編集:ちょうどあなたが答えを見つけたのを見た... sheeeiiitttt
//create a URL which for the site you want to get the info from.. just replace google with whatever you want
NSURL *currentURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.google.com"];
//for any exceptions/errors
NSError *error;
//converts the url html to a string
NSString *htmlCode = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:currentURL encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&error];
HTMLコードがあるので、タイトルを取得するにはどうすればよいですか?さて、すべてのhtmlベースのドキュメントでは、タイトルはThis Is the Titleによって通知されます。したがって、おそらく最も簡単なことは、そのhtmlCode文字列を、、およびの部分文字列で検索して、その間にあるものを取得することです。
//so let's create two strings that are our starting and ending signs
NSString *startPoint = @"<title>";
NSString *endPoint = @"</title>";
//now in substringing in obj-c they're mostly based off of ranges, so we need to make some ranges
NSRange startRange = [htmlCode rangeOfString:startPoint];
NSRange endRange = [htmlCode rangeOfString:endPoint];
//so what this is doing is it is finding the location in the html code and turning it
//into two ints: the location and the length of the string
//once we have this, we can do the substringing!
//so just for easiness, let's make another string to have the title in
NSString *docTitle = [htmlString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(startRange.location + startRange.length, endRange.location)];
NSLog(@"%@", docTitle);
//just to print it out and see it's right