

PIC x16マイクロコントローラー用のセミプリエンプティブ(協調)RTOSを作成しようとしています。私には、前の質問、私は、ハードウェアスタックポインタにアクセスすると、これらのコアは不可能であることを学びました。私はPIClist でこのページを見てきましたが、これはCを使用して実装しようとしているものです。

私のコンパイラはMicrochip XC8で、現在、構成ビットで4MHzの内部RC発振器が選択されたPIC16F616で作業しています。


カーソルが最初の行(TRISA=0;)ではなく別の行(などANSEL=0;)にあるときに、再起動後にデバッガを一時停止してリセットし、カーソルにPCを設定すると、デバッガで必要に応じて機能します。デバッガーの最初の起動時に、これらのメッセージがに表示されますDebugger Console

Programming target
User program running
No source code lines were found at current PC 0x204



void main(void) @ 0x0099


 * File:   main.c
 * Author: abdullah
 * Created on 10 Haziran 2012 Pazar, 14:43
#include <xc.h> // Include the header file needed by the compiler
 * INTOSCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on RA5/OSC1/CLKIN
 * WDT disabled and can be enabled by SWDTEN bit of the WDTCON register
 * PWRT enabled
 * MCLR pin function is digital input, MCLR internally tied to VDD
 * Program memory code protection is disabled
 * Internal Oscillator Frequency Select bit : 4MHz
 * Brown-out Reset Selection bits : BOR enabled

 * OS_initializeTask(); definition will copy the PCLATH register to the task's PCLATH holder, which is held in taskx.pch
 * This will help us hold the PCLATH at the point we yield.
 * After that, it will copy the (PCL register + 8) to current task's PCL holder which is held in taskx.pcl.
 * 8 is added to PCL because this line plus the "return" takes 8 instructions.
 * We will set the PCL after these instructions, because
 * we want to be in the point after OS_initializeTask when we come back to this task.
 * After all, the function returns without doing anything more. This will initialize the task's PCLATH and PCL.
#define OS_initializeTask(); currentTask->pch = PCLATH;\
                             currentTask->pcl = PCL + 8;\

 * OS_yield(); definition will do the same stuff that OS_initializeTask(); definition do, however
 * it will return to "taskswitcher" label, which is the start of OS_runTasks(); definition.

#define OS_yield();          currentTask->pch = PCLATH;\
                             currentTask->pcl = PCL + 8;\
                             asm("goto _taskswitcher");

 * OS_runTasks(); definition will set the "taskswitcher" label. After that it will change the
 * current task to the next task, by pointing the next item in the linked list of "TCB"s.
 * After that, it will change the PCLATH and PCL registers with the current task's. That will
 * make the program continue the next task from the place it left last time.

#define OS_runTasks();       asm("_taskswitcher");\
                             currentTask = currentTask -> next;\
                             PCLATH = currentTask->pch;\
                             PCL = currentTask->pcl;

typedef struct _TCB // Create task control block and type define it as "TCB"
    unsigned char pch; // pch register will hold the PCLATH value of the task after the last yield.
    unsigned char pcl; // pcl register will hold the PCL value of the task after the last yield.
    struct _TCB* next; // This pointer points to the next task. We are creating a linked list.
} TCB;

TCB* currentTask; // This TCB pointer will point to the current task's TCB.

TCB task1; // Define the TCB for task1.
TCB task2; // Define the TCB for task2.

void fTask1(void); // Prototype the function for task1.
void fTask2(void); // Prototype the function for task2.

void main(void)
    TRISA = 0; // Set all of the PORTA pins as outputs.
    ANSEL = 0; // Set all of the analog input pins as digital i/o.
    PORTA = 0; // Clear PORTA bits.

    currentTask = &task1; // We will point the currentTask pointer to point the first task.

    task1.next = &task2; // We will create a ringed linked list as follows:
    task2.next = &task1; // task1 -> task2 -> task1 -> task2 ....

     * Before running the tasks, we should initialize the PCL and PCLATH registers for the tasks.
     * In order to do this, we could have looked up the absolute address with a function pointer.
     * However, it seems like this is not possible with this compiler (or all the x16 PICs?)
     * What this compiler creates is a table of the addresses of the functions and a bunch of GOTOs.
     * This will not let us get the absolute address of the function by doing something like:
     * "currentTask->pcl=low(functionpointer);"
    fTask1(); // Run task1 so that we get the address of it and initialize pch and pcl registers.
    currentTask = currentTask -> next; // Point the currentTask pointer to the next pointer which
    fTask2(); // is task2. And run task2 so that we get the correct pch and pcl.

