私が使用するもの:Icicles マルチコマンド icicle-goto-marker
(にバインドC-- C-SPC
(C-- C-x C-SPC
Go to a marker in this buffer, choosing it by the line that includes it.
If `crosshairs.el' is loaded, then the target position is highlighted.
By default, candidates are sorted in marker order, that is, with
respect to their buffer positions. Use `C-M-,' or `C-,' to change the
sort order.
During completion you can use these keys:
`C-RET' - Goto marker named by current completion candidate
`C-down' - Goto marker named by next completion candidate
`C-up' - Goto marker named by previous completion candidate
`C-next' - Goto marker named by next apropos-completion candidate
`C-prior' - Goto marker named by previous apropos-completion candidate
`C-end' - Goto marker named by next prefix-completion candidate
`C-home' - Goto marker named by previous prefix-completion candidate
`<S-delete>' - Delete marker named by current completion candidate
Use `mouse-2', `RET', or `S-RET' to choose a candidate as the final
destination, or `C-g' to quit.
(global-set-key (kbd "s-m") '(lambda () (interactive) (push-mark)))