About generating a few examples:
Building on the answer of @shreesh, we can prove that every anti-palindrome language must be of the form
L={x | x<xR}(∗)
some strict total ordering
Indeed, given any anti-palindrome L, we can define an associated < as follows. We start by taking any enumeration x0,x1,… of {0,1}∗, where each word occurs exactly once. Then, we alter the enumeration: for each pair of non-palindromes x,xR, we swap their position so to make the one that belongs to L to appear before the other. The new enumeration induces a total ordering < satisfying (∗).
That every L defined as (∗) is non-palindrome is trivial, so (∗) is a complete characterization of non-palindrome languages.
Addressing the original question, we now know that we can obtain several examples of anti-palindrome languages L by crafting orderings <. We also know that by doing that we are not restricting ourselves to a subclass of languages, losing generality.
About the question "can these languages be regular?":
To prove that any anti-palindrome L is non regular, assume by contradiction it is regular.
- Since regularity is preserved by reversal, LR is also regular.
- Since regularity is preserved by union, L∪LR, which is the set of all the non-palindromes, is also regular.
- Since regularity is preserved by complement, the set of all palindromes is regular.
From the last statement, we can derive a contradiction by pumping. (See e.g. here for a solution)