    OS_runTasks(); // Task switcher. See the comments in the definitions above.

void fTask1(void)
    OS_initializeTask(); // Initialize the task
    while (1)
        RA0 = ~RA0; // Toggle PORTA.0
        OS_yield(); // Yield
        RA0 = ~RA0; // Toggle PORTA.0

void fTask2(void)
    OS_initializeTask(); // Initialize the task
    while (1)
        RA1 = ~RA1; // Toggle PORTA.1
        OS_yield(); // Yield
        RA1 = ~RA1; // Toggle PORTA.1

そして、ここに私のコンパイラが作成した逆アセンブリリストファイルがあります。から始まりline 74ます。






まず、この種のPCのみ(PC + SPとは対照的に)のタスク切り替え(これは、プレーンな12ビットまたは14ビットPICコアで実行できる唯一のことです)は、すべての歩留まり( )タスク内のステートメントは同じ機能にあります。それらは呼び出された関数内にあってはならず、コンパイラーは関数構造を混乱させてはなりません(最適化のように)。


currentTask->pch = PCLATH;\
currentTask->pcl = PCL + 8;\
asm("goto _taskswitcher");
  • PCLは下位ビットであるため、PCLATHはプログラムカウンタの上位ビットであると想定しているようです。これはそうではありません。PCLに書き込むと、PCLATHビットはPCに書き込まれますが、上位のPCビットが(暗黙的に)PCLATHに書き込まれることはありません。データシートの関連セクションをもう一度お読みください。
  • PCLATHがPCの上位ビットであったとしても、gotoの後の命令が最初の命令と同じ256命令の「ページ」上にない場合、これにより問題が発生します。
  • _taskswitcherが現在のPCLATHページにない場合、プレーンなgotoは機能しません。LGOTOまたは同等のものが必要です。



  • インダイレクションレジスタ
  • ステータスフラグ
  • スクラッチメモリの場所
  • タスクが独立している必要があることをコンパイラが認識しないため、メモリ内でオーバーラップする可能性があるローカル変数
  • 現時点では想像できない他の事柄ですが、コンパイラの作者は次のバージョンのコンパイラで使用するかもしれません(それらは非常に想像力豊かになる傾向があります)


タスクスイッチャーを書く喜びでこれに夢中になっている場合は、ARMやCortexなどの従来の構成のCPUを使用することをお勧めします。PICのコンクリートプレートで足が動かなくなった場合は、既存のPICスイッチャー(例:salvo / pumkin?)を調べてください。

abdullah kahraman 2012年

abdullah kahraman

abdullah kahraman 2012年

Wouter van Ooijen

abdullah kahraman




(1)LEDを点滅させる他の方法を選択します。悪名高い「読み取り-変更-書き込みの問題」は、アセンブリリストの「XORWF PORTA、F」によって引き起こされる場合とそうでない場合があります。


// Partial translation of code from abdullah kahraman
// untested code
// feel free to use however you see fit
void fTask2(void)
    OS_initializeTask(2); // Initialize task 2
    while (1)
        PORTC = 0xAA;
        OS_yield(2); // Yield from task 2
        PORTC = 0x55;
        OS_yield(2); // Yield from task 2

(あなたが本当に"を参照してください、「XORWF PORTA、Fは」多くの場合、問題が発生する理由について詳細な説明を表示したい場合はどのように自然に同一ポート上で別のピンをオフにするには、マイクロチップPIC16F690上の単一の出力ピンをオンにする原因は?『;』何が起こりましたデータがLATCHに書き込まれるとき? ";" 読み取り-変更-書き込みの問題 ";" 書き込み前の読み取り ")

(2)コードを1ステップ実行して、変数が期待される値に、期待される順序で設定されていることを確認します。PIC16F616のシングルステップハードウェアデバッガーが存在するかどうかはわかりませんが、 PIC16シリーズチップをシミュレートできるPICsimなどの優れたPICマイクロコントローラーシミュレーターはたくさんあります。




// Partial translation of code from abdullah kahraman
// untested code
// feel free to use however you see fit
struct TCB_t // Create task control block and type define it as "TCB_t"
    unsigned char pch; // PCLATH value
    unsigned char pcl; // PCL value
    int next; // This array index points to the next task. We are creating a linked list.

int currentTask = 1; // This TCB index will point to the current task's TCB.

struct TCB_t tasks[3]; // Define the TCB for task1 and task2.

