ウィキペディアはここに分類に関するいくつかのヒントを与えます:http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_theory#Types_of_games
- ゲームのすべての情報を格納するゲーム状態のモデル(例:ボードステータス/マップ、キュー、移動番号/キュー内の位置)
- 与えられたゲーム状態のすべての有効な動きを提供する動きジェネレーター
- 「移動」および「移動を元に戻す」機能。与えられた(有効な)動きをゲーム状態に適用/元に戻します。一方、「移動」機能は「元に戻す」機能の「元に戻す」情報を保存する必要があります。ゲームの状態をコピーして、反復ごとに変更すると、検索が大幅に遅くなります。少なくともスタックに状態を保存するようにしてください(=ローカル変数、 "new"を使用した動的割り当てなし)。
- 各ゲームの状態に匹敵するスコアを与える評価関数
- 検索機能
public class Item
// TODO... represents queue items (FLOWER, SHOVEL, BUTTERFLY)
public class Field
// TODO... represents field on the board (EMPTY or FLOWER)
public class Modification {
int x, y;
Field originalValue, newValue;
public Modification(int x, int y, Field originalValue, newValue) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.originalValue = originalValue;
this.newValue = newValue;
public void Do(GameState state) {
state.board[x,y] = newValue;
public void Undo(GameState state) {
state.board[x,y] = originalValue;
class Move : ICompareable {
// score; from evaluation function
public int score;
// List of modifications to do/undo to execute the move or to undo it
Modification[] modifications;
// Information for later knowing, what "control" action has been chosen
public int x, y; // target field chosen
public int x2, y2; // secondary target field chosen (e.g. if moving a field)
public Move(GameState state, Modification[] modifications, int score, int x, int y, int x2 = -1, int y2 = -1) {
this.modifications = modifications;
this.score = score;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
public int CompareTo(Move other)
return other.score - this.score; // less than 0, if "this" precededs "other"...
public virtual void Do(GameState state)
foreach(Modification m in modifications) m.Do(state);
public virtual void Undo(GameState state)
for (int i = m.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) m.Undo(state); // undo modification in reversed order
class GameState {
public Item[] queue;
public Field[][] board;
public int queueindex;
public GameState(Field[][] board, Item[] queue) {
this.board = board;
this.queue = queue;
this.queueindex = 0;
private int Evaluate()
int value = 0;
// TODO: Calculate some reasonable value for the game state...
return value;
private List<Modification> SimulateAutomaticChanges(ref int score) {
List<Modification> modifications = new List<Modification>();
// TODO: estimate all "remove" flowers or recoler them according to game rules
// and store all changes into modifications...
if (modifications.Count() > 0) {
foreach(Modification modification in modifications) modification.Do(this);
// Recursively call this function, for cases of chain reactions...
List<Modification> moreModifications = SimulateAutomaticChanges();
foreach(Modification modification in modifications) modification.Undo(this);
// Add recursively generated moves...
} else {
score = Evaluate();
return modifications;
// Helper function for move generator...
private void MoveListAdd(List<Move> movelist, List<Modifications> modifications, int x, int y, int x2 = -1, int y2 = -1) {
foreach(Modification modification in modifications) modification.Do(this);
int score;
List<Modification> autoChanges = SimulateAutomaticChanges(score);
foreach(Modification modification in modifications) modification.Undo(this);
movelist.Add(new Move(this, modifications, score, x, y, x2, y2));
private List<Move> getValidMoves() {
List<Move> movelist = new List<Move>();
Item nextItem = queue[queueindex];
const int MAX = board.length * board[0].length + 2;
if (nextItem.ItemType == Item.SHOVEL)
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < board[x].length; ++y)
// TODO: Check if valid, else "continue;"
for (int x2 = 0; x2 < board.length; ++x2)
for(int y2 = 0; y2 < board[x].length; ++y2) {
List<Modifications> modifications = new List<Modifications>();
Item fromItem = board[x][y];
Item toItem = board[x2][y2];
modifications.Add(new Modification(x, y, fromItem, Item.NONE));
modifications.Add(new Modification(x2, y2, toItem, fromItem));
MoveListAdd(movelist, modifications, x, y, x2, y2);
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < board[x].length; ++y)
// TODO: check if nextItem may be applied here... if not "continue;"
List<Modifications> modifications = new List<Modifications>();
if (nextItem.ItemType == Item.FLOWER) {
// TODO: generate modifications for putting flower at x,y
} else {
// TODO: generate modifications for putting butterfly "nextItem" at x,y
MoveListAdd(movelist, modifications, x, y);
// Sort movelist...
return movelist;
public List<Move> Search()
List<Move> validmoves = getValidMoves();
foreach(Move move in validmoves) {
List<Move> solution = Search();
if (solution != null)
return solution;
// return "null" as no solution was found in this branch...
// this will also happen if validmoves == empty (e.g. lost game)
return null;