newImage.src = "image.jpg?t=" + new Date().getTime();
長所: 100%信頼性が高く、すばやく簡単に理解して実装できます。
使用する場合:ライブWebカメラフィードなど、画像が常に変化する場合に使用します。この方法を使用する場合は、必ずCache-control: no-cache
HTTPヘッダーを使用して画像自体を提供してください!!! (多くの場合、これは.htaccessファイルを使用して設定できます)。そうしないと、古いバージョンのイメージでキャッシュが徐々にいっぱいになります。
echo '<img src="image.jpg?m=' . filemtime('image.jpg') . '">';
(これはPHPサーバー側のコードですが、ここで重要な点は、?m = [ファイルの最終変更時刻]クエリ文字列がファイル名に追加されることです)。
(3)ヘッダーを付けて画像を提供し、次のCache-control: max-age=0, must-revalidate
ような一意のmemcache -bustingフラグメント識別子をURLに追加します。
newImage.src = "image.jpg#" + new Date().getTime();
長所: HTTPキャッシュメカニズムを適切に使用し、変更されていない場合はキャッシュされた画像を使用します。静的画像URLに追加されたクエリ文字列を制限するサーバーで機能します(サーバーはフラグメント識別子を決して見ないため、ブラウザーの使用のみを目的としています)。
短所: URLにフラグメント識別子が含まれている画像に関して、ブラウザーのやや怪しげな(または少なくとも十分に文書化されていない)動作に依存します(ただし、FF27、Chrome33、およびIE11でこれをうまくテストしました)。すべての画像ビューに対してサーバーに再検証リクエストを送信しますが、画像がめったに変更されない場合やレイテンシが大きな問題である場合は、やり過ぎになる可能性があります(キャッシュされた画像がまだ良好な場合でも再検証応答を待つ必要があるため) 。画像のURLを変更する必要があります。
同じドメインの画像の場合、画像を直接iframeに読み込むことができます。クロスドメイン画像の場合は、代わりにタグ内の画像を含むドメインから HTMLページをロードする<img>
長所:ちょうどあなたがimage.reload()関数のように動作したい DOMを持っていました!画像を通常どおりにキャッシュできるようにします(必要に応じて、将来の有効期限があっても、頻繁な再検証を回避できます)。クライアント側のコードのみを使用して、現在のページまたは他のページにある画像のURLを変更せずに、特定の画像を更新できます。
短所: Javascriptに依存しています。すべてのブラウザーで正しく動作することが100%保証されているわけではありません(ただし、FF27、Chrome33、およびIE11でこれを正常にテストしました)。他の方法に比べて非常に複雑です。
に空白の1x1ピクセルの.gif があり、次の1行のPHPスクリプトがあると仮定します(クロスドメイン画像に強制更新を適用する場合にのみ必要で、サーバー側のスクリプト言語で書き換えることができます) 、もちろん)URLパス/echoimg.php
<img src="<?=htmlspecialchars(@$_GET['src'],ENT_COMPAT|ENT_HTML5,'UTF-8')?>">
// This function should blank all images that have a matching src, by changing their src property to /img/1x1blank.gif.
// ##### You should code the actual contents of this function according to your page design, and what images there are on them!!! #####
// Optionally it may return an array (or other collection or data structure) of those images affected.
// This can be used by imgReloadRestore() to restore them later, if that's an efficient way of doing it (otherwise, you don't need to return anything).
// NOTE that the src argument here is just passed on from forceImgReload(), and MAY be a relative URI;
// However, be aware that if you're reading the src property of an <img> DOM object, you'll always get back a fully-qualified URI,
// even if the src attribute was a relative one in the original HTML. So watch out if trying to compare the two!
// NOTE that if your page design makes it more efficient to obtain (say) an image id or list of ids (of identical images) *first*, and only then get the image src,
// you can pass this id or list data to forceImgReload() along with (or instead of) a src argument: just add an extra or replacement parameter for this information to
// this function, to imgReloadRestore(), to forceImgReload(), and to the anonymous function returned by forceImgReload() (and make it overwrite the earlier parameter variable from forceImgReload() if truthy), as appropriate.
function imgReloadBlank(src)
// ##### Everything here is provisional on the way the pages are designed, and what images they contain; what follows is for example purposes only!
// ##### For really simple pages containing just a single image that's always the one being refreshed, this function could be as simple as just the one line:
// ##### document.getElementById("myImage").src = "/img/1x1blank.gif";
var blankList = [],
fullSrc = /* Fully qualified (absolute) src - i.e. prepend protocol, server/domain, and path if not present in src */,
imgs, img, i;
for each (/* window accessible from this one, i.e. this window, and child frames/iframes, the parent window, anything opened via window.open(), and anything recursively reachable from there */)
// get list of matching images:
imgs = theWindow.document.body.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (i = imgs.length; i--;) if ((img = imgs[i]).src===fullSrc) // could instead use body.querySelectorAll(), to check both tag name and src attribute, which would probably be more efficient, where supported
img.src = "/img/1x1blank.gif"; // blank them
blankList.push(img); // optionally, save list of blanked images to make restoring easy later on
for each (/* img DOM node held only by javascript, for example in any image-caching script */) if (img.src===fullSrc)
img.src = "/img/1x1blank.gif"; // do the same as for on-page images!
// ##### If necessary, do something here that tells all accessible windows not to create any *new* images with src===fullSrc, until further notice,
// ##### (or perhaps to create them initially blank instead and add them to blankList).
// ##### For example, you might have (say) a global object window.top.blankedSrces as a propery of your topmost window, initially set = {}. Then you could do:
// #####
// ##### var bs = window.top.blankedSrces;
// ##### if (bs.hasOwnProperty(src)) bs[src]++; else bs[src] = 1;
// #####
// ##### And before creating a new image using javascript, you'd first ensure that (blankedSrces.hasOwnProperty(src)) was false...