#define OS_initializeTask(x); tasks[x].pch = PCLATH;\
                             tasks[x].pcl = PCL + 8;\

#define OS_runTasks();       asm("_taskswitcher");\
                             currentTask = tasks[currentTask].next;\
                             PCLATH = tasks[currentTask].pch;\
                             PCL = tasks[currentTask].pcl;

#define OS_yield(x);         tasks[x].pch = PCLATH;\
                             tasks[x].pcl = PCL + 8;\
                             asm("goto _taskswitcher");

abdullah kahraman







はい、私はデバッガ、つまりMPLABXのシミュレータを意味しました。RTOS以外の環境では、タスクは独自に機能します。ICDを持っていません。私はICDを備えたmikroElektronika easyPIC5しか持っていませんが、それはmikroCコンパイラでのみ機能します。さて、コンパイラを変更しても問題を見つけることができませんか?
abdullah kahraman




abdullah kahraman

abdullah kahraman

Olin Lathrop


akohlsmith '19年




 * File:   main.c
 * Author: abdullah
 * Created on 10 Haziran 2012 Pazar, 14:43
#include <xc.h> // Include the header file needed by the compiler
#include "RTOS.h" // Include the header for co-operative RTOS.

unsigned char OS_currentTask; // This register holds the current task's place in the array OS_tasks
unsigned char OS_tasks[4]; // This array holds PCL and PCLATH for tasks. This array will have..
//                            .. (number of tasks)*2 elements, since every task occupies 2 places.

void fTask1(void); // Prototype the function for task1.
void fTask2(void); // Prototype the function for task2.

void main(void)
    TRISA = 0; // Set all of the PORTA pins as outputs.
    TRISC = 0; // Set all of the PORTC pins as outputs.
    ANSEL = 0; // Set all of the analog input pins as digital i/o.
    PORTA = 0; // Clear PORTA bits.
    PORTC = 0; // Clear PORTC bits.

    OS_currentTask = 0; // Current task is first task.
    fTask1(); // Call task to initialize it.
    OS_currentTask += 2; // Increment task pointer by two since every task occupies 2 places in the array.
    fTask2(); // Call task to initialize it.
    OS_runTasks(4); // Run the tasks in order. The argument of this macro takes is: (Number of tasks) * 2

void fTask1(void)
    OS_initializeTask(); // Initialize the task so that task runner can get its ingredients.
    while (1)
        PORTC = 0xAA;
        OS_yield(); // Yield CPU to other tasks.
        PORTC = 0x55;
        OS_yield(); // Yield CPU to other tasks.

void fTask2(void)
    OS_initializeTask(); // Initialize the task so that task runner can get its ingredients.
    while (1)
        PORTC = 0xFF;
        OS_yield(); // Yield CPU to other tasks.
        PORTC = 0x00;
        OS_yield(); // Yield CPU to other tasks.


 * File:   RTOS.h
 * Author: abdullah
 * Created on 21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe, 10:51

#ifndef RTOS_H
#define RTOS_H

asm("OS_yield MACRO");
asm("local OS_tmp");
asm("movlw   _OS_tasks            ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task 'array'."); 
asm("addwf   _OS_currentTask, w   ; Add current task's index to the start address."); 
asm("movwf   fsr                  ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR"); 
asm("movlw   high(OS_tmp)         ; Copy PCLATH register's contents for the label, to W register.");
asm("movwf   indf                 ; Copy W to current task's first item. We now store PCLATH of the current state of the task."); 
asm("incf    fsr, f               ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task."); 
asm("movlw   low(OS_tmp)          ; Copy PCL of the label to W register. This will let us save the PCL of the current state of the task.");
asm("movwf   indf                 ; Copy W to task's next item. With that, we will initialize the current task.");
asm("goto    OS_taskswitcher");
asm("OS_tmp:                      ; We will use this label to gather the PC of the return point.");

