


correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)





  1. 算術オーバーフロー
  2. インテグレーターのワインドアップ




私は強くお勧めします(そうです、この質問は18か月前であることを知っているので、あなたはおそらくあなたの仕事を終えていますが、読者の利益のために、そうではないと仮定しましょう)積分項を別の方法で計算することです:Kiの代わりに*(積分誤差)、(Ki * error)の積分を計算します。







  • 合計と差を使用するだけでなく、適切なフィルターを使用して適切なI項とD項を生成します(そうしないと、ノイズ、精度の問題、その他のさまざまなエラーが発生しやすくなります)。注意:あなたのI用語に十分な解像度があることを確認してください。

  • DおよびI項が無効になっているプロップバンドを定義します(つまり、プロップバンド外の比例のみの制御、プロップバンド内のPID制御)



 * applyEncoder Task:
 * -----------------
 * Calculates the PID (proportional-integral-derivative) to set the motor
 * speed.
 * PID_error = setMotorSpeed - currentMotorSpeed
 * PID_sum = PID_Kp * (PID_error) + PID_Ki * ∫(PID_error) + PID_Kd * (ΔPID_error)
 * or if the motor is speedier than it is set;
 * PID_error = currentMotorSpeed - setMotorSpeed
 * PID_sum = - PID_Kp * (PID_error) - PID_Ki * ∫(PID_error) - PID_Kd * (ΔPID_error)
 * Maximum value of PID_sum will be about:
 * 127*255 + 63*Iul + 63*255 = 65500
 * Where Iul is Integral upper limit and is about 250.
 * If we divide by 256, we scale that down to about 0 to 255, that is the scale
 * of the PWM value.
 * This task takes about 750us. Real figure is at the debug pin.
 * This task will fire when the startPID bit is set. This happens when a
 * sample is taken, about every 50 ms. When the startPID bit is not set,
 * the task yields the control of the CPU for other tasks' use.
void applyPID(void)
    static unsigned int PID_sum = 0; // Sum of all PID terms.
    static unsigned int PID_integral = 0; // Integral for the integral term.
    static unsigned char PID_derivative = 0; // PID derivative term.
    static unsigned char PID_error; // Error term.
    static unsigned char PID_lastError = 0; // Record of the previous error term.
    static unsigned int tmp1; // Temporary register for holding miscellaneous stuff.
    static unsigned int tmp2; // Temporary register for holding miscellaneous stuff.
    OS_initializeTask(); // Initialize the task. Needed by RTOS. See RTOS header file for the details.
    while (1)
        while (!startPID) // Wait for startPID bit to be 1.
            OS_yield(); // If startPID is not 1, yield the CPU to other tasks in the mean-time.
        DebugPin = 1; // We will measure how much time it takes to implement a PID controller.

        if (currentMotorSpeed > setMotorSpeed) // If the motor is speedier than it is set,
            // PID error is the difference between set value and current value.
            PID_error = (unsigned char) (currentMotorSpeed - setMotorSpeed);

            // Integrate errors by subtracting them from the PID_integral variable.
            if (PID_error < PID_integral) // If the subtraction will not underflow,
                PID_integral -= PID_error; // Subtract the error from the current error integration.
                PID_integral = 0; // If the subtraction will underflow, then set it to zero.
            // Integral term is: Ki * ∫error
            tmp1 = PID_Ki * PID_integral;
            // Check if PID_sum will overflow in the addition of integral term.
            tmp2 = 0xFFFF - tmp1;
            if (PID_sum < tmp2)
                PID_sum += tmp1; // If it will not overflow, then add it.
                PID_sum = 0xFFFF; // If it will, then saturate it.

            if (PID_error >= PID_lastError) // If current error is bigger than last error,
                PID_derivative = (unsigned char) (PID_error - PID_lastError);
                // then calculate the derivative by subtracting them.
                PID_derivative = (unsigned char) (PID_lastError - PID_error);
            // Derivative term is : Kd * d(Δerror)
            tmp1 = PID_Kd * PID_derivative;
            // Check if PID_sum will overflow in the addition of derivative term.
            if (tmp1 < PID_sum) // Check if subtraction will underflow PID_sum
                PID_sum -= tmp1;
            else PID_sum = 0; // If the subtraction will underflow, then set it to zero.

