ファイルからグラフを読み取る際にも同様の問題がありました。処理には、メモリに収まらない200 000x200 000のフロートマトリックス(一度に1行)の計算が含まれていました。gc.collect()
from dask import delayed # this module wraps the multithreading
def f(storage, index, chunk_size): # the processing function
# read the chunk of size chunk_size starting at index in the file
# process it using data in storage if needed
# append data needed for further computations to storage
return storage
partial_result = delayed([]) # put into the delayed() the constructor for your data structure
# I personally use "delayed(nx.Graph())" since I am creating a networkx Graph
chunk_size = 100 # ideally you want this as big as possible while still enabling the computations to fit in memory
for index in range(0, len(file), chunk_size):
# we indicates to dask that we will want to apply f to the parameters partial_result, index, chunk_size
partial_result = delayed(f)(partial_result, index, chunk_size)
# no computations are done yet !
# dask will spawn a thread to run f(partial_result, index, chunk_size) once we call partial_result.compute()
# passing the previous "partial_result" variable in the parameters assures a chunk will only be processed after the previous one is done
# it also allows you to use the results of the processing of the previous chunks in the file if needed
# this launches all the computations
result = partial_result.compute()
# one thread is spawned for each "delayed" one at a time to compute its result
# dask then closes the tread, which solves the memory freeing issue
# the strange performance issue with gc.collect() is also avoided