Oracle DBでテストしたSQLスクリプトは次のとおりです(他のDBでも動作するはずです)。
-- show basic understand of the math properties
select ceil(max (creation_date) - min (creation_date))
count ( * ) real_day_count
from user_access_log
group by user_id;
-- select all users that have consecutively accessed the site
select user_id
from user_access_log
group by user_id
having ceil(max (creation_date) - min (creation_date))
/ count ( * ) = 1;
-- get the count of all users that have consecutively accessed the site
select count(user_id) user_count
from user_access_log
group by user_id
having ceil(max (creation_date) - min (creation_date))
/ count ( * ) = 1;
-- create table
create table user_access_log (id number, user_id number, creation_date date);
-- insert seed data
insert into user_access_log (id, user_id, creation_date)
values (1, 12, sysdate);
insert into user_access_log (id, user_id, creation_date)
values (2, 12, sysdate + 1);
insert into user_access_log (id, user_id, creation_date)
values (3, 12, sysdate + 2);
insert into user_access_log (id, user_id, creation_date)
values (4, 16, sysdate);
insert into user_access_log (id, user_id, creation_date)
values (5, 16, sysdate + 1);
insert into user_access_log (id, user_id, creation_date)
values (6, 16, sysdate + 5);