



var optionalString = dict["SomeKey"] as? String


var optionalString = dict["SomeKey"] as! String?


次に、最初のスタイルを使用しif letて、オプションを安全にアンラップします。

if let string = dict["SomeKey"] as? String {
    // If I get here, I know that "SomeKey" is a valid key in the dictionary, I correctly
    // identified the type as String, and the value is now unwrapped and ready to use.  In
    // this case "string" has the type "String".


はい、@ Sikander、最初のものは常に優れています。私は二番目を使うことはありません。
vacawama 2016年


as? Types-ダウンキャストプロセスがオプションであることを意味します。プロセスは成功するかどうか(ダウンキャストが失敗した場合、システムはnilを返します)。ダウンキャストが失敗した場合でも、どのような方法でもクラッシュしません。

as! Type?-ここで、ダウンキャストのプロセスは成功するはずです(それを!示します)。最後の疑問符は、最終結果がnilになるかどうかを示します。

「!」に関する詳細情報 そして「?」


  1. 検討してください:

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as? UITableViewCell


    if let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as? UITableViewCell {
        // If we reached here it means the down casting was successful
    else {
        // unsuccessful down casting


  2. 対照的に:

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as! UITableViewCell. 




Swift 3.0:

import UIKit

let str_value:    Any   = String("abc")!
let strOpt_value: Any?  = String("abc")!
let strOpt_nil:   Any?  = (nil as String?)
let int_value:    Any   = Int(1)
let intOpt_value: Any?  = Int(1)
let intOpt_nil:   Any?  = (nil as Int?)

// as String
//str_value     as String // Compile-Time Error: 'Any' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//strOpt_value  as String // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//strOpt_nil    as String // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//int_value     as String // Compile-Time Error: 'Any' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//intOpt_value  as String // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//intOpt_nil    as String // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?

// as? String
  str_value     as? String // == "abc"
  strOpt_value  as? String // == "abc"
  strOpt_nil    as? String // == nil
  int_value     as? String // == nil
  intOpt_value  as? String // == nil
  intOpt_nil    as? String // == nil

// as! String
  str_value     as! String // == "abc"
  strOpt_value  as! String // == "abc"
//strOpt_nil    as! String // Run-Time Error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value.
//int_value     as! String // Run-Time Error: Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Int' to 'Swift.String'.
//intOpt_value  as! String // Run-Time Error: Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Int' to 'Swift.String'.
//intOpt_nil    as! String // Run-Time Error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value.

// as String?
//str_value     as String? // Compile-Time Error: cannot convert value of type 'Any' to type 'String?' in coercion
//strOpt_value  as String? // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//strOpt_nil    as String? // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//int_value     as String? // Compile-Time Error: cannot convert value of type 'Any' to type 'String?' in coercion
//intOpt_value  as String? // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//intOpt_nil    as String? // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?

// as? String?
//str_value     as? String? // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
  strOpt_value  as? String? // == "abc"
  strOpt_nil    as? String? // == nil
//int_value     as? String? // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
  intOpt_value  as? String? // == nil
  intOpt_nil    as? String? // == nil

// as! String?
//str_value     as! String? // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
  strOpt_value  as! String? // == "abc"
  strOpt_nil    as! String? // == nil
//int_value     as! String? // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
//intOpt_value  as! String? // Run-Time Error: Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Int' to 'Swift.String'.
  intOpt_nil    as! String? // == nil

// let _ = ... as String
//if let _ = str_value    as String { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = strOpt_value as String { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = strOpt_nil   as String { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = int_value    as String { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = intOpt_value as String { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = intOpt_nil   as String { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?

// let _ = ... as? String
if let _ = str_value    as? String { true } // true
if let _ = strOpt_value as? String { true } // true
if let _ = strOpt_nil   as? String { true } // false
if let _ = int_value    as? String { true } // false
if let _ = intOpt_value as? String { true } // false
if let _ = intOpt_nil   as? String { true } // false

// let _ = ... as! String
//if let _ = str_value    as! String { true } // Compile-Time Error: initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'
//if let _ = strOpt_value as! String { true } // Compile-Time Error: initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'
//if let _ = strOpt_nil   as! String { true } // Compile-Time Error: initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'
//if let _ = int_value    as! String { true } // Compile-Time Error: initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'
//if let _ = intOpt_value as! String { true } // Compile-Time Error: initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'
//if let _ = intOpt_nil   as! String { true } // Compile-Time Error: initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'

// let _ = ... as String?
//if let _ = str_value    as String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: cannot convert value of type 'Any' to type 'String?' in coercion
//if let _ = strOpt_value as String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = strOpt_nil   as String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = int_value    as String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: cannot convert value of type 'Any' to type 'String?' in coercion
//if let _ = intOpt_value as String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
//if let _ = intOpt_nil   as String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: 'Any?' is not convertible to 'String?'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?

