これをネットワークアナリストでハッキングする方法は確かにありますが、私の好みは、グラフの問題と同じように扱うことです。ホイールを再発明せず、優れたNetworkx Pythonモジュールをインストールして、以下を試してください。
from networkx import Graph, connected_components
G = Graph()
# iterate through your feature class and build a graph
for row in featureclass:
# we need a unique representation for each edges start and end points
start = row.shape.getpart()[0]
end = row.shape.getpart()[-1]
# get the connected components
Components = connected_components(G)
# we now have a "list of lists" containing edges grouped by their component
# there's several ways to apply this to the feature class...eg
for i, connected in enumerate(Components):
# assign id = i to the group by writing it to a field for all members
# of that component (the row oid is an attribute of the edge)