import arcpy, numpy
inRaster = r"C:\tmp\RastersArray.gdb\InRaster"
inRaster2 = r"C:\tmp\RastersArray.gdb\InRaster2"
##Get properties of the input raster
inRasterDesc = arcpy.Describe(inRaster)
#coordinates of the lower left corner
rasXmin = inRasterDesc.Extent.Xmin
rasYmin = inRasterDesc.Extent.Ymin
# Cell size, raster size
rasMeanCellHeight = inRasterDesc.MeanCellHeight
rasMeanCellWidth = inRasterDesc.MeanCellWidth
rasHeight = inRasterDesc.Height
rasWidth = inRasterDesc.Width
##Calculate coordinates basing on raster properties
#create numpy array of coordinates of cell centroids
def rasCentrX(rasHeight, rasWidth):
coordX = rasXmin + (0.5*rasMeanCellWidth + rasWidth)
return coordX
inRasterCoordX = numpy.fromfunction(rasCentrX, (rasHeight,rasWidth)) #numpy array of X coord
def rasCentrY(rasHeight, rasWidth):
coordY = rasYmin + (0.5*rasMeanCellHeight + rasHeight)
return coordY
inRasterCoordY = numpy.fromfunction(rasCentrY, (rasHeight,rasWidth)) #numpy array of Y coord
#combine arrays of coordinates (although array for Y is before X, dstack produces [X, Y] pairs)
inRasterCoordinates = numpy.dstack((inRasterCoordY,inRasterCoordX))
##Raster conversion to NumPy Array
#create NumPy array from input rasters
inRasterArrayTopLeft = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(inRaster)
inRasterArrayTopLeft2 = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(inRaster2)
#flip array upside down - then lower left corner cells has the same index as cells in coordinates array
inRasterArray = numpy.flipud(inRasterArrayTopLeft)
inRasterArray2 = numpy.flipud(inRasterArrayTopLeft2)
# combine coordinates and value
inRasterFullArray = numpy.dstack((inRasterCoordinates, inRasterArray.T))
#add values from second raster
rasterValuesArray = numpy.dstack((inRasterFullArray, inRasterArray2.T))
(height, width, dim )=rasterValuesArray.shape
for row in range(0,height):
for col in range(0,width):
#now you have access to single array of values for one cell location
私の経験ではこれ以上のヘルプを提供できませんので、大きな配列での処理に関するいくつかの提案を検討できます:https ://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053928/python-numpy-very-large-matrices