There is not much difference between While LOOP and Recursive CTE in terms of RBAR
Recursive CTE
and Window Partition function
all in one を使用する場合、パフォーマンスはそれほど向上しません。
であるint identity(1,1)
か、それは常に増加している必要がありますclustered index
APPIDに>、<のような演算子を置くと 、SQLオプティマイザを支援します。
APPDateTime datetime2(0) not null,
Appdate date not null
したがって Non clustered index
Create NonClustered index ix_PID_AppDate_App on APP (patientid,APPDate) include(other column which is not i predicate except APPID)
CREATE TABLE #Appt1 (ApptID INT, PatientID INT, ApptDate DATE)
SELECT 1,101,'2020-01-05' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,505,'2020-01-06' UNION ALL
SELECT 3,505,'2020-01-10' UNION ALL
SELECT 4,505,'2020-01-20' UNION ALL
SELECT 5,101,'2020-01-25' UNION ALL
SELECT 6,101,'2020-02-12' UNION ALL
SELECT 7,101,'2020-02-20' UNION ALL
SELECT 8,101,'2020-03-30' UNION ALL
SELECT 9,303,'2020-01-28' UNION ALL
SELECT 10,303,'2020-02-02'
;With CTE as
select a1.* ,a2.ApptDate as NewApptDate
from #Appt1 a1
outer apply(select top 1 a2.ApptID ,a2.ApptDate
from #Appt1 A2
where a1.PatientID=a2.PatientID and a1.ApptID>a2.ApptID
and DATEDIFF(day,a2.ApptDate, a1.ApptDate)>30
order by a2.ApptID desc )A2
,CTE1 as
select a1.*, a2.ApptDate as FollowApptDate
from CTE A1
outer apply(select top 1 a2.ApptID ,a2.ApptDate
from #Appt1 A2
where a1.PatientID=a2.PatientID and a1.ApptID>a2.ApptID
and DATEDIFF(day,a2.ApptDate, a1.ApptDate)<=30
order by a2.ApptID desc )A2
select *
,case when FollowApptDate is null then 'New'
when NewApptDate is not null and FollowApptDate is not null
and DATEDIFF(day,NewApptDate, FollowApptDate)<=30 then 'New'
else 'Followup' end
as Category
from cte1 a1
order by a1.PatientID
drop table #Appt1