イベントリスナーを完全に dragenterイベントが不必要に発生しないようにしながら、dragenterイベントが発生するたびにdragleave動作をコーディングすることでした。
<td draggable="true" class="table-cell">Hello</td>
<td draggable="true" clas="table-cell">There</td>
## Dragenter Handler ##
// When dragging over the text node of a table cell (the text in a table cell),
// while previously being over the table cell element, the dragleave event gets
// fired, which stops the highlighting of the currently dragged cell. To avoid
// this problem and any coding around to fight it, everything has been
// programmed with the dragenter event handler only; no more dragleave needed
// For the dragenter event, e.target corresponds to the element into which the
// drag enters. This fact has been used to program the code as follows:
var previousRow = null;
function handleDragEnter(e) {
// Assure that dragenter code is only executed when entering an element (and
// for example not when entering a text node)
if (e.target.nodeType === 1) {
// Get the currently entered row
let currentRow = this.closest('tr');
// Check if the currently entered row is different from the row entered via
// the last drag
if (previousRow !== null) {
if (currentRow !== previousRow) {
// If so, remove the class responsible for highlighting it via CSS from
// it
previousRow.className = "";
// Each time an HTML element is entered, add the class responsible for
// highlighting it via CSS onto its containing row (or onto itself, if row)
currentRow.className = "ready-for-drop";
// To know which row has been the last one entered when this function will
// be called again, assign the previousRow variable of the global scope onto
// the currentRow from this function run
previousRow = currentRow;