)、追加してくださいaccess query tag
$data['example_table']['table']['base'] = array(
'field' => 'nid', // This is the identifier field for the view.
'title' => t('Example table'),
'help' => t('Example table contains example content and can be related to nodes.'),
'weight' => -10,
'access query tag' => 'my_entity_access' // <- Add this.
function mymodule_query_my_entity_access_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {
global $user;
// Read meta-data from query, if provided.
if (!$account = $query->getMetaData('account')) {
$account = $user;
if (!$op = $query->getMetaData('op')) {
$op = 'view';
// From here every query will be different depending on your own needs.
// Since my entity has a privacy parameter that is either public or private,
// I chose to implement this as follows:
// Prepare a database OR.
$or = db_or();
// If the user has public view permissions, add it to the OR.
if (user_access('view public my_entities', $account)) {
$or->condition('example_table.privacy', 'public');
// If the user has non-public view permissions, add it to the OR.
if (user_access('view private my_entities', $account)) {
$or->condition('example_table.privacy', 'public', '<>');
// Add the compiled set of rules to the query.