this.Left += thatLeft;
00000025 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-3Ch]
00000028 fld qword ptr [ebp+10h]
0000002b fadd qword ptr [eax]
0000002d fstp qword ptr [eax]
this.Right += thatRight;
0000002f mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-3Ch]
00000032 fld qword ptr [ebp+8]
00000035 fadd qword ptr [eax+8]
00000038 fstp qword ptr [eax+8]
0000003b nop
0000003c lea esp,[ebp-0Ch]
0000003f pop ebx
00000040 pop esi
00000041 pop edi
00000042 pop ebp
00000043 ret 10h