電子機器では、コンポーネント値の単位としてオーム、ファラッド、ヘンリーを使用すると、時定数(秒単位)がRC回路のR×CまたはRL回路のL / Rに等しいことがわかります。これは、時定数がわかっていれば、もう一方がわかっていればコンポーネント値の1つを導出できることを意味します。
The decay of an RC parallel circuit with capacitor charged to Vo
v(t) = , where is the time constant RC.
So v()/Vo is approximately 0.63212055882855767840447622983854
In other words, the time constant is defined by the RC product (or L/R ratio), and the seemingly arbitrary voltage is a result of that definition and the way exponential decay or charging occurs.
Exponential decay is common to various physical processes such as radioactive decay, some kinds of cooling etc. and can be described by a first-order Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE).
Suppose you want to know the time when the voltage is 0.5 of the initial voltage (or final voltage if charging from 0). It is (from the above)
t = - or about 0.693RC
Either way you do it, some irrational numbers pop up and dealing with RC= is the "natural" way.
Just as a complement to the other excellent answers by Dave Tweed, supercat and Spehro Phefany, I'll add my 2 cents.
First a bit of nitpicking, as I wrote in a comment, the time constant is not defined as 63%. Formally it is defined as the inverse of the coefficient of the exponent of an exponential function. That is, if Q is the relevant quantity (voltage, current, power, whatever), and Q decays with time as:
Then the time constant of the decaying process is defined as .
As others have pointed out, this means that for the quantity has decreased by about 63% (i.e. the quantity is about 37% of the starting value):
What other answers have only marginally touched is why that choice has been made. The answer is simplicity: the time constant gives an easy way to compare the speed of evolution of similar processes. In electronics often the time constant can be interpreted as "reaction speed" of a circuit. If you know the time constants of two circuits it's easy to compare their "relative speed" by comparing those constants.
Moreover, the time constant is a quantity easily understandable in an intuitive way. For example, if I say that a circuit settles with a time constant , then I can easily understand that after a time (or maybe , depending on the accuracy of what you are doing) I can consider the transient ended ( and are the most common choices as rules of thumb for the conventional transient duration).
In other words the time constant is an easy and understandable way to convey the time scale on which a phenomenon occurs.
This comes from the constant value .