



operator TypeName()


この特定のケースでoperator bool()は、クラスタイプのオブジェクトをあたかもであるかのように使用できますbool。たとえば、という名前のクラスタイプのオブジェクトがある場合obj、次のように使用できます。

if (obj)

これoperator bool()により、が呼び出され、結果が返され、その結果がの条件として使用されifます。

これはoperator bool()非常に悪い考えであり、実際に使用してはならないことに注意してください。なぜそれが悪いのか、そして問題の解決策についての詳細な説明については、「The SafeBoolIdiom」を参照してください

(C ++標準の次のリビジョンであるC ++ 0xは、明示的な変換演算子のサポートを追加します。これによりexplicit operator bool()、Safe Bool Idiomの実装のフープを飛び越えることなく、正しく機能する金庫を作成できます。)

「ブール値であるかのように使用される」とは、たとえばブール値を割り当てることができることを誤って意味します。むしろ、ポスターのコードでは、colの瞬間的な値に関連するが、その後はそれを作成したオブジェクトから独立している、bool型の一時変数を生成します。さらに、Safe Bool Idiomについての言及は素晴らしいですが、反対の見解が存在することを登録するだけです。IMHOの「実際には使用しない」というアドバイスは最優先事項です。これにより、より難読化されたAPIを犠牲にして、愚かな誤用に対してより厳密なコンパイラチェックが行われます。偶発的な誤用につながる可能性があります。

@Tony:ええと、それはブール値であるかのように使用できます。変換の結果は右辺値(bool)であるため、いいえ、割り当てることはできません。それが変更可能な左辺値(たとえばbool&)である場合は、それに割り当てることができます。正しさについてoperator bool()は、クラスタイプのオブジェクトを使用したくない非常に多くの状況で使用できるため、常に正しくないと主張します。SafeBoolははるかに優れた代替手段です。
James McNellis 2011年

したがって、最後の段落によると、今日は完全に使用できますexplicit operator bool()。正しく理解できますか?

C ++委員会は、演算子bool()についてあなたに同意しないようです。少なくとも標準の最新バージョン(例:en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/optional)。それとも、STLコードのみがそれを使用できるようにする必要があるという意味ですか?

@JoeSteele -参照くださいstackoverflow.com/a/16615725/2492801。明示的な変換演算子は安全です!

operator bool() const 
    return col != 0;



airplaysdk sdkInstance;
if (sdkInstance) {
    std::cout << "Instance is active" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "Instance is in-active error!" << std::endl;



struct A
    operator bool() const { return true; }

struct B
    explicit operator bool() const { return true; }

int main()
    A a1;
    if (a1) cout << "true" << endl; // OK: A::operator bool()
    bool na1 = a1; // OK: copy-initialization selects A::operator bool()
    bool na2 = static_cast<bool>(a1); // OK: static_cast performs direct-initialization

    B b1;     
    if (b1) cout << "true" << endl; // OK: B::operator bool()
    // bool nb1 = b1; // error: copy-initialization does not consider B::operator bool()
    bool nb2 = static_cast<bool>(b1); // OK: static_cast performs direct-initialization



bool value = yourclassinstance; //yourclassinstance is converted into bool!





class A {
    bool isItSafe;

    operator bool() const
        return isItSafe;



A a;
if (a) {


私自身のunique_ptrを書いているとき、私はこのケースを見つけました。与えられたstd::unique_ptr「S operator==

template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);

template <class T, class D>
bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept;

template <class T, class D>
bool operator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x) noexcept;


  std::unique_ptr<int> ptr;
  if (ptr == 0)
    { }
  if (0 == ptr)
    { }
  if (ptr != 0)
    { }
  if (0 != ptr)
    { }

それがあるため注意がptr持っているexplicit operator bool() const noexcept;ので、operator overload resolutionここでは罰金を動作しますが、例えば、ptr == 0選択されます

 template <class T, class D>
 bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept;`.

explicitここにキーワードがない場合ptrptr == 0はに変換されbool、次にboolに変換されますint。これbool operator==(int, int)は、が組み込まれているため0です。int。私たちを待っているのは、あいまいな過負荷解決エラーです。


#include <cstddef>
struct A
    constexpr A(std::nullptr_t) {}
    operator bool() 
        return true;

constexpr bool operator ==(A, A) noexcept
    return true;

constexpr bool operator ==(A, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
    return true;

constexpr bool operator ==(std::nullptr_t, A) noexcept
    return true;

int main()
    A a1(nullptr);
    A a2(0);
    a1 == 0;


prog.cc: In function 'int main()':
prog.cc:30:8: error: ambiguous overload for 'operator==' (operand types are 'A' and 'int')
   30 |     a1 == 0;
      |     ~~ ^~ ~
      |     |     |
      |     A     int
prog.cc:30:8: note: candidate: 'operator==(int, int)' <built-in>
   30 |     a1 == 0;
      |     ~~~^~~~
prog.cc:11:16: note: candidate: 'constexpr bool operator==(A, A)'
   11 | constexpr bool operator ==(A, A) noexcept
      |                ^~~~~~~~
prog.cc:16:16: note: candidate: 'constexpr bool operator==(A, std::nullptr_t)'
   16 | constexpr bool operator ==(A, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
      |                ^~~~~~~~


prog.cc:30:8: error: use of overloaded operator '==' is ambiguous (with operand types 'A' and 'int')
    a1 == 0;
    ~~ ^  ~
prog.cc:16:16: note: candidate function
constexpr bool operator ==(A, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
prog.cc:11:16: note: candidate function
constexpr bool operator ==(A, A) noexcept
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, int)
    a1 == 0;
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned __int128)
1 error generated.



class Foo
    public: int val;

class Comparer { public:
bool operator () (Foo& a, Foo&b) const {
return a.val == b.val; 

class Blah
std::set< Foo, Comparer > _mySet;

これはoperator ()notを使用する例operator boolです。それらは完全に異なります。operator ()は呼び出し演算子であるためComparer、を関数として呼び出すことができます。それoperator ()はたまたま戻るだけですがbool、それはと同じにはなりません。それはoperator bool単にbool。への暗黙のキャストを可能にします。
Michael Dorst 2014
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.