#define OS_yield(); asm("OS_yield");

asm("OS_initializeTask MACRO");
asm("local   OS_tmp");
asm("movlw   _OS_tasks            ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task 'array'."); 
asm("addwf   _OS_currentTask, w   ; Add current task's index to the start address."); 
asm("movwf   fsr                  ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR"); 
asm("movlw   high(OS_tmp)        ; Copy PCLATH register's contents for the label, to W register."); 
asm("movwf   indf                 ; Copy W to current task's first item. We now store PCLATH."); 
asm("incf    fsr,f                ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task."); 
asm("movlw   low(OS_tmp)         ; Copy PCL of the label to W register. This will let us save the PCL of the current state of the task."); 
asm("movwf   indf                 ; Copy W to task's next item. With that, we will initialize the current task."); 
asm("return                       ; We have gathered our initialazation information. Return back to main."); 
asm("OS_tmp                      ; We will use this label to gather the PC of the return point.");

#define OS_initializeTask(); asm("OS_initializeTask");

asm("OS_runTasks MACRO numberOfTasks");
asm("global OS_taskswitcher");
asm("movlw   0x02                 ; W = 2"); 
asm("addwf   _OS_currentTask, f   ; Add 2 to currentTask, store it in currentTask."); 
asm("movlw   numberOfTasks        ; W = numOfTasks");
asm("subwf   _OS_currentTask, w   ; w= f - w"); 
asm("btfsc   status, 0            ; If currentTask >= numOfTasks"); 
asm("clrf    _OS_currentTask      ; Clear currentTask"); 
asm("movlw   _OS_tasks            ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task 'array'."); 
asm("addwf   _OS_currentTask, w   ; Add current task's index to the start address."); 
asm("movwf   fsr                  ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR"); 
asm("movf    indf, w              ; Copy the contents of current task's first item to W"); 
asm("movwf   pclath               ; Copy W to PCLATH. As a result, current task's PCLATH will be in PCLATH register."); 
asm("incf    fsr, f               ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task."); 
asm("movf    indf, w              ; Copy the contents of current task's second item to W."); 
asm("movwf   pcl                  ; Copy W to PCL. Finally, current task's PCL will be in PCL register.");

#define OS_runTasks(numberOfTasks); asm("OS_runTasks "#numberOfTasks);

#endif  /* RTOS_H */


abdullah kahraman

davidcary 2012

abdullah kahraman 2012




list p=16f616
#include p16f616.inc

;*** Configuration Bits ***

;*** Variable Definitions ***
VARS        UDATA                   ; Define undefined data(s).
numOfTasks  res     1               ; This variable holds the number of tasks multiplied by 2.
currentTask res     1               ; Index variable that points to the current task's index in "tasks"
tasks       res     4               ; This is task "array". Every task occupies 2 bytes.

;*** Reset Vector ***
RESET   CODE    0x0000              ; Define a code block starting at 0x0000, which is reset vector, labeled "RESET"
        goto    start               ; Start the program.

;*** Main Code ***
start                               ; Label the start of the program as "start".
        banksel TRISA               ; Select appropriate bank for TRISA.
        clrf    TRISA               ; Clear TRISA register. Configure all of the PORTA pins as digital outputs.
        clrf    TRISC               ; Clear TRISC register. TRISC and TRISA are at the same bank, no need for "banksel".
        clrf    ANSEL               ; Clear ANSEL register and configure all the analog pins as digital i/o.
        banksel PORTA               ; Select appropriate bank for PORTA.
        clrf    PORTA               ; Clear PORTA register.
        clrf    PORTC               ; Clear PORTC register. PORTC and PORTA are at the same bank, no need for "banksel".

        movlw   0x04                ; W = Number of tasks * 2.
        movwf   numOfTasks          ; Since every task has two datas in it, we will multiply by 2.
        clrf    currentTask         ; Set the task#0 as current task.

        CALL    task0               ; Call task#0 since we need to initialize it. We are going to get..
                                    ; ..its PCL and PCLATH values at the start address.
        movlw   0x02                ; W = 2
        addwf   currentTask, f      ; Increment currentTask by 2, since every task occupies 2 places.

