IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature();
ITextElement textElement = new TextElementClass();
textElement.Text = textString; // value like: '183
IElement element = textElement as IElement;
element.Geometry = pointGeom; // Point: x=2986785, y=629058
(feature as IAnnotationFeature2).Annotation = element;
(feature as IAnnotationFeature2).AnnotationClassID = 0;
(feature as IAnnotationFeature2).Status = annoStatus; // ESRI constant for 0, "placed"
ISymbolCollectionElement scElement = new TextElementClass();
scElement.CharacterSpacing = 5;
scElement.Geometry = pointGeom;
scElement.Text = textString;
(feature as IAnnotationFeature2).Annotation = scElement as IElement;
(feat as IAnnotationFeature2).AnnotationClassID = 0;
(feat as IAnnotationFeature2).Status = annoStatus;
基本的に私は、@ murdochがこの「古い」ArcScripts投稿で行ったことを達成しようとしています(2番目のエントリを参照)。私は彼のアプローチを再度確認し、彼がIFormattedTextSymbolインターフェースを使用していることに気付いたので、それを試しましたが、配置された注釈のスタック/オーバーラップテキストで同じ問題が引き続き発生します。これが私の最新のC#です:
IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature();
IFontDisp font = new StdFontClass() as IFontDisp;
font.Name = "Arial";
font.Bold = true;
// font.Size = 30;
// load in some reasonable default values..
IFormattedTextSymbol fmtTextSymb = new TextSymbolClass();
fmtTextSymb.Font = font;
fmtTextSymb.Size = 30;
fmtTextSymb.VerticalAlignment = esriTextVerticalAlignment.esriTVABottom;
fmtTextSymb.HorizontalAlignment = esriTextHorizontalAlignment.esriTHALeft;
fmtTextSymb.Angle = 0;
fmtTextSymb.CharacterSpacing = 100;
fmtTextSymb.CharacterWidth = 100;
fmtTextSymb.FlipAngle = 90;
fmtTextSymb.Leading = 0;
fmtTextSymb.WordSpacing = 100;
fmtTextSymb.Text = textString; // my special text value..
ITextElement textElement = new TextElementClass();
textElement.Symbol = fmtTextSymb;
textElement.Text = textString;
IElement element = textElement as IElement;
element.Geometry = pt;
(feature as IAnnotationFeature2).Annotation = element;
最終的な分析では、問題は個々の注釈を作成するために使用したコードではありませんでしたが、@ Kirk Kuykendallが明らかにしたように、最初にでAnnotationLayerを作成した方法に問題がありましたIAnnotationLayerFactory.CreateAnnotationLayer()
// Set the map scale and units the annos should be "cooked for".
// To get ReferenceScale, open ArcMap and zoom to an appropriate level.
// In the Standard toolbar, click the 1:N button (tip says "MapScale").
// It'll output something like 1:1,200. Drop the 1: and the comma
// and that's the value you want for ReferenceScale.
IGraphicsLayerScale graphicsLayerScale = new GraphicsLayerScaleClass();
graphicsLayerScale.ReferenceScale = 1200;
graphicsLayerScale.Units = esriUnits.esriFeet; // this should agree with your proj