// ##### Note that incrementing a counter here rather than just setting a flag allows for the possibility that multiple forced-reloads of the same image are underway at once, or are overlapping.
return blankList; // optional - only if using blankList for restoring back the blanked images! This just gets passed in to imgReloadRestore(), it isn't used otherwise.
// This function restores all blanked images, that were blanked out by imgReloadBlank(src) for the matching src argument.
// ##### You should code the actual contents of this function according to your page design, and what images there are on them, as well as how/if images are dimensioned, etc!!! #####
function imgReloadRestore(src,blankList,imgDim,loadError);
// ##### Everything here is provisional on the way the pages are designed, and what images they contain; what follows is for example purposes only!
// ##### For really simple pages containing just a single image that's always the one being refreshed, this function could be as simple as just the one line:
// ##### document.getElementById("myImage").src = src;
// ##### if in imgReloadBlank() you did something to tell all accessible windows not to create any *new* images with src===fullSrc until further notice, retract that setting now!
// ##### For example, if you used the global object window.top.blankedSrces as described there, then you could do:
// #####
// ##### var bs = window.top.blankedSrces;
// ##### if (bs.hasOwnProperty(src)&&--bs[src]) return; else delete bs[src]; // return here means don't restore until ALL forced reloads complete.
var i, img, width = imgDim&&imgDim[0], height = imgDim&&imgDim[1];
if (width) width += "px";
if (height) height += "px";
if (loadError) {/* If you want, do something about an image that couldn't load, e.g: src = "/img/brokenImg.jpg"; or alert("Couldn't refresh image from server!"); */}
// If you saved & returned blankList in imgReloadBlank(), you can just use this to restore:
for (i = blankList.length; i--;)
(img = blankList[i]).src = src;
if (width) img.style.width = width;
if (height) img.style.height = height;
// Force an image to be reloaded from the server, bypassing/refreshing the cache.
// due to limitations of the browser API, this actually requires TWO load attempts - an initial load into a hidden iframe, and then a call to iframe.contentWindow.location.reload(true);
// If image is from a different domain (i.e. cross-domain restrictions are in effect, you must set isCrossDomain = true, or the script will crash!
// imgDim is a 2-element array containing the image x and y dimensions, or it may be omitted or null; it can be used to set a new image size at the same time the image is updated, if applicable.
// if "twostage" is true, the first load will occur immediately, and the return value will be a function
// that takes a boolean parameter (true to proceed with the 2nd load (including the blank-and-reload procedure), false to cancel) and an optional updated imgDim.
// This allows you to do the first load early... for example during an upload (to the server) of the image you want to (then) refresh.
function forceImgReload(src, isCrossDomain, imgDim, twostage)
var blankList, step = 0, // step: 0 - started initial load, 1 - wait before proceeding (twostage mode only), 2 - started forced reload, 3 - cancelled
iframe = window.document.createElement("iframe"), // Hidden iframe, in which to perform the load+reload.
loadCallback = function(e) // Callback function, called after iframe load+reload completes (or fails).
{ // Will be called TWICE unless twostage-mode process is cancelled. (Once after load, once after reload).
if (!step) // initial load just completed. Note that it doesn't actually matter if this load succeeded or not!
if (twostage) step = 1; // wait for twostage-mode proceed or cancel; don't do anything else just yet
else { step = 2; blankList = imgReloadBlank(src); iframe.contentWindow.location.reload(true); } // initiate forced-reload
else if (step===2) // forced re-load is done
imgReloadRestore(src,blankList,imgDim,(e||window.event).type==="error"); // last parameter checks whether loadCallback was called from the "load" or the "error" event.
if (iframe.parentNode) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
iframe.style.display = "none";
window.parent.document.body.appendChild(iframe); // NOTE: if this is done AFTER setting src, Firefox MAY fail to fire the load event!
iframe.src = (isCrossDomain ? "/echoimg.php?src="+encodeURIComponent(src) : src); // If src is cross-domain, script will crash unless we embed the image in a same-domain html page (using server-side script)!!!
return (twostage
? function(proceed,dim)
if (!twostage) return;
twostage = false;
if (proceed)
imgDim = (dim||imgDim); // overwrite imgDim passed in to forceImgReload() - just in case you know the correct img dimensions now, but didn't when forceImgReload() was called.
if (step===1) { step = 2; blankList = imgReloadBlank(src); iframe.contentWindow.location.reload(true); }
step = 3;
if (iframe.contentWindow.stop) iframe.contentWindow.stop();
if (iframe.parentNode) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
: null);
forceImgReload("http://someother.server.com/someimage.jpg", true);
// fileForm is a reference to the form that has a the <input typ="file"> on it, for uploading.
// serverURL is the url at which the uploaded image will be accessible from, once uploaded.
// The response from uploadImageToServer.php is a JSON array [success, width, height]. (A boolean and two ints).
function uploadAndRefreshCache(fileForm, serverURL)
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
proceedWithImageRefresh = forceImgReload(serverURL, false, null, true);
xhr.addEventListener("load", function(){ var arr = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (!(arr&&arr[0])) { proceedWithImageRefresh(false); doSomethingOnUploadFailure(...); } else { proceedWithImageRefresh(true,[arr[1],ar[2]]); doSomethingOnUploadSuccess(...); }});
xhr.addEventListener("error", function(){ proceedWithImageRefresh(false); doSomethingOnUploadError(...); });
xhr.addEventListener("abort", function(){ proceedWithImageRefresh(false); doSomethingOnUploadAborted(...); });
// add additional event listener(s) to track upload progress for graphical progress bar, etc...
xhr.send(new FormData(fileForm));