            // Proportional term is: Kp * error
            tmp1 = PID_Kp * PID_error; // Calculate the proportional term.
            if (tmp1 < PID_sum) // Check if subtraction will underflow PID_sum
                PID_sum -= tmp1;
            else PID_sum = 0; // If the subtraction will underflow, then set it to zero.
        else // If the motor is slower than it is set,
            PID_error = (unsigned char) (setMotorSpeed - currentMotorSpeed);
            // Proportional term is: Kp * error
            PID_sum = PID_Kp * PID_error;

            PID_integral += PID_error; // Add the error to the integral term.
            if (PID_integral > PID_integralUpperLimit) // If we have reached the upper limit of the integral,
                PID_integral = PID_integralUpperLimit; // then limit it there.
            // Integral term is: Ki * ∫error
            tmp1 = PID_Ki * PID_integral;
            // Check if PID_sum will overflow in the addition of integral term.
            tmp2 = 0xFFFF - tmp1;
            if (PID_sum < tmp2)
                PID_sum += tmp1; // If it will not overflow, then add it.
                PID_sum = 0xFFFF; // If it will, then saturate it.

            if (PID_error >= PID_lastError) // If current error is bigger than last error,
                PID_derivative = (unsigned char) (PID_error - PID_lastError);
                // then calculate the derivative by subtracting them.
                PID_derivative = (unsigned char) (PID_lastError - PID_error);
            // Derivative term is : Kd * d(Δerror)
            tmp1 = PID_Kd * PID_derivative;
            // Check if PID_sum will overflow in the addition of derivative term.
            tmp2 = 0xFFFF - tmp1;
            if (PID_sum < tmp2)
                PID_sum += tmp1; // If it will not overflow, then add it.
                PID_sum = 0xFFFF; // If it will, then saturate it.

        // Scale the sum to 0 - 255 from 0 - 65535 , dividing by 256, or right shifting 8.
        PID_sum >>= 8;

        // Set the duty cycle to the calculated and scaled PID_sum.
        PWM_dutyCycle = (unsigned char) PID_sum;
        PID_lastError = PID_error; // Make the current error the last error, since it is old now.

        startPID = 0; // Clear the flag. That will let this task wait for the flag.
        DebugPin = 0; // We are finished with the PID control block.

typedefを使用する<stdint.h>ためuint8_tuint16_t、いうよりunsigned intunsigned char
Jason S

Jason S

abdullah kahraman 2015

PID_derivative割り当てを含む行を見てください。とを切り替えても同じ値にPID_errorなりPID_lastErrorます。そして、そのことについてあなたは既に失ってしまったPID_error場合は、最後の時間:の記号をsetMotorSpeed =8してcurrentMotorSpeed = 15、そして今回setMotorSpeed = 15currentMotorSpeed = 8、あなたが買ってあげる、PID_derivative間違って0の値を、。
Jason S

場合は、コンピューティング製品のためのあなたのコードが間違っているunsigned char8ビットタイプで、unsigned int場合:16ビットタイプであるPID_kd = 8PID_derivative = 32、その後、彼らの製品になります(unsigned char)256 == 0Cで、同じタイプの2つの整数の積は、Tは、そのことをもあるので、同じタイプT。8x8-> 16の乗算を実行する場合は、乗算の前に項の1つを符号なし16ビット数にキャストするか、またはコンパイラ組み込み関数(MCHPが「ビルトイン」と呼ぶ)を使用して、 8x8-> 16を掛けます。
Jason S
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.