        CALL    task1               ; Call task#1, for initialazation.

        movlw   0x02                ; W = 2
        addwf   currentTask, f      ; Add 2 to currentTask, store it in currentTask.
        movf    numOfTasks, w       ; W = numOfTasks
        subwf   currentTask, w      ; w= f - w
        btfsc   STATUS, 0           ; If currentTask >= numOfTasks
        clrf    currentTask         ; Clear currentTask

        movlw   tasks               ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task "array".
        addwf   currentTask, w      ; Add current task's index to the start address.
                                    ; For example; task1's index is 2:  [task0_1][task0_2][task1_1][task1_2]....
                                    ;                                       0        1        2        3
        movwf   FSR                 ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR
        movf    INDF, w             ; Copy the contents of current task's first item to W
        movwf   PCLATH              ; Copy W to PCLATH. As a result, current task's PCLATH will be in PCLATH register.

        incf    FSR, f              ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task.
        movf    INDF, w             ; Copy the contents of current task's second item to W.
        movwf   PCL                 ; Copy W to PCL. Finally, current task's PCL will be in PCL register.

        goto    $                   ; This instruction is not effective. But, enter the endless loop.

;*** TASK 0 ***
        movlw   tasks               ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task "array".
        addwf   currentTask, w      ; Add current task's index to the start address.

        movwf   FSR                 ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR
        movf    PCLATH, w           ; Copy PCLATH register's contents to W register.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to current task's first item. We now store PCLATH.

        incf    FSR,f               ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task.
        movlw   low($+3)            ; Copy PCL+3 to W register. This will let us save the PCL of the start of the task.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to task's next item. With that, we will initialize the current task.
        return                      ; We have gathered our initialazation information. Return back to main.

        banksel PORTA               ; Select the appropriate bank for PORTA
        movlw   0xAA                ; Move literal to W so that W = 0xAA
        movwf   PORTA               ; PORTA = 0xAA. Use a LATA register to create more robust code.

        movlw   tasks               ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task "array".
        addwf   currentTask, w      ; Add current task's index to the start address.

        movwf   FSR                 ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR
        movf    PCLATH, w           ; Copy PCLATH register's contents to W register.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to current task's first item. We now store PCLATH of the current state of the task.

        incf    FSR,f               ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task.
        movlw   low($+3)            ; Copy PCL+3 to W register. This will let us save the PCL of the current state of the task.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to task's next item. With that, we will initialize the current task.

        goto    taskswitcher        ; Yield the CPU to the awaiting task by going to task switcher.

        banksel PORTA               ; Select the appropriate bank for PORTA
        movlw   0x55                ; Move literal to W so that W = 0x55
        movwf   PORTA               ; PORTA = 0xAA. Use a LATA register to create more robust code.

        goto    task0main           ; Loop by going back to "task0main". We will continuously toggle PORTA.

;*** TASK 1 ***
        movlw   tasks               ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task "array".
        addwf   currentTask, w      ; Add current task's index to the start address.

        movwf   FSR                 ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR
        movf    PCLATH, w           ; Copy PCLATH register's contents to W register.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to current task's first item. We now store PCLATH.

        incf    FSR,f               ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task.
        movlw   low($+3)            ; Copy PCL+3 to W register. This will let us save the PCL of the start of the task.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to task's next item. With that, we will initialize the current task.
        return                      ; We have gathered our initialazation information. Return back to main.

        banksel PORTA               ; Select the appropriate bank for PORTA
        movlw   0xAA                ; Move literal to W so that W = 0xAA
        movwf   PORTA               ; PORTA = 0xAA. Use a LATA register to create more robust code.

        movlw   tasks               ; Store the address of tasks, which is the start address of our task "array".
        addwf   currentTask, w      ; Add current task's index to the start address.

        movwf   FSR                 ; We have the index of current task in W. Copy it to FSR
        movf    PCLATH, w           ; Copy PCLATH register's contents to W register.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to current task's first item. We now store PCLATH of the current state of the task.

        incf    FSR,f               ; Increment index, so that we will point to the next item of current task.
        movlw   low($+3)            ; Copy PCL+3 to W register. This will let us save the PCL of the current state of the task.
        movwf   INDF                ; Copy W to task's next item. With that, we will initialize the current task.

        goto    taskswitcher        ; Yield the CPU to the awaiting task by going to task switcher.

        banksel PORTA               ; Select the appropriate bank for PORTA
        movlw   0x55                ; Move literal to W so that W = 0x55
        movwf   PORTA               ; PORTA = 0xAA. Use a LATA register to create more robust code.

        goto    task1main           ; Loop by going back to "task1main". We will continuously toggle PORTA.

        END                         ; END of the program.

davidcary 2012

Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.