// let _ = ... as? String?
//if let _ = str_value    as? String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
  if let _ = strOpt_value as? String? { true } // true
  if let _ = strOpt_nil   as? String? { true } // true
//if let _ = int_value    as? String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
  if let _ = intOpt_value as? String? { true } // false
  if let _ = intOpt_nil   as? String? { true } // true

// let _ = ... as! String?
//if let _ = str_value    as! String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
  if let _ = strOpt_value as! String? { true } // true
  if let _ = strOpt_nil   as! String? { true } // false
//if let _ = int_value    as! String? { true } // Compile-Time Error: cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'String?'
//if let _ = intOpt_value as! String? { true } // Run-Time Error: Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Int' to 'Swift.String'.
  if let _ = intOpt_nil   as! String? { true } // false

Swift 2.0:

import UIKit

let str:    AnyObject   = String("abc")
let strOpt: AnyObject?  = String("abc")
let strNil: AnyObject?  = (nil as String?)
let int:    AnyObject   = Int(1)
let intOpt: AnyObject?  = Int(1)
let intNil: AnyObject?  = (nil as Int?)

str    as? String // == "abc"
strOpt as? String // == "abc"
strNil as? String // == nil
int    as? String // == nil
intOpt as? String // == nil
intNil as? String // == nil

str    as! String? // Compile-Time Error: Cannot downcast from 'AnyObject' to a more optional type 'String?'
strOpt as! String? // == "abc"
strNil as! String? // == nil
int    as! String? // Compile-Time Error: Cannot downcast from 'AnyObject' to a more optional type 'String?'
intOpt as! String? // Run-Time Error: Could not cast value of type '__NSCFNumber' to 'NSString'
intNil as! String? // == nil

あなたの例の+1ですが、同じ例を使って説明してもらえますか?の代わりに?let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier( "Cell")としてダウンキャストしながら!UITableViewCell..iと思いますか?asの必要性があった理由は十分でした!
Anish Parajuli

cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier( "Cell")として UITableViewCell。-ここでは、識別子「Cell」を持つセルをUITableViewCellにダウンキャストした結果がnillかどうかはわかりません。nillの場合、nillを返します(ここではクラッシュを回避します)。
jishnu bala

興味深い、intNil as! String? // ==nilクラッシュを引き起こさない!!! ???、Optional <Int> .NoneはOptional <String>


Swift 3でこの遊び場を試してみますが、Any代わりに使用する必要がありますAnyObject

  • as ブリッジ型へのアップキャストおよび型キャストに使用
  • as? 安全なキャストに使用され、失敗した場合はnilを返します
  • as! 強制的にキャストするために使用され、失敗した場合はクラッシュします


  • as! rawタイプをオプションにキャストできません


let rawString: AnyObject = "I love swift"
let optionalString: AnyObject? = "we love swift"
let nilString: AnyObject? = (nil as String?)

let rawInt: AnyObject = Int(3)
let optionalInt: AnyObject? = Int(3)
let nilInt: AnyObject? = (nil as Int?)

var age: Int? = nil
var height: Int? = 180

?を追加することにより データ型の直後に、変数に数値が含まれるかどうかがコンパイラに通知されます。きちんと!オプションの定数を定義することは実際には意味がないことに注意してください。値を設定できるのは1回だけなので、値をnilにするかどうかを指定できます。

「?」をいつ使うべきか そして「!」




var navigationController: UINavigationController? { get }


controller.navigationController!.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)




controller.navigationController?.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)












var dict = [Int:Any]()
dict[1] = 15

let x = dict[1] as? String
print(x) // nil because dict[1] is an Int

dict[2] = "Yo"

let z = dict[2] as! String?
print(z) // optional("Yo")
let zz = dict[1] as! String // crashes because a forced downcast fails

let m = dict[3] as! String?
print(m) // nil. the forced downcast succeeds, but dict[3] has no value

また、z2 = dict [2]を次のようにします。文字列// "Yo"(オプションではない)







参照:https : //developer.apple.com/swift/blog/?id=23




class Optional {

    var lName:AnyObject! = "1"

    var lastName:String!

let obj = Optional()



obj.lastName = obj.lName as? String


(1): obj.lastName = obj.lName as! String

(2): obj.lastName = obj.lName as? String






しかし、プログラマーが間違っている場合は、obj.lNameが文字列型オブジェクトではないことを意味します。つまり、他の型オブジェクトが含まれています"NSNumber"。その後“obj.lastName”、nil値に設定されます。だから、クラッシュなし(Happy :)

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