純粋なPHP / HTML:
<?php // (the originating page, where you want to show the image)
// set your image location in whatever manner you need
$imageLocation = "http://example.com/exampleImage.png";
// set the location of your 'imageserve' program
$imageserveLocation = "https://example.com/imageserve.php";
// we'll look at the imageLocation and if it is already https, don't do anything, but if it is http, then run it through imageserve.php
$imageURL = (strstr("https://",$imageLocation)?"": $imageserveLocation . "?image=") . $imageLocation;
<!-- this is the HTML image -->
<img src="<?php echo $imageURL ?>" />
javascript / jQuery:
<img id="theImage" src="" />
var imageLocation = "http://example.com/exampleImage.png";
var imageserveLocation = "https://example.com/imageserve.php";
var imageURL = ((imageLocation.indexOf("https://") !== -1) ? "" : imageserveLocation + "?image=") + imageLocation;
// I'm using jQuery, but you can use just javascript...
imageserve.php CORSの詳細については、http: //stackoverflow.com/questions/8719276/cors-with-php-headers?noredirect = 1&lq = 1を参照してください
// set your secure site URL here (where you are showing the images)
$mySecureSite = "https://example.com";
// here, you can set what kinds of images you will accept
$supported_images = array('png','jpeg','jpg','gif','ico');
// this is an ultra-minimal CORS - sending trusted data to yourself
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $mySecureSite");
$parts = pathinfo($_GET['image']);
$extension = $parts['extension'];
if(in_array($extension,$supported_images)) {
header("Content-Type: image/$extension");
$image = file_get_contents($_GET['image']);
echo $image;